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DOE Accelerator Safety Workshop 2008

August 12-14, 2008
Jefferson Lab
Newport News, Virginia, USA


The 2008 DOE Accelerator Safety Workshop will be held at the TJNAF August 12-14, 2008 in the CEBAF Center (Building 12)

The intent is to share experience and gain consensus on how safety systems are efficiently applied to accelerator facilities. The workshop atmosphere is informal and open discussion is encouraged. The first workshop held at Fermilab led to the creation of the Accelerator Safety Order Guidance DOE G420.2B. Equal participation from DOE and contractor organizations is encouraged.

Topics for this year's workshop include:

For the first time we will also have panel sessions.

During the panel session representatives from Science labs will discuss their experience and then open the floor for discussion.

Facilitated afternoon breakout sessions will allow participants to discuss specific topics with the intent of sharing information and identifying recommendations for guidance or clarification.

Breakout Sessions include:

Attendees are encouraged to come prepared to discuss the above or introduce other topics as time is available.

Information and presentations from the 2007 workshop can be found at the DOE Office of Science web site.

Basic Schedule

The first two days include plenary sessions each morning with a panel session and topical break-out sessions in the afternoon. The final half-day includes an out brief report from each subgroup and a discussion of the path forward. A tour of the JLab CEBAF and FEL accelerators will be offered late morning of the final day.


Kelly Mahoney, Jefferson Lab