6610 Chemical Hygiene Program. |
Jefferson Lab has determined that working with chemicals carries an unmitigated Risk Code >2. At a minimum all tasks requiring chemicals are discussed with the supervisor prior to commencement of work. An Operational Safety Procedure (OSP) is written for work considered to be Risk Code >2 in accordance with ES&H Manual Chapter 3210 Work Planning, Control, and Authorization Process. |
Everyone at Jefferson Lab has the right to know the hazardous nature of any chemical to which they may be exposed. Individuals, who use chemicals, are responsible for protecting themselves and others from the potential hazards. This chemical hygiene program describes the minimum requirements regarding chemical usage at Jefferson Lab.
If you suspect you have been overexposed to a chemical, contact Occupational Medicine (x7539). Confirmed reports of chemical overexposure are investigated in accordance with ES&H Manual Chapter 5200 Event Investigation and Causal Analysis Process and its associated procedures.
Jefferson Lab’s chemical hygiene program is based on the laws and regulations listed in ES&H Manual Chapter 2410 Appendix T1 Hazard Issues List.
This program provides the minimum requirements for chemicals used at Jefferson Lab. Additional control measures, up to and including a work control document, may be required during certain operations, or for work within specific areas, as identified by a Task Hazard Analysis (THA).
Jefferson Lab reserves the right to limit the quantities of certain chemicals on-site.
Procedures dictating how chemicals or other hazardous wastes are discarded can be found in ES&H Manual Chapter 8061 Hazardous Waste Management.
Table 1: Required Chemical Safety Training by Job Classification
Training Course |
Qualified Chemical Worker |
Qualified Hazardous Material Shipper |
First Aid for Chemical Exposure SAF125 |
X |
R&D Chem Room Safety SAF129 |
X |
ODH-2 & Respirator Medical Certification MED13* |
X |
DOE Hazardous Materials Shipping SAF305 |
X |
* Per ES&H Manual Chapter 6800 Appendix T1 Medical Monitoring |
· Discuss chemical use with your supervisor.
· Obtain SAF000, Hazard Communication Training
· Determine if you are generating a chemical waste.
· Request an equipment/area hazard evaluation from Industrial Hygiene if you have concerns.
· Maintain appropriate chemical training and medical monitoring, as required.
· Review and abide by the chemical’s safety data sheet (SDS). Contact the SDS Coordinator for clarification or assistance.
· Use and maintain personal protective equipment (PPE) appropriate for the work assigned. See ES&H Manual Chapter 6610 Appendix T5 Chemical Personal Protective Equipment and Associated Control Measures.
· Know the signs of over-exposure and emergency treatment for the chemical(s) you work with.
· Know the location and how to operate: emergency showers, eyewash units, and fire extinguishers in your work area.
· Know the location of the Chemical Spill Kit(s) in your area; how, and when to use it.
· Do not store personal belongings (e.g.: cosmetics), or consume food or beverage in areas were chemicals are being used.
· Do not use laboratory glassware to prepare or consume food or beverages.
· Receive and maintain hazardous waste training appropriate to the chemical waste generated.
· Contain and store chemical waste in accordance with training requirements.
3.3 Supervisor/Subcontracting Officer’s Technical Representative (SOTR)/Sponsor
· Ensure a current hazard evaluation has been performed for chemicals used.
· Establish and/or ensure appropriate hazard controls and emergency response procedures are in place before authorizing work involving chemical. This includes:
o Proper handling, storage, and disposal procedures.
o Emergency showers, eyewash units, spill kits and appropriate fire extinguisher(s) are available and in proper working order.
o Appropriate hazard signs and postings.
· Ensure all chemicals in your inventory have a current SDS.
· Ensure appropriate PPE is available to Qualified Chemical Workers. See bullet 4.5 Chemical PPE and Associated Control Measures.
· Assign only qualified and appropriately trained workers to work with chemicals. Training includes:
o SDSs (ES&H Manual Chapter 6610 Appendix T1 Safety Data Sheets)
o Chemical Requisitions and Procurement (ES&H Manual Chapter 6610 Appendix T2 Chemical Requisitioning and Receiving )
o Chemical Labeling, Storing, and Transporting Requirements (ES&H Manual Chapter 6610 Appendix T3 Chemical Labeling, Storing, and Transporting Requirements)
o Requirements for the Safe Use of Chemicals (ES&H Manual Chapter 6610 Appendix T4 Requirements for the Safe Use of Chemicals)
o Chemical PPE (ES&H Manual Chapter 6610 Appendix T5 Chemical Personal Protective Equipment and Associated Control Measures)
o Emergency Response to Chemical Over-Exposure (See ES&H Manual Chapter 6610 Appendix T6 Emergency Response to Chemical Over-Exposure)
o Clean-up of Chemical Spills Procedure(ES&H Manual Chapter 3510T6 Response to Chemical Spills)
· Ensure subcontractor’s Hazard Communication Program includes appropriate preparation, storage, use, and disposal techniques for chemicals prior to the start of work. Unused chemicals are to be removed or appropriately disposed of after the work has been completed.
· When Jefferson Lab employees have potential to be exposed to a chemical obtain the SDS(s) from subcontractor and submit it to the SDS Coordinator.
· When Jefferson Lab employees have no potential of exposure ensure subcontractor maintains SDS(s) in a central location on the job site.
· Review chemical storage and handling procedures (including hazard postings) and notify qualified chemical workers and/or supervisor of any required modifications.
· Perform annual chemical inventories to ensure:
o SDSs for chemicals are available
o Containers are labeled
o Proper storage is utilized
· Maintain Jefferson Lab’s Master SDS File.
· Perform exposure monitoring as requested/necessary.
· Perform area hazard evaluations and provide signage as appropriate.
· Retain an up-to-date permeation/degradation guide for hand protection for all gloves types used at Jefferson Lab.
· Retain an up-to-date permeation/degradation guide for body protection used at Jefferson Lab.
· Maintain and provide respirators/SCBAs equipment and training as required.
· Ensure appropriate eye protection, glove selection, and other identified chemical PPE is made available through Jefferson Lab Stockroom.
3.6 Hazardous Waste Coordinator
· Provides spill response training and supplies as necessary.
· Ensure that chemical waste is managed and controlled in accordance with applicable laws, rules, and regulations.
· Set-up appropriate collection points for chemical waste, this includes appropriate training.
· Remove and dispose of hazardous chemicals in accordance with department procedures.
· Maintain supply of chemical content labels and National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 704 hazard diamond stickers.
· Maintain or make available a supply of compatible material containers for transfer of chemicals.
· Obtain Industrial Hygienist approval prior to stocking new types of chemical PPE.
· Provide the SDS Coordinator with a copy of all SDSs received.
· When packaging or shipping chemicals, use current off-site transportation regulations established by the Department of Transportation and International Air Transport Association. See bullet 4.3 Chemical Labeling, Storing, and Transporting Requirements.
· When coordinating the transport of hazardous material, use current procedures outlined in ES&H Manual Chapter 6660 Hazardous Material Transport and ES&H Manual Chapter 6660 Appendix T1 Transport of Hazardous Material.
4.1 Safety Data Sheets (SDS)
Jefferson Lab recognizes that SDSs are a key source of hazard information and requires that they be available to everybody at Jefferson Lab. ES&H Manual Chapter 6610 Appendix T1 Safety Data Sheets describes the information generally available on an SDS and provides instructions on how these documents are obtained, filed, and accessed.
4.2 Chemical Requisitioning and Receiving
ES&H Manual Chapter 6610 Appendix T2 Chemical Requisitioning and Receiving describes the requirements for chemical procurement. These include an ESH&Q review of chemical orders; requisitioning; and receiving.
4.3 Chemical Labeling, Storing and Transporting Requirements
Jefferson Lab recognizes that chemicals can be hazards; thus, has established minimum labeling, storing, and transporting requirements over and above those listed on a chemical’s SDS. Refer to ES&H Manual Chapter 6610 Appendix T3 Chemical Labeling, Storing, and Transporting Requirements for these requirements.
4.4 Minimum Requirements for the Safe Use of Chemicals
Jefferson Lab recognizes that a chemical’s SDS provides comprehensive safety requirements. Chemical workers are to review the chemical’s SDS and ES&H Manual Chapter 6610 Appendix T4 Requirements for the Safe Use of Chemicals and follow the more stringent of the two requirements.
4.5 Chemical PPE and Associated Control Measures
Jefferson Lab requires that everyone working with chemicals read and follow the PPE recommendations/requirements listed on the chemical’s SDS. Jefferson Lab’s minimum PPE requirements are listed within ES&H Manual Chapter 6610 Appendix T5 Chemical Personal Protective Equipment and Associated Control Measures.
4.6 Emergency Response to Chemical Over-Exposure
Jefferson Lab requires that chemical workers read and follow the recommended emergency and first aid procedures provided on a chemical’s SDS. ES&H Manual Chapter 6610 Appendix T6 Response to Chemical Over-Exposure describes response procedure steps for an incident exposure to a hazardous chemical.
4.7 Clean-up of Chemical Spills
This procedure has been moved to ES&H Manual Chapter 3510 Appendix T6 Response to Chemical Spills.
To ensure the health and safety of individuals, equipment, and the environment chemical waste at Jefferson Lab is managed responsibly and in accordance with applicable federal, state, and local requirements. ES&H Manual Chapter 6610 Appendix T8 Chemical Waste Control defines the process steps for determining if a chemical waste is being generated; obtaining appropriate containment; and ensuring safe storage and handling prior to disposal.
5.0 Revision Summary
Revision 1.6 – 06/25/2020 – Periodic Review; Updated manuals chapter titles, updated link to SDS database, changed webstock to stockroom.
Revision 1.5 – 06/14/16 – Periodic Review; replaced Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) with Safety Data Sheet (SDS)
Revision 1.4 – 05/20/14 – Added Required Safety Training Table
Revision 1.3 – 01/07/14 – Moved Appendix 7 to 3510T6; per T.Menefee and J.Williams; approved by M.Logue
Revision 1.2 – 06/28/13 – Triennial Review; added hazardous material transport responsibility for Shipping and Receiving
Revision 1.1 – 11/09/11 – Updated to include chemical waste management
Revision 1.0 – 07/05/10 – Updated to reflect current laboratory operations
REV. |
ES&H Division |
06/25/2020 |
06/25/23 |
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