EIC 2004
Second Electron-Ion Collider Workshop Jefferson Lab March 15-17, 2004
Circular |
Committee |
Program |
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Travel & Lodging
Three decades after the establishment of QCD as the theory of the strong nuclear interaction, our understanding of its dynamics and of nucleon and nuclear structure is substantially incomplete. The role of the sea and the glue remains not well understood. A major breakthrough is expected to come with the creation of an electron-ion collider intended to directly study the fundamental constituents of matter, the quarks and gluons. The focus of the workshop is to refine the physics issues that can be addressed and the physics goals that can be achieved with an electron-ion collider, and to continue work on design points for both the accelerator and the detectors. This workshop is one in a series with a goal to prepare a concrete proposal for such an electron-ion collider.
More information on this workshop will be given on the workshop webpages On behalf of the Second Electron Ion Collider Workshop Organizing Committee, it is our pleasure to invite you and your colleagues to participate in this workshop at Jefferson Laboratory, from March 15-17, 2004. We do apologize for the late notice, but unexpectedly had to move the dates forward.
For further information, contact workshop organizers at