ES&H Manual



6900 Fire Protection Program



1.0             Purpose


Jefferson Lab maintains its fire protection and fire suppression systems and capabilities to minimize losses from fire and related hazards consistent with highly protected risk[1] (HPR) status in private industry. This fire protection program provides the procedures used to implement this commitment by incorporating fire safety into facility planning, operations, and maintenance activities, and work processes. 

The objectives of this fire protection program are:

·         Minimize the likelihood of occurrence of a fire related event.

·         Minimize the consequence of a fire related event affecting the public, workers, environment, property and missions.  

·         Provide a level of safety protection consistent with “highly protected risk” class of industrial risks.

·         Meet or exceed the requirements of DOE Order 420.1C Facility Safety; DOE-STD-1066-2016 Fire Protection using a graded approach for a non-nuclear facility and for leased facilities; and related DOE directives added through the O&M contracting process.

This program applies to everyone at Jefferson Lab and is reviewed in accordance with requirements outlined in ES&H Manual Chapter 1300 Content Review Policy. 

Policy Statement:  Every member of the Jefferson Science Associates (JSA) staff is dedicated to the safe operation of the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (TJNAF). Sub-contractors operating on the TJNAF property are required through contract commitments to adhere to the same safety and fire protection standards as the JSA staff.

This program satisfies the requirements of DOE Order 420.1C; DOE-STD-2016; OSHA 10CFR851; National Fire Protection Association (NFPA); and other applicable federal, state, and local requirements as outlined in ES&H Manual Chapter 2410 Appendix T1 Hazard Issues List.

2.0             Scope

This document details the responsibilities and qualifications of personnel associated with Jefferson Lab’s Fire Protection Program and provides a summary of documents and elements that collectively comprise the fire protection program.

Specific procedures required to be performed by trained individuals, can be found within the ES&H Manual Fire Protection Supplement. The program, taken in its entirety, effectively reduces the risk of fire to an acceptable level.

3.0             Responsibilities/Qualifications

NOTE: Management authority may be delegated to a task qualified Jefferson Lab employee at the discretion of the responsible manager.

3.1              Everyone at Jefferson Lab

·         Monitor areas for fire safety. Call Facilities Management (ext. 7400) regarding problems with fire protection systems.

Provide information about unresolved fire safety problems to the Fire Marshal.

3.2              Supervisors and Managers

·         Ensure buildings are used in a manner consistent with their design and intended occupancy.

·         Contact the Fire Marshal before implementing change of use strategies.

3.3              Technical Representative (TR)  Technical Representative (TR)

·         Submit subcontractor training and qualification documentation to the Fire Marshal for approval prior to inspection, testing, maintenance, or installation of fire protection equipment and systems.

·         Be familiar with the Jefferson Lab Hot Work Permit requirements. Sub-contractors are required to comply with these requirements.

3.4              Building Managers and Safety Wardens

·         Monitor areas for fire safety as part of regular inspections.

3.5              Security Personnel

·         Monitor fire protection systems at the central location in the accelerator-site guard station.

·         Respond to fire alarm activations in accordance with established department procedures.

·         Monitor areas for physical fire safety during roving patrols; contact the Fire Marshal regarding deficiencies.

3.6              JSA  Fire Marshal

·         Perform authority having jurisdiction (AHJ) authorities which are not inherently Federal functions for fire protection in accordance with the current Fire Protection Program Requirements and Delegation of Authority letter, dated February 2018

o   Refer to Fire Protection Supplement Chapter 12 Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) Delegation for details.

·         Ensure the fire protection program is reviewed, assessed, and implemented in accordance with DOE Order 420.1C and related DOE directives.

·         Serve as Subject Matter Expert (SME) for the fire-protection systems and associated components.

·         Prepare, implement, and maintain the fire protection program procedure documents.

·         Monitor the status of the fire protection systems during normal operations, inspection, testing, and maintenance.

·         Maintain complete inspection, testing, and maintenance records, documenting any changes to record drawings. 

·         Develop, monitor, and implement interim protection strategy procedures when necessary.

·         Serve as the Technical Representative (TR) (TR) for all fire-protection-system work activities.

·         Determine training and qualification requirements of individuals prior to performance of work associated with this fire protection equipment.

·         Coordinate fire assessments and provides information to affected work groups.

·         Coordinate interdisciplinary work, including temporary system impairments.

·         Restrict access into an area after a fire until qualified and authorized investigators assume responsibility.

3.7              Fire Protection Engineer (FPE Subcontractor)

·         Act as the authority having jurisdiction (AHJ) for fire protection in accordance with the AHJ Letter.

·         Reviews and approves fire protection facility assessments.

·         Prepare design specifications and other technical drawings.

·         Approve fire-protection designs for construction, maintenance, and process or building modification in accordance with ES&H Manual Chapter 3110 Facility Design and Modification Review

·         Review subcontract documents for fire-protection systems maintenance and modifications, and other quality-assurance activities. 

3.7.1        Qualifications of FPE:

·         Training and experience with codes and generally accepted standards and practices that relate to fire safety in buildings.

·         Graduate from an accredited engineering curriculum and four years of professional practice, including three years directing fire-protection engineering work.

·         Recognition by the Society of Fire Protection Engineers via Professional Membership is considered equivalent to these qualifications.

3.8              Newport News Fire Department

The City of Newport News Fire Department by written agreement (Letter of Understanding) provides Jefferson Lab with emergency services, consisting of professional firefighting, hazardous materials, technical rescue, and emergency medical services. The closest station is Fire Station Number 6, which is 1.3 miles from the site, with normal response time of five minutes. See also Emergency Management Plan.

4.0             Program Components

Fire protection at Jefferson Lab is accomplished through the cooperation and coordinated efforts of all divisions. The program elements are documented in various planning and operational programs. Following is a summary of the location of fire protection program elements:

4.1              Fire Protection Supplements

These documents provide criteria and procedures detailing how Jefferson Lab’s Fire Protection Program is implemented and maintained. Administrative, staff organization, training, and responsibilities are designated within the appropriate documents. This supplement includes the following elements:

·         Chapter 1: Site-Specific Requirements

·         Chapter 2: Fire Protection Design

·         Chapter 3: Fire Protection Program Assessments and Facility Assessments Procedure

·         Chapter 4: Fire Protection Inspection, Testing and Maintenance Procedure

·         Chapter 5: Fire Protection System Impairment Procedure

·         Chapter 6: Fire Hazard Analysis

·         Chapter 7: Baseline Needs Assessment

·         Chapter 8: Fire Protection Equivalencies and Exemptions

·         Chapter 9: Evacuation Drills

·         Chapter 10: Fire Barriers

·         Chapter 11: Combustible Loading

·         Chapter 12: AHJ Delegation

·         Chapter 13: Fire Protection Staff

4.2              ES&H Manual Chapters

Additional fire protection related subject matter is contained in other chapters of the ES&H Manual. The following chapters contain fire protection information that relates to specific subject areas necessary for the safe operation of the lab on a daily bases:

·         ES&H Manual Chapter 3510 Emergency Management Plan

·         ES&H Manual Chapter 6105 Office Safety

·         ES&H Manual Chapter 6122 Welding, Cutting, Brazing and Grinding

·         ES&H Manual Chapter 6152 Storage/Use of Flammable Gases

·         ES&H Manual Chapter 6410 Laser Safety

·         ES&H Manual Chapter 6610 Chemical Hygiene

·         ES&H Manual Chapter 6900 Appendix T1 Fire Protection Hot Work Permit

4.3              Design Reviews and Experimental Reviews

The Fire Marshal participates in Jefferson Lab O&M activities through participation in the design review process for building construction, experimental reviews and accelerator operations under the direction of a Fire Protection Engineer (SubContractor). The following identify how the fire protection review processes are accomplished:

·         ES&H Manual Chapter 3110 Facility Design and Modification Review

o   Appendix T1 New and Modification to Existing Facility Design Review Procedure

·         ES&H Manual Chapter 3120 The CEBAF Experimental Review Process

·         ES&H Manual Chapter 3130 The FEL Experimental Review Process

4.4              Building Evacuation Drills

Conducted annually for buildings that are normally occupied in accordance with the ES&H Manual Fire Protection Supplement. Building occupants use ES&H Manual Chapter 3510 Appendix T1 Emergency Response Procedure, whenever a fire alarm sounds.    

4.5              Fire Protection System Impairment[2]

Fire detection systems and fire suppression systems are maintained on a monthly, quarterly, and annual basis to ensure reliable operation. 

4.5.1        Routine/Planned Impairment

The Fire Protection Supplement – Fire Protection System Inspection, Testing and Maintenance Procedure is used during routine planned activities. Those affected by the impairment, or who have responsibilities for building activities are informed of these impairments.

4.5.2        Extended Period Impairment

When a fire protection component failure occurs, or an extensive equipment replacement is planned, that affects the functionality of a fire protection system for an extended period of time; a work control document, generally in the form of a Temporary Operational Safety Procedure (TOSP) is used during these activities. These are posted at building entrances and other key locations to supplement other communications to building occupants.

Suspension of work may result from routine inspection, testing, and maintenance or TOSP requirements. Issues associated with TOSPs include among other things hot work restrictions, fire watches, and temporary alarm measures. See Fire Protection Supplement – Fire Protection System Impairment Procedure for more information.

4.6              Hot Work

Hot work permits are issued in accordance with ES&H Manual Chapter 6900 Appendix T1 Fire Protection: Hot Work Permit.

4.7              Storage and Use of Chemicals and Hazardous Materials

Flammable liquids, gases and other hazardous materials are evaluated to ensure the safety of a building’s occupants. Procedures for purchase, storage and disposal of these materials are contained in the following ES&H Manual chapters/supplements and their associated appendices:

·         ES&H Manual Chapter 6150 Compressed, Liquefied, and Solidified Gas Program

·         ES&H Manual Chapter 6610 Chemical Hygiene Program

·         RadCon Supplement

4.8              Prevention Measures to Decrease Fire Risk

Current standards for building design and fire-protection systems minimize risk of fire-related injury and property damage.

To further reduce the risk of fire, the following hazard avoidance practices are applied:

·         Use or configuration of a building area is never altered unless Facilities Management has first evaluated the fire-safety consequences.

·         Combustible contents stored or used in an area are never increased beyond the approved quantities. If you are in doubt, ask your ESH&Q staff.

·         Good housekeeping is practiced in work and storage areas.

·         Only qualified and accredited architectural/engineering designers and resources are used for building designs and modifications.

·         Areas adjacent to facility structures are maintained to prevent concentrations of vegetation which could support wildland and operational fires.

·         The Fire Marshal and the Fire Protection Engineer (SubContractor) is consulted during the evaluation process of a new design, procedure, or process that has fire-safety implications.

4.9              Use of Tobacco Products

See Administrative Manual Chapter 208.07 Smoking Policy for details regarding the smoking policy at Jefferson Lab.

4.10          Deactivation, Decontamination, and Demolition

Deactivation and decontamination of facilities has not occurred at Jefferson Lab. Procedures governing firefighting techniques to be used during deactivation, decontamination, and demolition phases will be developed when planning begins for these events.

5.0             Revision Summary


Revision 2.1 – 10/18/21 – Periodic Review; updated header and footer, updated SOTR to TR, other minor edits, not approval needed.

Revision 2.0 – 09/12/18 – Fire Protection Manager and Fire Protection Engineer positions merged into the new Fire Marshal position

Revision 1.1 – 06/02/16 – Periodic Review; updated Newport News Fire Department Letter of Understanding

Revision 1.0 – 09/17/13 – Periodic Review; Added Policy Statement, clarified Purpose, added JSA Fire Protection Manager under Responsibilities/Qualifications

Revision 0.0 – 09/22/09 – Initial version of updated program formerly titled ‘Chapter 6910 Fire Protection Program’










ES&H Division

Tim Minga





This document is controlled as an on line file.  It may be printed but the print copy is not a controlled document.  It is the user’s responsibility to ensure that the document is the same revision as the current on line file.  This copy was printed on 10/18/2021.

[1] Insurance industry term for the highest quality risk mitigation where both the frequency and the severity of a loss has been addressed by measures such as installation of fire and smoke alarms, water hydrants, and sprinkler systems.  Highly protected risks enjoy a low premium rate.

[2] a condition that prevents the system from fully operating in its designed manner.