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QCD Evolution Workshop
May 6-10, 2013
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
Newport News, VA


In recent years the description of the nucleon's transverse spin and momentum structure given in terms of partonic sub-structure has led to rapid development of QCD theory. In hard semi-inclusive processes involving non-collinear dynamics these correlations are described by transverse momentum parton distributions and fragmentation functions (TMD-PDFs and TMD-FFs). The transverse degrees of freedom also play a crucial role in high energy collider experiments through moments of TMD PDFs and FFs or multi-parton correlations. With the recent development in our understanding of the evolution of parton distributions in the both the collinear description and the TMD description it is timely to bring together theorists and experimentalists in a workshop atmosphere with an emphasis on recent studies of QCD evolution of parton distributions. The workshop will also consider these areas in the context of phenomenology, soft collinear effective theories, resummation, low-x physics.


Organizing committee:
Alexei Prokudin, Chair
Anatoly Radyushkin
Ian Balitsky
Leonard Gamberg
Harut Avakian