Reporting Theft Results in Quick Recovery of Snatched Computer

Reporting Theft Results in Quick Recovery of Snatched Computer

The recent theft of a JLab laptop from the ARC building brings home the importance of following procedures.

The laptop was stolen from a third-floor laboratory during the middle of the day earlier this month. The computer was taken by a person who entered the ARC through deception and spotted the laptop on top of a desk in an open, unoccupied lab. Group members using the lab had gone into an adjoining room and left the lab.s hallway door open. Less than 30 minutes later, a JLab employee working with the group noticed the laptop was missing, and alerted the group. They conducted a search and immediately reported the suspected theft to Top Guard, JLab's security force. A short time later, Newport News police apprehended an individual who had possession of the laptop in the trunk of his vehicle.

Because the laptop still carried its JLab property tag and had been reported stolen, detectives were able to quickly work with JLab Security, Property and Cyber officials, determine ownership, recover the property, screen the system for abnormalities, and return it to the JLab property owner.

Lessons from this event:

  • Don't leave JLab property in labs or conference rooms that are open and unattended.
  • Always secure your sensitive property and personal items.
  • Make sure your equipment is properly labeled or tagged.
  • As soon as you determine that a piece of property is missing, fill out a JLab Missing Property Report.
  • If you believe an item has been stolen, immediately notify Mike Lewellen, x7169, and Guard Post 2, x5822. If you see somebody steal something and time is of the essence, call the Newport News Police Crime Line at 928-4100. Then notify JLab Security as soon as time permits.
  • Don't allow strangers to follow you into any JLab building. Each person entering must scan their badge at the card reader, or be escorted by an individual who is authorized to enter that building.
  • If you see potentially suspicious activity anywhere on the JLab campus, call Guard Post 2, x5822, and Security will respond to the situation.


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