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LPC News Briefs
October 17, 1997
* Mark your calendars. The next meeting of the LPC will be
held January 14-15, 1998 at Jefferson Lab. Make plans to attend now.
Discussion topics include experimental beam time assignment, user
equipment installation, and user proposals.
* Ground was broken on the IR Demo FEL Project on June 11,
1996 with the start of construction of the FEL User Facility. On
September 30, 1997, the construction of the project was essentially
complete with funding from the Departments of Navy and DOE, the
Commonwealth of Virginia, and Northrop Grumman Corporation. The FEL
hardware is installed and first electron beam out of the gun was
produced September 29th. The task of commissioning the driver
accelerator and the FEL has now begun. Kudos to everyone that has
contributed to the project. Now the fun begins! First light should be
produced in the spring and LPC members are invited to plan their
experiments and equipment installations.
* FY97-98 funding for the FEL was released to Jefferson Lab in August.
The FEL will receive $3.7M in DOD funding to commission the laser and
begin an upgrade that will allow the laser to operate at shorter
wavelengths (1 µm).
* ARC construction still continues on schedule with the
building opening holding for November. Only finish work remains to be
completed. Jefferson Lab will occupy office and laboratory space along
with the four local universities------Old Dominion University,
Christopher Newport University, Norfolk State University and the
College of William & Mary. In addition, several of the LPC industrial
partners are planning to occupy ARC office space. LPC members are
encouraged to consider the ARC Building for your needs in the future.
* LPC members have proposed eighteen topics for basic
science experiments that would complement the applied science to be
done with the FEL. To date, thirteen of the these topics have been
turned into pre-proposals that have been submitted to the DOE-Basic
Energy Sciences Program Office for review.
* DOE-BES has a current call for proposals that should be of interest
to all LPC members. Called the Partnerships for Academic-Industrial
Research or (PAIR), this call is expressly written for
university/industry pairs. Please check the web site at
http:/www.doe.er.gov/production/grants/fr97_15.html for more details.
The program manager of PAIR encourages LPC members to apply for this
grant. Pre-proposals are due November 15, 1997.
* On October 27 - 29, Argonne National Laboratory is
hosting a workshop on Scientific Applications of 4th Generation Light
Sources that is co-sponsored by Jefferson Lab, Brookhaven National Lab,
Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lab and Argonne National Laboratory.
This workshop is directly applicable to the Jefferson Lab FEL and
should be of interest to many LPC members. For more information check
the web page at http://www.aps.anl.gov/conferences/fel/.
FEL '98
* The International FEL'98 Conference will be held in
Williamsburg August 16-21 in collaboration with Jefferson Lab. Anyone
interested in this conference should contact Sue Ewing at
Ewing@jlab.org for more information.
Edited by Linda Ware, Technology Transfer Communications. To submit information items email
ware@jlab.org. The Laser Processing Consortium is a
collaboration of industries, universities and Jefferson Lab members
developing high power laser applications using Jefferson Lab's Free
Electron Laser. The Free Electron Laser project is based
on superconducting accelerator technology and once complete will
provide broadly tunable, higher power, lower cost per unit light in the
infrared than is currently available.
Current as of 17 October 1997; maintained by ware@jlab.org.