Hall B Ready for Science Review
September 25-26, 2017
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
Newport News, VA
Room L102 (9/25) , F326/7 (9/26)
The scope of the meeting is to:
(A) Review the readiness of the “CLAS12 First experiment” effort to coordinate the CLAS collaboration in the task of producing first rate science in course of and following the data taking period, and be ready for expedient analysis and result publications (this includes both understanding the detector and having the simulations and reconstruction software in place for physics.)
(B) Review the readiness of the effort to operate and commission all systems, providing the on-line monitoring and controls, trigger system, and the readout of all detector and ancillary systems.
(C) Review the readiness of the calibration effort to use the scheduled engineering run for optimizing the detector responses. This effort must be prioritized to support the CLAS12 First experiment effort in the physics run immediately following the engineering run.