Adm version 1.0 Release Notes
1. Overview:
This major release includes java cdev version 2.2.2. Two new control
widgets and two new container widgets are added compared with previous
release version 0.4. All deprecated classes and methods are removed
from the package in this release.
2. New and changes:
- Two new widgets, CWheelSwitch and CCheckbox, are included for
controlling the device-properties in the system.
- The abstract classes CNamedApplication and CSingeltonApplication
are added to the package. They are used to develop the application
invoked by the CJavaMenuItem widget. The documents and sample code
on how to use these classes are available on the cdev Java web site.
- CApplication class is modified to use a static variable connection_count
to keep track the number of the connection. The application will attempt
to connect to the server only when connection has not been established
(connection count = 0). And disconnect from the system when no more
connection needed (connection count = 0).
- CJavaMenuItem is updated to require the invoked class to provide
a main method instead of static execute method.
- Deprecated widgets CFrame and CText, as well as all deprecated methods
are removed from the package.
- CDEV Java version 2.2.2 jar file is included in the release. The
documentation (generated by javadoc) for both packages are also
available in the release tar file.
3. System requirements:
- To using the this package Java 1.1.7 and above is required. Java 1.1.8,
1.2.2 and 1.3 version are recommend. They can be downloaded from the
web site.
- This release was tested under Linux Red Hat 6.0 and 6.2, Windows 98 and
NT 4.0 using java 1.2.2.
4. Installation:
Download the tar file from
Java cdev web site. Unpack the tar file using the tar utility. The files
are organized as follows:
| | | | | |
adm adm.jar adm_develop.jar cdev.jar domo doc
________|__________________________ |
| | | | | *.html
README *.java event *.gif Makefile
| |
*.java *.gif
The all html files under doc directory are generated by javadoc utility.
Run "make admdoc" can also created adm document pages in a CDEVHOME/admdoc
There are two adm jar files provided in this release. The adm.jar file
contains only none-BeanInfo class and used in the run time. It is relatively
smaller than adm_develop.jar file. The adm_develop.jar contains all class
files, including the BeanInfo classes, and all image files needed by the
visual builder tool. These two jar files can be created by run "make admjar"
on Unix or Linux platform. They are also available to download from the
cdev web site.
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