CLAS HDice Target
Technical notes:
HDice_TN1: A. Deur, Report on HDice polarimetry tests done at JLab (Sept 8th - 28th 2008). Here
HDice_TN2: A. Deur, List of outgoing radiation lengths. Here
HDice_TN3: A. Deur, Magnetic Fields for the HD cell transfer. Here
HDice_TN4: T. O'Connell, Transfer Cryostat's NdFeB Magnetic Field Mapping. Here
HDice_TN5: A. Deur, L. Quettier, HDice Safety coil design. Here
HDice_TN6: A. Deur, report on CH2 calibration target and polarimetry tests. Here
HDice_TN7: A. D'Angelo, Report on HD gas analysis by Raman spectroscopy technique. Here
HDice_TN8: A. Deur, Energy losses for the HD CLAS target. Here
HDice_TN9: A. Deur, HD target polarimetry calibrations. Here
HDice_TN10: A. Deur, Effects of the cooling wires on the HD target NMR. Here
HDice_TN11: A. Deur, Systematic study of the NMR sweep parameters. Here
HDice_TN12: A. Deur, Effects of the HD cell Aluminum coating on the polarimetry. Here
HDice_TN13: A. Deur, Effects of polarization lifetime T1 on the thermal equilibrium polarimetry. Here
HDice_TN14: T. Kageya, Summary of T1 measurements for pre-aged JMU3. Here
HDice_TN15: A. Deur, T1 study of the CH2 reference cells. Here
HDice_TN16: T. Kageya, Residual gas in TC after transfers. Here
HDice_TN17: T. Kageya, HD gas status as of Jun 2011 transfers. Here
HDice_TN18: A. Deur, study of NMR in the Production Dewar without Exchange Gas. Here
HDice_TN19: A. Deur, Study of the NMR apparatus linearity. Here
HDice_TN20: A. Deur, Procedure for T1 measurements in the Production Dewar. Here
HDice_TN21: A. Deur, X. Wei, HD Spin Manipulations by Saturated Fast Passage in the Production Dewar. Here
HDice_TN22: A. M. Sandorfi, Energy-loss Materials around HD targets in the In-Beam-Cryostat (IBC) used for g14. Here
HDice_TN23: A. M. Sandorfi. Electron Beam characterstics during the eHD G14 tests. Here
HDice_TN24: A. M. Sandorfi et al. Summary of the Feb’12 and Mar’12 eHD test runs. Here
HDice_TN25: A. Deur, Study of the HD target spin rotations during G14. Here
HDice_TN26: A. Deur, Analysis of the 2012 electron test data. Here
HDice_TN27: A. Deur, Analysis of the polarization loss in the TC. Here
C. Bass, et al., HDice Fast Raster Tech Note. Here.
Publications and related papers:
D. Ho, et al., Beam-target helicity asymmetry E in K0Λ and K0Σ0 photoproduction on the neutron, PRC 98, 045205. (2018)
M. Statera, et al., A bulk superconducting MgB2 cylinder for holding transversely polarized targets, NIM-A 882, Pages 17-21. (2018)
D. Ho, et al., Beam Target Helicity Asymmetry for γn → π-p in the N* Resonance Region, PRL 118, 242002. (2017)
M. Lowry, et al., A cryostat to hold frozen-spin polarized HD targets in CLAS: HDice-II, Volume 815, 11 April 2016, Pages 31-41. (2016)
C. Bass, et al., A portable cryostat for the cold transfer of polarized solid HD targets:HDice-I NIM-A 2013. (2013)
A. M Sandorfi: Proceedings of the SEIHEC 2012 workshop, Oct 2012 . (2012)
A. M Sandorfi: Proceedings of the CIPANP 2012 conference. (May-June, 2012)
A. M. Sandorfi et al., Determining pseudoscalar meson photoproduction amplitudes from complete experiments. (2011)
A. M. Sandorfi et al., A Rosetta Stone Relating Conventions In Photo-Meson Partial Wave Analyses. (2011)
LEGS Spin Collaboration: S. Hoblit, et al., Measurements of polarized photo-pion production on longitudinally polarized HD and Implications for Convergence of the GDH Integral. (2008)
Xiangdong Wei et al., New improvements leading to higher polarization frozen spin HD targets at the LEGS facility. (2004)
Christopher M. Bade et al., Brute Force with a Gentle Touch: Vibration Isolation Techniques Used to Increase HD Target Polarization. (2003)
T. Kageya et al., Status of frozen-spin polarized HD targets for spin experiments. (2003)
LEGS SPIN Collaboration: A.M. Sandorfi et al.,First photo-pion double polarization experiments using polarized HD at LEGS. (2002)
X. Wei et al., The new LEGS highly polarized frozen-spin solid HD target facility. (2000)
Analysis Notes:
Thesis on HDice target experiments:
Useful Links:
JLab IBC3 documents (as of November 17th 2008).
Talks and Presentations:
Talk given by A. Sandorfi at HEP 2018 (Jan. 2018)
Talk given by A. Sandorfi at NStar 2017 (Aug. 2017)
Talk written by M. Lowry and presented by C. Hanretty at Spin 2016 about using Magnesium DiBoride in CLAS12 (Sept. 2016)
Talk given by C. Hanretty at Spin 2016 about eHD tests at Jefferson Lab (Sept. 2016)
HDice Status Report given by C. Hanretty at June 2016 Hall B Collaboration Meeting (June 2016)
Talk given by C. Hanretty at Baryons 2016 about eHD at Jefferson Lab (May 2016)
Talk given by C. Hanretty at Hall B weekly meeting about eHD at UITF (Feb. 2016)
A general overview of HDice given by C. Hanretty at Jefferson Lab's Pizza Seminar (June 2015)
Talk given by Andy Sandorfi at Messina (Oct. 2012)
Talk given by Andy Sandorfi at the Hyp Conference (Oct. 2012)
Talk given by Xiangdong Wei at the SPIN'2012 conference in Dubna (Sept. 2012)
Talk given by A. Sandorfi at the Intersections conference, St.Petersburg, FL (June 2012)
G14 report at the 2012 (Jefferson Lab) User Meeting by A. Sandorfi June 6th 2012)
G14 Readiness Review (March 30th 2011)
Update report from Andy Sandorfi (Feb 14th 2011)
Talk given by Andy Sandorfi at JLab (January 20th 2010)
Talk given by Annalisa D'Angelo at PST09 (January 2010)
Presentation from Annalisa D'Angelo for the CLAS Collaboration Meeting (June 2009)
Talk given by Andy Sandorfi at UVa (November 2008)
Talk given by Andy Sandorfi at N-N* conference (October 2008)
Lab overview by Andy Sandorfi (August 2008)
Safety Documentation (HDice Lab):
Safety Documentation (UITF):
IBC Magnet Info and Field Maps:
Field map for IBC Upstream Transfer Coil (produced using g4Beamline)(to be updated)
Field map for IBC Downstream Transfer Coil, upstream section (produced using g4Beamline)
Field map for IBC Downstream Transfer Coil, downstream section (produced using g4Beamline)
Maintained by C. Hanretty