Getting your final, peer-reviewed accepted manuscript into the Pubs system
Jefferson Lab must provide a clean copy of the final, peer-reviewed accepted manuscript (sans editorial and journal copyright marks) along with the digital object identifier (doi) link, if available, and relevant journal information.
The easiest way to accomplish this is to publish in Open Access journals. No further action is necessary on the author's part after the journal information is provided to the publications office via email or the publications system.
However, since not all journal articles are published in Open Access periodicals, the best way to accomplish this is to use the Cornell arXiv preprint repository ( and take advantage of the ability to upload versions of a paper. If authors use the arXiv system to upload the initial preprint (after approval, of course), authors may later upload the accepted manuscript version (not the final version) into arXiv as a new version, and the publications office will download this file and include it in the JLab system. This paper will be provided to DOE according to our metric requirement.
Another way to provide the final, peer-reviewed accepted manuscript is to maintain a local version simultaneously with the editing conducted with the journal. Once a final version is available, the author can submit it as the final, peer-reviewd accepted manuscript using the "Published Version" link in their My Papers repository (see below).
How to submit the final, peer-reviewed accepted manuscript into the Pubs system?
The preferred way. Visit Log-in. Once you log-in, find and click the link "My Papers" in the left navigation menu. You may need to change how the papers are displayed via the drop-down menu next to "Show."
Find the paper for which you have the final, peer-reviewed accepted manuscript. Click "Upload published version."
Complete the form and click "submit."
Send a copy of the peer-reviewed accepted manuscript in an email to Kim Edwards ( and provide the title of the paper, JLAB number, journal information, and the publication will be updated.