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ES&H Manual
Chapter 6620 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Program

Jefferson Lab's Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Program provides guidance to minimize employee exposure to hazards issues such as cutting, grinding, drilling, sharp edges, pinch, and temperature extremes. PPE is used to supplement engineering and administrative controls. This program provides general information concerning the most common PPE provided to employees at Jefferson Lab.

This program complies with the laws/regulations as listed in ES&H Manual Chapter 2410 Appendix T1 Hazard Issues List

In accordance with ES&H Manual Chapter 3210 Work Planning, Control, and Authorization Procedure, Jefferson Lab considers basic, non-specialized PPE to be "Standard Protecting Measures." Basic, non-specialized PPE at Jefferson Lab includes:
  • Hard hat
  • Safety glasses with side shields
  • Safety Shoes
  • Hearing protection
  • Face shield
  • Gloves
  • Knee pads
  • Proper work clothes
Basic, non-specialized PPE does not protect against exposure to certain hazards, (i.e., electricity, welding, hazardous chemicals, etc.). These hazards require specialized PPE, and often, training in its use. See the ES&H Manual chapter applicable to specific hazard tasks for specialized PPE requirements.

NOTE: Jefferson Lab provides basic, non-specialized PPE to employees at no cost in accordance with 29 CFR 1910 Subpart I Personal Protective Equipment.


T1 Selecting, Acquiring, Training, and Caring for Personal Protective Equipment
The need for PPE is determined by completing a THA or, in specific areas, as determined by the supervisor. Required PPE is provided at no cost to Jefferson Lab employees. ES&H Manual Chapter 6620 Appendix T1 Selecting, Acquiring, Training, and Caring for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) describes how to: select appropriate PPE; acquire and replace it; and obtain training in its use and care.
T2 Types, Description, and Use of Personal Protective Equipment
Making the proper decision when identifying the need for and selecting the appropriate type of PPE minimizes the risk of exposure to a hazard issue(s). Each type has characteristics that provide specific protection. ES&H Manual Chapter 6620 Appendix T2 Types and Descriptions of PPE describes the most common PPE used at Jefferson Lab.


Management authority may be delegated at the discretion of the responsible manager.

Everyone at Jefferson Lab
  • Comply with work area and work specific PPE requirements. Signs often indicate requirements and are generally posted in affected work areas.
  • Contact appropriate ESH Professional to request an evaluation of a hazard issue(s) that may require PPE.
Employees Using PPE
  • Maintain current PPE training and medical monitoring, as required.
  • Ensure assigned PPE fits properly and is appropriate for the task. Report ill-fitting, non-compliant equipment to your supervisor.
  • Maintain and store PPE in accordance with manufacturer instructions and training.
  • Inspect PPE prior to use, check for:
    • Cleanliness
    • Wear
    • Defects
  • Dispose of PPE that fails inspection, in accordance with training.
Supervisors/Technical Representative (TR)/Sponsor
  • Evaluate the work assignment and inspect the work area. Complete a Task Hazard Analysis (THA) to determine PPE requirements.
  • Ensure area signs indicating required PPE are posted.
  • Ensure PPE required for work assignments is available.
  • Provide training to employees who are required to use PPE. Provide information on:
    • the appropriate type required and why
    • how to properly don the PPE
    • how to care, maintain, and identify its useful life cycle
    • how to properly dispose of damaged or expired PPE
  • Ensure employees who require PPE receive appropriate medical monitoring.
  • Ensure workers use and maintain PPE correctly.
ES&H Professional
  • Provide support to recommend PPE for hazards.
  • Inform supervisors of any deficiencies in the suitability, use, and/or maintenance of PPE observed during walk-throughs and provide guidance for correction.
Procurement Department Manager
  • Ensure PPE vendors used by Jefferson Lab meet safety performance requirements (i.e., ANSI, NIOSH, etc).
  • Ensure approved vendors of required prescription safety glasses and safety shoes are made available to employees, as necessary.
  • Restrict purchase of PPE from Lab purchase cards.
Occupational Medicine
  • Perform necessary medical evaluations, approvals, and monitoring for employees who use applicable PPE.

Document Control:
    TECHNICAL POINT-OF-CONTACT:  Jennifer Williams
    APPROVAL DATE:   02/06/17
    Revision 1.2 - 02/06/17 - Periodic Review; minor edits under Responsibilities per J.Williams
    Revision 1.1 - 06/28/13 - Periodic Review; updated IH contact info per J.Williams
    Revision 1.0 - 04/29/10 - Updated to reflect current laboratory operations.

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