12 GeV Updates
December 17, 2008
Evaluations of the proposals for the FY2009 civil contracts are
complete, and DOE Thomas Jefferson Site Office personnel were briefed
on Dec 11. Contract awards will be made following the requisite
evaluations by DOE.
Interviews for a construction safety representative position in the
Facilities Management Group are in progress. In support of the 12 GeV
Upgrade project, the construction safety representative will provide
safety oversight of the construction contractors' operations for the
Central Helium Liquefier (CHL) building addition and Hall D Complex.
December 10, 2008
Significant progress has been made on finalizing the engineering and design of the Hall D beamline and associated physics equipment, as endorsed by a recent review. The Hall D electron beamline design has been completed and simulations prove it to be robust, with flexible tuning and well-defined instrumentation and tuning knobs to verify beam performance. A well-founded shift was made from a two-magnet system to a single magnet for the photon-tagging spectrometer, with many advantages. Additional diagnostics of the photon beamline, including a pair spectrometer, have been developed in order to obtain a thorough knowledge of the photon beam spectrum that is essential to the GlueX science program.
December 3, 2008
Preliminary evaluation of the vendor submittals for fabrication of the klystrons and superconducting accelerator cavities is complete. Evaluation continues on the vendor submittals for fabrication of the 4.5 Kelvin coldbox for the cryogenic system and for the 4-meter beam transport dipoles. Vendor submittals for fabrication of the beam transport quadrupoles have been received.
November 26, 2008
Preparations continue for the awarding of civil contracts in January 2009. For the Hall D Complex construction contract, the Best and Final Offers (BAFO's) were received on Nov. 21 and are now under review. For the Central Helium Liquefier (CHL) Building Addition construction contract, the initial technical review of the proposals is complete and clarifications are due from the Offerors on Nov. 26. In support of these two construction contracts, the Architect-Engineering firms will review submittals and shop drawings, perform milestone inspections, and provide office and field consultations. Fee proposals for these A-E services have been received and are under review.
November 19, 2008
JLab jointly sponsored an international workshop on Physics and Methods in Meson Spectroscopy in Munich Oct. 22 - 24 with more than 80 participants. The workshop encompassed meson spectroscopy with beams of protons and mesons (CERN-COMPASS), polarized photons (JLab-Hall D/GlueX) and antiprotons (GSI/FAIR-PANDA). Part of the workshop program dealt with the new analysis methods presently being developed to make optimal use of these high-statistics data sets and to improve the reliability of traditional partial wave analysis. The workshop was a great success, bringing experts from all over the world together to discuss this physics and the associated analysis methods. More information can be found online.
November 12, 2008
A Director's Project Review (DPR) of the 12 GeV CEBAF Upgrade was convened at Jefferson Lab from Nov. 4-6. The primary focus of the DPR was to present the full project plan to a panel of 11 external reviewers and to discuss known issues facing the project (including staffing) as the construction phase begins. Members of the 12 GeV Upgrade Project Team made presentations to three subcommittees (Accelerator, Experimental Equipment and Management) for this review. A review committee report is expected in the near future.
October 29, 2008
Vendor proposals have been received for fabrication of the 4m beam transport dipoles. Evaluation continues on the submittals for fabrication of the 4.5K coldbox, klystrons and superconducting accelerator cavities.
October 22, 2008
The Request for Proposal (RFP) solicitation for the Central Helium Liquefier (CHL) Building Addition construction contract was issued by procurement on Sept. 30. Thirty-six contractor personnel attended the pre-proposal conference and site visit held on Oct. 17. The closing date for proposals is Oct. 30. The award will be based on lowest price and technical capability. Capability will be determined based on the offerors' technical proposals of their experience with similar work, past performance and safety & health programs.
October 15, 2008
The suitability of the FSSR2 ASIC was studied for a potential application for the CLAS12 Silicon Vertex Tracker (SVT) detector. This is the second release of the Fermilab Silicon Strip Readout Chip (FSSR2) application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC). This R&D task encompassed designing and fabricating a dual FSSR2 ASIC test board, an interface board with the regular CLAS12 data acquisition system, and the development of firmware and FSSR2 software. This then constituted a hardware platform to test the FSSR2 ASIC's suitability to the CLAS12 SVT application. The prototype boards have been successfully designed, fabricated and installed with firmware. Initial tests with pulsers indicate that the hardware and the installed firmware are working properly, which means that the FSSR2 chip is a likely second candidate for CLAS12 SVT readout.
October 8, 2008
All beam diagnostics and control system hardware designs have been completed. Two accelerator R&D tasks are complete and reports have been submitted: re-verification of the higher-order mode damping of the 12 GeV superconducting radiofrequency (SRF) cavities and the prototyping of the beam transport quadrupoles.
Vendor proposals have been received for fabrication of the superconducting accelerating cavities and klystrons for the accelerator. Questions from the potential vendors for the 4.5 Kelvin (K) coldbox were received, and the responses have been provided to all vendors.
October 1, 2008
An important milestone for the 12 GeV Upgrade Project was achieved in September. The total design for the civil scope is complete. The major conventional construction will be the new experimental Hall D Complex, including the accelerator tunnel extension. The remaining scope is modifications to support facilities that are primarily associated with utility upgrades. There will be an addition to the Central Helium Liquefier (CHL) building to accommodate the additional refrigeration equipment. The low-conductivity water (LCW) and electrical distribution systems will be upgraded to support the accelerator operations at 12 GeV. The civil scope includes eight construction subcontracts to be placed during the next four years, with a total construction value of more than $25 million. The acquisition process of the first procurement, the Hall D Complex, continues. The Technical Evaluation Team completed assessment of the Offerors’ capability and discussions were initiated on Sept. 29.
September 24, 2008
The CLAS12 drift chambers in Hall B are designed to provide high tracking accuracy, while maintaining high-rate capability and large acceptance. This necessitates small drift cells and very thin endplates with low-profile onboard electronics and cables. A full-scale prototype of a region-1 chamber was built, strung and instrumented as a joint JLab & Old Dominion University project. As a result, the construction technique was validated, and the board and cable mounting schemes were refined. Electrostatic deflections of wire positions were insignificant.
The Forward Drift Chambers (FDCs) in Hall D provide the necessary tracking of charged particles traveling in the forward direction through the GlueX apparatus. The test wire winding on four FDC composite wire frames has been completed at the Indiana University Cyclotron Facility. The test results indicate that the composite wire frame design meets all structural requirements and validates that the required precise tolerances for relative position distribution and wire tension can be met. Valuable lessons were learned to improve on FDC construction.
September 17, 2008
The Beam Transport team completed the measurements on the prototype beamline quadrupole magnets. Final design decisions have been made based on the results. The Request For Proposals (RFP) was released for the beam transport quadrupole contract.
September 15, 2008
The 12 GeV Upgrade received CD-3 approval from the U.S. Department of Energy to begin construction.
September 10, 2008
Accelerator, Physics, and Civil systems all continue preparations for major acquisitions in FY2009 following the official start of the construction phase. For the civil construction of the Hall D Complex, the Technical Proposals and Offers, Phase II of the solicitation, were received on August 19, 2008. The Technical Evaluation Committee has reconvened and is evaluating the Offerors' capability. In support of an application to the Commonwealth of Virginia for a permit to discharge groundwater from the excavation dewatering operations, a subcontract was awarded to an environmental consultant to perform groundwater sampling in the planned excavation areas of the Hall D construction site.
September 3, 2008
The CLAS12 detector is planned to operate at luminosities a factor of 10 higher than the present CLAS. Successfully operating at this design luminosity requires a high-magnetic (5 Tesla) solenoid field in combination with a carefully shaped shielding pipe with a conical outer profile and optimized detector locations. Extensive studies of the physics background rates were performed to finalize the design of the shielding geometry and the detector positions. These studies confirm the detectors can operate at the design luminosity of CLAS12.
August 27, 2008
The Beam Transport team continues measurements of both prototype beamline quadrupole magnets with the goal of optimizing certain design features such as the end-chamfer. The end-chamfers are small bevels on the ends of each of the magnet's four poles and are used to minimize the amount of magnetic field errors not associated with fabrication or assembly errors. Determination of the end-chamfers for the "QP" style magnet is underway and is nearly complete for the "QR" style magnet. The Request For Proposals (RFP) was released for the 4-meter arc dipole contract.
August 20, 2008
The pre-bid conference and site visit, attended by over 35 contractor personnel, was held July 21 for the civil construction of the Hall D Complex. A second site visit was held Aug. 8 for another 10 contractor personnel. Approximately 50 proposal inquiries have been answered formally with two amendments issued. Closing date for the Phase II Technical Proposals and Offer was Aug. 19. The Technical Evaluation Committee will reconvene to evaluate the Offerors' capability prior to reviewing the price offers.
On Aug. 19, Facilities Management team members held a meeting with ESH&Q and Accelerator personnel to discuss the internal design and safety review comments of the 100 percent design documents for the Tunnel Air Conditioning project.
August 13, 2008
The horizontal-bend magnet is the first superconducting magnet of Hall C's Super High Momentum Spectrometer. Its location close to the beamline introduces special design constraints, such as small size and heat dissipation. JLab is collaborating with the National Superconducting Cyclotron Lab (NSCL) at Michigan State University on the design development. Recently, collaborators at the NSCL began a trial wind of a magnet coil to demonstrate that the cable can be bent around sharp edges, and the first turn has been successful.
August 6, 2008
The R&D task to re-measure the Higher-Order Mode (HOM) damping in the 12 GeV-style superconducting radio frequency (SRF) cavities had previously confirmed last year’s results that the damping meets the specification comfortably. Subsequently, measurements in the Vertical Test Area (VTA) have confirmed that VTA measurements can be used as a step in the overall quality assurance program to identify cavities that have marginal damping behavior prior to cryomodule assembly.
Measurements of both prototype beamline quadrupoles is underway. Initial analysis of the data found that the fields are as expected. Fine tuning of the assembly and fabrication processes will be done based on the results of the measurement.
Requests For Proposals (RFPs) were released for the 4.5 Kelvin Coldbox, klystron and SRF cavity contracts. These represent roughly half of the total contract value of the FY09 procurements for Accelerator Systems.
July 30, 2008
At the request of the Office of Nuclear Physics, Daniel Lehman, Director of the Office of Project Assessment in the DOE Office of Science, led a team of 24 experts in an Independent Project Review of the 12 GeV Upgrade at JLab on July 22-24. The purpose of the review was to assess all aspects of the project – technical, cost, schedule, management and ES&H – with regard to satisfying the requirements for Critical Decision-3, Approve Start of Construction. The review team concluded that the project meets all requirements and endorsed approval of CD-3. The next steps are a follow-up JSA Earned Value Management System implementation review by DOE OECM, which is scheduled for Aug. 12-13, and a CD-3 meeting with the Office of Science Acquisition Executive anticipated in September.
July 16, 2008
For the civil construction of the Hall D Complex, the Technical Evaluation Committee completed Phase I of the best value selection process – evaluation of the qualification proposals. The Offerors were notified of the results on July 11. The pre-bid conference and site visit are scheduled for July 21. Also, advance procurement plans (APPs) for the conventional facilities’ FY10 major procurements were finalized and approved on June 30.
On July 22-24, the DOE Office of Science Office of Project Assessment Independent Project Review (IPR) of the 12 GeV CEBAF Upgrade Project will take place at Jefferson Lab. The purpose of this review is to assess all aspects of the 12 GeV Project – technical, costs, schedule, management, and environment, safety, and health (ES&H), in support of attaining Critical Decision-3 (CD-3, Approve Start of Construction).
July 9, 2008
An R&D task to re-measure the Higher-Order Mode (HOM) damping in the 12 GeV-style superconducting radio frequency (SRF) cavities has verified last year's results, i.e. the HOM damping meets the specification comfortably. The cavities have been removed from the Horizontal Test Bed and follow-on measurements in the Vertical Test Area have begun.
Assembly of the first prototype beam transport quadrupole has been completed. Field measurements have begun.
The final specification needed for the procurement of the 4K coldbox was approved last week.
July 2, 2008
Final preparations are ongoing for the upcoming DOE Independent Project Review scheduled for July 22-24. As one of the requirements, extensive drawing packages to support the mature engineering and design of the various 12 GeV systems have been generated. Earlier, a series of eight design and safety reviews of various physics equipment were completed, with the last two in May emphasizing the Halls B & D complete system designs and the Hall C support structure and shield house interim design. The review committees were complimentary on all presentations and the mature status of the present designs and had no further recommendations.
June 25, 2008
The design effort on the conventional facilities to support the 12 GeV CEBAF Upgrade is near completion. JLab Facilities & Logistics personnel are incorporating design review comments for the FY10 and FY11 procurements and completing the design of an FY12 procurement. The focus has turned to preparations for the Department of Energy, Director of Project Assessment Independent Project Review (IPR) of the 12 GeV Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility (CEBAF) Upgrade Project scheduled for July 22-24 and the acquisition of the FY09 procurements. The Hall D Complex Selection Committee convened this week and started the evaluation of construction contractors' qualification proposals. The commissioning plans consisting of the functional performance checklists for the Hall D Complex and CHL Addition are complete.
June 18, 2008
The R&D task to re-measure the Higher-Order Mode (HOM) damping in the 12 GeV-style superconducting radio frequency (SRF) cavities is proceeding. Initial measurements are complete, and the data are being reviewed. The final lot of laminations for the prototype beam transport quadrupoles have been received from the vendor. Inspection is underway prior to beginning stacking quadrants.
Design status and safety reviews for three accelerator systems were held recently: the Cryogenics system, the Instrumentation, Controls & Safety systems, and the Beam Transport system together with the magnets of the Extraction system. The review panels found that the work is progressing well and is on track for completion consistent with the overall 12 GeV Upgrade Project schedule.
June 4, 2008
A series of wire-plane winding tests were carried out at the Indiana University Cyclotron Facility in preparation for a full-scale prototype of a Hall D Forward Drift Chamber plane. These wire packages, circular in shape and nearly one meter in diameter, are made from a light-weight fiberglass/foam composite and support the tension of nearly 200 wires. Located on either side of these wire planes are very thin cathode strip planes that image the charge seen on the wires during an electron avalanche caused by a passing charged particle. Minimizing the material in the active portion of the detector has been the main goal, to minimize the photon conversion and reduce the uncertainty of the momentum reconstruction.
May 28, 2008
The solicitation (Request for Proposal) for the construction of the Hall D Complex was issued on May 23. The construction contractor will be selected through a two-phase, best-value determination process. In the first phase, interested Offerors are required to submit a Qualifications Proposal addressing their experiences with similar projects and their Environmental, Safety and Health (ES&H) program by June 14. The selection committee will evaluate these proposals and the Offerors’ past performance. In the second phase, Offerors will submit their technical proposals and their prices. This is currently scheduled to take place in August.
The 100 percent design package for the North and South Linac Power Upgrade was completed by the JLab Facilities Design Team and will be reviewed next month. This project provides a new 1.5 MVA electrical unit substation and switchboard at each Linac service building to provide power for the new RF zones.
May 21, 2008
The R&D task to extend the earlier measurements of the Higher-Order Mode (HOM) damping in the 12 GeV-style superconducting radio frequency (SRF) cavities is proceeding. Re-assembly of the cavities into the Horizontal Testbed (HTB) is almost complete, and cooldown is planned for early next week with measurements in the Cryomodule Test Facility to follow.
Sample laminations for the prototype Beam Transport quadrupoles have been received from the new vendor. They were inspected and found to meet specifications. The vendor has been instructed to proceed with manufacturing the completion of the order.
The Power System underwent two design status and safety reviews last week; RF and Magnet Power systems were reviewed separately. Both of the review panels found that the work was going well and is on track for completion consistent with the 12 GeV Project's needs.
May 14, 2008
For the GlueX detector in Hall D, the dominant contributions to the particle detector rates come from background processes that are not of interest for the physics measurement. A so-called "Level-1 trigger" must be created using the electronics and data acquisition systems to select only particles of interest and reduce the rate of stored information from several millions of particles per second down to less than 200,000 for high luminosity running. A recipe, or trigger algorithm, to accomplish this was recently studied using a full GEANT detector simulation that incorporates realistic detector geometry and responses, and the trigger electronics performance. This is implemented on the electronic signal level using the new VXS-based Flash Analog-to-Digital Converters (ADCs) in conjunction with other special VXS-based modules for the Hall D trigger developed by the JLab fast electronics and data acquisition groups. The overall Level-1 trigger rate thus simulated results in a rate of 150,000 particles of interest per second, while maintaining close to 100 percent efficiency.
May 7, 2008
An important milestone for the civil design portion of the 12 GeV Upgrade Project was achieved April 25. Approximately 75 percent of the total civil design effort is complete including the final design documents for the Hall D Complex and the Central Helium Liquefier (CHL) Addition. This includes more than 50 drawings and approximately 1,500 pages of specifications.
The in-house civil design effort continues to progress. On April 22, Facilities Management team members met to discuss the internal design and safety review comments of the 100 percent design documents for the North & South (N&S) Access Utility Upgrades for the accelerator.
April 30, 2008
The R&D task to re-measure the higher-order mode (HOM) damping in the 12 GeV Superconducting Radio-Frequency (SRF) cavities is proceeding; re-assembly of two cavities into the horizontal testbed (HTB) will occur in approximately two weeks, with additional measurements in the Cryomodule Test Facility then following.
Preparations are underway for the July 22-24 Independent Project Review by DOE. The primary focus of the preparations is ensuring that the criteria for Critical Decision 3 Approval ("Start of Construction") are well in hand.
April 23, 2008
A review of the planned Silicon Vertex Tracker (SVT) Detector for the Hall B CLAS12 spectrometer was held on April 2. Since this is a new detector technique for JLab, three outside experts on the design, construction and operation of these detectors and associated electronics formed the review committee. The Hall B team of scientists and engineers received very valuable technical input and three recommendations for further work. On April 15-17, a design and safety review of the seven superconducting magnets planned for the Halls B and C spectrometers was held. Key collaborators from Michigan State University (Hall C) and from the Efremov Institute (Hall B) attended the review to present their work alongside the JLab team. The review committee gave very high marks for the significant progress since the 2006 magnet review, and lively technical discussions provided valuable feedback to fold into further work to complete the reference designs of these magnets.
April 16, 2008
The source selection plan for the Hall D Complex construction contractor was approved on April 9, 2006. The subcontract will be awarded to the offeror that represents the best value to JSA/Jefferson Lab on the basis of capability and price. The evaluation of capability will be based on several criteria, including experience with similar projects; the environmental, safety and health (ES&H) program; and past performance. Review comments from an internal design and safety review of the 100 percent design of the North and South Access utility upgrades have been consolidated; a meeting to discuss these findings is scheduled for April 22.
April 9, 2008
A design & safety review of the 12 GeV Cryomodules system was held March 28; the review panel strongly endorsed the team's work and projected that the design packages will be completed on schedule. The panel also found that the team had responded appropriately to the recent beam-breakup problems seen with Renascence during beam operations.
A vertically integrated test of the low-level RF (LLRF) controls with the self-excited–loop software was performed successfully; the test included the latest versions of the digital board, RF board, and PC/104 IOC-replacement with all operating in concert.
The Arc 10 quadrupole girder drawings were signed off.
The 2008 DOE Office of Science Office of Project Assessment Independent Project Review of the 12 GeV Upgrade Project will be held July 22-24. As in the past, it will be led by Dan Lehman, who heads the Office of Project Assessment in DOE's Office of Science.
April 2, 2008
Over the last few months, four independent reviews have been held of various physics detector systems, and five more reviews are planned in April and May. These reviews give valuable feedback to the scientists and engineers as they complete system design packages in preparation for the July 2008 DOE SC Office of Project Assessment Independent Project Review. Last week, the Hall D tracking and related particle identification systems were reviewed. During the closeout, reviewers provided high marks on progress in the last year and the quality of the presentations. A review of the CLAS12 Silicon Vertex Tracker detector will be held this week. Both Halls B and C are in the final preparations for a design review of their seven superconducting spectrometer magnets. In Hall C, particle background simulations are ongoing to finalize the shield house design.
March 26, 2008
Design effort on the conventional facilities to support the 12 GeV CEBAF Upgrade continues to progress. The 100 percent design package for the North and South Access utility upgrades was completed by the JLab Facilities Design Team. This project expands the low-conductivity water (LCW) systems for the linac service buildings and the arc magnets and adds electrical substations to increase the power capacity at each building. The design package has been distributed for an internal design and safety review.
The JLab Procurement group has posted the Sources Sought notice for construction contractors interested in the Hall D Complex. This will be a best-value procurement, which evaluates a vendor's capability in addition to the price as part of the selection process.
A Change Request has been approved authorizing three additional R&D tasks for the Upgrade cryomodules: (1) precise re-measurement of the damping of higher-order modes in two 12 GeV cavities in the Horizontal Test Bed (HTB), (2) repeat of those measurements in the Vertical Test Area (VTA) to vet a new step in the cryomodule quality assurance process, and (3) explore alternate thermal strapping strategies for the cavity endgroups for potential cost savings.
March 19, 2008
Excellent progress continues on the design work for the 12 GeV Upgrade of the accelerator systems; in February, ~10 percent more progress was achieved than was planned. The Beam Transport quadrupole prototyping had a setback when the vendor for the laminations was unable to meet the specifications. A contract has been placed with an alternate vendor. The draft specification for the klystron procurement has been approved; the draft specification for the 4.5K coldbox procurement for the cryogenics system is undergoing review. An informal, internal review of the design work on the digital board for the low-level radio frequency controls endorsed the planned work.
March 12, 2008
Progress continues on various detector-related R&D projects, mainly in Halls B and D, and on engineering and design work in all halls. In Hall C, the next phase of a contract to complete the reference design of the Super High Momentum Spectrometer (SHMS) support structure and shield house has started. A design and safety review of the Hall D Barrel Calorimeter and Forward Calorimeter took place at JLab on Feb. 19-20. The review included presentations by several JLab users on their detector and electronics work and excellent discussions of the technical aspects of the design. The committee report is expected within the next few weeks. A recent Hall B collaboration meeting included a strong emphasis on both 12 GeV engineering work and science capabilities. Hall D hosted a workshop last week to discuss additional ideas for science with the GlueX detector, with more than 60 attendees.
March 5, 2008
Design effort on the conventional facilities to support the 12 GeV CEBAF Upgrade continues to progress. On Feb. 1, the Architect-Engineer firm, HSMM (Hayes, Seay, Mattern & Mattern) submitted design documents for the Hall D conventional facilities that incorporated review comments from the internal design and safety review held in November 2007. JLab Facilities Management personnel have reviewed these documents and validated the design is complete and ready for procurement. The signed final design documents are to be submitted in early March.
Also, a detailed construction schedule for the Hall D conventional facilities was completed by a local construction management firm. The purpose of this detailed schedule was a crosscheck on the construction phase durations and the "ready for equipment" installation dates in the 12 GeV CEBAF Upgrade baseline schedule.
February 20, 2008
The 12 GeV Accelerator Team continues to make good progress on Project Engineering and Design (PED). A review was held of the proposed procurement strategy for the beamline magnets, and a decision was made to shift from JLab buying the materials and supplying them to the magnet vendors to one which has the vendors buy the materials; the new plan yields more schedule flexibility with no technical risk and roughly the same cost risk as the previous baseline plan. A Change Request to reflect this altered strategy is under development. Ten of the 12 Advanced Procurement Plans for FY09 accelerator-related major procurements have been approved, with the final two expected to be complete in the next week. Progress also continues on the R&D effort to prototype the beamline quadrupoles. Feedback has been provided to the vendor of the laminations, and fixtures for winding the coils at JLab have been completed.
February 13, 2008
The draft specifications have been developed for the Hall B CLAS12 (CEBAF Large Acceptance Spectrometer ) Torus Magnet, one of the seven planned superconducting magnets associated with the 12 GeV Upgrade. A design and safety review of the Super High Momentum Spectrometer (SHMS) Hall C detectors was held at JLab on Jan. 22 with an emphasis on integration plans. Presentations were made by several Hall C Users, some of whom will construct detector elements through approved National Science Foundation Major Research Instrumentation grant funding. A successful technical design review of the continuing work on the Hall D Forward Drift Chambers was held at JLab on Feb. 1. Final reports from these review committees are expected this week.
February 6, 2008
Design effort on the conventional facilities to support the 12 GeV CEBAF Upgrade continues to progress. The 100 percent design package for the Beam Switchyard (BSY) Service Building Addition was completed by the JLab Facilities Design Team. This is an internal addition in Building 98 that expands the power supply room into the welding area and includes two new penetrations into the accelerator tunnel. The package has been distributed for an internal design and safety review, and a meeting to discuss the review findings is scheduled for Feb. 13. Also, JLab Facilities has reviewed the first draft of the Hall D Complex Commissioning Plan developed by a local construction management firm.
January 30, 2008
The 12 GeV Accelerator Team continues to make good progress on the Project Engineering Design (PED). The cryomodule team will soon complete the planned work for FY08 and will begin work originally planned for FY09. A modified plan for the PED of the Low-Level Radio Frequency (LLRF) controls has been implemented following an approved Change Request in December; a significant event this month was completion of the new digital board for that system. The Cryogenics Team is on cost and ahead of schedule on its design work. All the 12 GeV accelerator teams have draft Advance Procurement Plans (APP) under review for the major FY09 procurements; the Cryogenics team has completed its FY09 APP and has a draft APP for its FY10 major procurements. Initial laminations have been received for the R&D prototype Beam Transport quadrupoles; these will be inspected prior to the vendor starting stacking.
January 23, 2008
A full-scale, wooden mock-up of a segment of the planned Hall B CLAS12 has been constructed in the physics storage building mimicking two coils of the torus magnet and one sector of the Region-II drift chamber. The mock-up has been used so far to test Region-II drift chamber mounting and to verify maintenance access and will be used to optimize cable routing. Regions I and III will be added to the mock-up in the future.
January 16, 2008
Design effort on the conventional facilities to support the 12 GeV CEBAF Upgrade continues to progress. On Dec. 20, the Design and Safety Review meeting on the 100 percent design of the North and South Access Building Additions was held at Jefferson Lab. Facilities Management and Logistics is focused on completing the 100 percent designs for the Beam Switchyard (BSY) Addition and the North and South Access Utility Upgrades this month. On Feb. 1, the Architect-Engineer (A-E) firm, HSMM (Hayes, Seay, Mattern & Mattern), is scheduled to submit the draft Final Design documents of the Hall D Complex for JLab review.