SDM Version 0.3 Release Notes
1. Overview:
In this release the CTable has been updated to editable and can be used
to control multiple devices and properties. This release also includes
many new Swing based widgets compared with previous 0.1 release.
All awt based widget in adm release 0.3 (except CStripChart and CPanel) now
have a correspondent swing based widget in the sdm release 0.3. The class
inheritance between these two packages is almost same. The only difference
is the Swing based CSlider in sdm package is a subclass of JSlider and the
CSlider in adm package is a custom widget drawn in an awt.Canvas.
It is recommend using only one of the package since the class names
in adm and sdm packages are identical. If the adm package user needs
the CTable widget, it is better to import the sdm.CTable only. Preliminary
test result shows the awt based widgets are much more efficient than swing
base widgets using java1.2.2 virtual machine.
2. System requirements:
Java 1.2.2 or higher is required. They can be downloaded from the
web site.
This package was tested under Linux Red Hat 6.2, Windows NT 4.0 using java
3. New and Changes:
The each cell in CTable is editable and it can be used to monitor
and control the multiple devices and properties.
All the widgets in adm release 0.3 (except CStripChart) are converted to
swing based components and added into this release.
All the widgets in this release are the subclass of JComponent and have a
tool tip deviceName.propertyName as text.
4. Limitations:
The setExtent (double precision) property method is not work properly.
When presses PgUp or PgDn key, the value always "jump" 3 units and ignores
the value set using setExtent method
When the cell in CTable is selected, the value update (live monitor) will
stop until user move the selection to another cell (it is better to move
to device name cell).
We experienced some problem when running the application contains JTextField,
CTextField, JComboBox etc. inside the X window.
5. New features planned for future releases:
Provide methods for user to manipulate the data display format and color
mode in CTable.
Extend the CTable to monitor the non-numerical type of device property,
such as Enum. Check the device name and property to remove the duplicates.
Complete the implementation of the CDirectory invisible bean. And add more
new widgets.
Improve the error handling so the cell will have an obvious and useful
graphical presentation for an unconnected monitoring.
Provide custom editor for the beans with complicated property.
For any comments and suggestions on SDM widgets, please send to
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