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Thursday, March 13, 2025Display options
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- Required training
- List of Institutional Contacts
- Service work & SoS
- Speakers Committee
- Paper and PAC Reviews
- Experiment Status Toolbar
- List of Institutional Contacts
- Service work & SoS
- Speakers Committee
- Paper and PAC Reviews
- Experiment Status Toolbar
- Expert
- Owl Shift
- Expert
- Day Shift
- Expert
- Swing Shift
- Worker/Novice
- Owl Shift
- Worker/Novice
- Day Shift
- Worker/Novice
- Swing Shift
- Physics Division Liasion
- RC
- Run Coordinator
- Experiment
- Link to this experiment's
web page (if it exists)
- Eligible authors
- Click here to show or hide the
list of eligible authors for this paper
- Select group
- Select this whole
bunch of shifts.
- Hall B Safety Walkthrough
Please contact
Alexandre Deur
to complete this training.
- Qualified as expert ?
User has not taken the required number of
shifts in the past six months, so he/she
may not be qualified to do expert shifts.
Please doublecheck his/her qualification.
- Institutional Contacts
- Find out who is the contact person from your institution
- Multiple instances
- This name is listed multiple times. Please edit his/her info in the Membership DB.
- Multiple instances
- This name appears in
the database more than once.
Please delete it if the person is no longer in your group.
- Required Training
- Read more about the training you
required to have before taking shifts in Hall B
- Instructions
- Learn how to use this interface
- SoS
- Learn how to submit your
CLAS Statement of Service
- Paper and PAC Reviews
- View past and/or contribute to
ongoing paper or PAC reviews
- CLAS Papers
- List of CLAS publications since 2000
- Paper and PAC Reviews
- Click this title to start a
new paper or PAC review
- CLAS12 Tasks
- Click this title to add
a new CLAS12 task
- Are you sure ?
- If you drop this task your contribution
will end and the FTE will be calculated.
- Are you sure ?
- This can not be undone.
- Deadline or duration
- Click here to toggle review
deadline or duration setting.
- Restricted
- Access to this review is restricted
to the review committee members,
its author, and the initiator.
- Reviews
- Click here to review this
Statement of Service
- Speakers Committee
- Click here if you would like to to notify
the CLAS Speakers Committee of a
talk that you would plan to give.
- Not in the drop down menu ?
If earlier that one week from now
have you tried the link mentioned
above ? Please double-check, and
and if your conference is not listed,
then add it, completing all input fields.
- Abstract
Abstracts must be approved by your
Physics Working Group, if you selected
one in the menu above
- Refereed by PWG ?
You have to contact the PWG at list
three weeks prior to the deadline.
- Working Group approval
You must have PWG's approval for the physics
results you plan to show. Do you ?
- Written proceedings
Written proceedings must be submitted for
CSC review one week prior to the deadline
- Download
Slides or PDF
- Filter
Toggle selection
- Button disabled
This menu option is not available at this time.
Please consult the FAQ to see why.
- Future shifts
Show all future shifts
assigned to this person
- Plugin
- A nice browser toolbar showing
the current experiment status.
For Firefox versions 1.5 and up.
- Swap instructions
- You are shown a table containing all the shifts currently assigned to you (or to your institution if you are a contact). Choose the ones you want to swap, then scroll down the page and select the period into which you would like to swap. Click 'Next' and you are presented with a list of options, given the constraints imposed by our swap rules (you can go back and change the target period if you wish). Select now the desired set and click 'Next'. You are asked to review and confirm the transaction. Click 'OK' and you are done - the new configuration will be shown on the screen.
- Next two weeks
- This is the default view.
- Interactive session login
- Log in to assign, swap or trade shifts, add
or remove names from your institution's
shift takers list, change passwords, etc.
- CLAS Mailing Lists
- See all automatically generated
CLAS mailing lists.
- Submit Feedback
But please review the
Instructions and FAQ first.
- Announcements
General announcements regarding
the CLAS shifts schedule
- Memberships
This person can not be deleted from this table because he/she is listed
as active in the CLAS membership database.
If he/she is no longer with your group, please email Bryan McKinnon
with the date when the person left your group. Once that information is
entered in the membership DB, you will have the option to delete the
person from the shift list. Find more details in the FAQ.
- Review your SoS
Click here to view your SoS in HTML format
(opens in a new window)
- Time share
This is the fraction of the year the person
contributes to your institute's service work.
If someone joins say in March, their time share
would be 75 %, if a person leaves in June they
contribute 50 % etc.
- Percentage done
The percentage done acts as a multiplicative
factor, e.g 0.2 FTE with 50 % done is 0.1 FTE.
For example a paper review half done may be
listed either as 0.1 FTE 100 % or as 0.2 FTE
with 50 % done. What matters here is only the
claimed FTE, which in both cases is 0.1
- Instructions
- Learn how to use this interface
- FTE Guidelines
1 FTE = 10 months or 0.025 FTE is approximately one week
A paper review takes 2 - 4 weeks (i.e. 0.05 - 0.10 FTE)
Maintenance of a cluster used by/for collaboration for
a perios of less than 2-4 weeks counts as 0.05 - 0.10 FTE.
- Service Work Guidelines
Scientific publications are not considered service work
Supervision of students doing service work is not service work
Grant applications are not considered service work
CLAS and CLAS12 service work should be kept separated
- CLAS Online Interface
CLAS online interface designed and implemented
by Dan Protopopescu. For questions and/or
user support please email
- Reporting service work
Quick guidelines:
- 1 FTE = 10 months or 0.025 FTE is approximately one week.
- The actual FTE is calculated by multiplying the FTE by the percentage done.
- A paper review takes 2 - 4 weeks (i.e. 0.05 - 0.10 FTE).
- Maintenance of a cluster used by/for collaboration < 2-4 weeks counts as 0.05 - 0.10 FTE
- CLAS and CLAS12 service work should be kept separated
- Membership Committee should not be added
- Do not add paper reviews in the next year's estimate SoS
- Scientific publications are not considered service work
- Supervision of students doing service work is not service work
- Grant applications are not considered service work
Read more at: ...
- Here's the actual function used:
function getManpower($iid){ // Don't count exempt members (maternity leave, other medical conditions) $total = mysqlResult("SELECT COUNT(name) FROM smembers WHERE institute='$iid' AND expert>=0"); $experts = mysqlResult("SELECT COUNT(name) FROM smembers WHERE institute='$iid' AND expert>0"); $xratio = $experts/$total; // Compare with the actual CLAS Membership DB numbers $today = date("Y-m-d"); $mdb_tot = mysqlResult("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Person, History, Institute WHERE" . " (History.start <= '$today' AND History.end >= '$today') AND (History.person =" . " AND (History.classtatus = 'Term' OR History.classtatus = 'Full') AND" . " ( = AND (Institute.acronym = '$iid')", "membership"); if($mdb_tot > 0 && $mdb_tot < $total){ $total = $mdb_tot; $experts = floor($xratio*$total); } $workers = $total - $experts; return array($experts, $workers); }
Institutional contact for CANISIUS ()
- Michael Wood ()
There is only one member of CANISIUS registered for Hall B shifts:
- Michael Wood ()
Membership DB data: 
- Postal address: Canisius University, Buffalo, NY, NY, USA
- Website:
- Present CLAS membership status of CANISIUS: Full
- Corrections
- If you find this information inaccurate, please contact
Bryan McKinnon (and CC Bryan McKinnon) in order to
reconcile the Shift and Membership databases.