Accelerator & Experimental Schedule

January to December 1996 (as published 12/18/95; actual run schedule may have been modified)

Activity Name Start Date Finish Date
Downtime, install Lambertson, BSY dump line & A lines 1/3/96 1/28/96
Restore beam to BSY, audit PSS & MPS BCMs 1/29/96 2/4/96
Commission cryotarget, spectrometer acceptance tests 2/5/96 2/16/96
Deliver 4 GeV, 25 microamp CW to Hall C
E-89-012 (R. Holt)
2/17/96 3/13/96
E-91-013 (D. Geesaman), E-90-007 (Milner) 3/14/96 4/3/96
Set up Hall C beam, 4 GeV, 50 microamp, deliver first beam to Hall A 4/4/96 4/7/96
Beam to Hall C E-89-008 (Filippone) 4/8/96 4/24/96
Deliver beam to Hall A as needed, continue E-89-008 (Filippone)? 4/25/96 4/28/96
Machine Shutdown 4/29/96 5/24/96
Memorial Day Holiday 5/25/96 5/27/96
Checkout Hall C (Zeidman, Baker) 5/28/96 6/2/96
Beam to Hall C E-91-016 (Zeidman) and to Hall A 6/3/96 6/27/96
Commission Moeller, set up polarized beam to Hall C 6/28/96 7/3/96
Independence Day Holiday 7/4/96 7/7/96
Machine Shutdown - PSS audit 7/8/96 7/10/96
Measure spin transport to Hall C, checkout E-94-014 (Stoler) 9/18/96 9/29/96
Beam to Hall C E-94-014 (Stoler) and to Hall A 9/30/96 10/14/96
Checkout Hall C E-91-003 (Jackson) 10/15/96 10/19/96
Beam to Hall C E-91-003 (Jackson) and to Hall A 10/20/96 11/15/96
Set up beam to Hall B, stage E-93-021 (Mack) (no beam) 11/16/96 11/27/96
Thanksgiving Holiday 11/28/96 12/1/96
Beam to Hall C E-93-021 (Mack) and to Hall A 12/2/96 12/20/96

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