12 GeV Upgrade
In Hall B, the magnet support legs were installed and the bases grouted on the Torus magnet. The plan is for the “spit,” which has served as the temporary support for the magnet during the coil installation phase, to be removed later this week.
With snow falling and Jefferson Lab about to close early, on Friday, Jan. 22, the Horizontal Bend magnet in Hall C successfully reached a major goal following months of analyses, testing and review. After “training” at lower currents, the magnet was operated at 4,000 Amps, the current required for running the new Super High Momentum Spectrometer at its highest momentum.
Publications Refresher Course Offered Feb. 23
The next Publications Training and Refresher course will be held on Tuesday, Feb. 23, at 9 a.m. in CEBAF Center room F224-225. A brief introduction to the Department of Energy's Public Access Plan and how it affects Jefferson Lab will be presented. In this session, authors will learn how to submit manuscripts to the Publications Review and Approval System, how to make recommended revisions to papers during the signature process, and how to add the relevant information once the paper is published. If you would like to attend, R.S.V.P. to Kim Edwards by Friday, Feb. 19.
Apply Now for the Graduate Fellowship Program at Jefferson Lab
JSA is now accepting applications for the JSA/JLab Graduate Fellowship Program for the 2016-2017 academic year. JSA will award fellowships to qualified doctoral students at SURA member universities for research related to the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (Jefferson Lab) in Newport News, Virginia. Each fellowship will provide the awardee's home institution with a $10,000 stipend. The awardee's home institution must agree to provide the remaining research assistant stipend from institutional or research funds. An additional $2,000 supplemental stipend is provided to the awardee's home institution for the graduate student. Conference travel support is also available for use during the fellowship period. The JSA/JLab Graduate Fellowship Program is funded by the JSA Initiatives Fund. Funds for the 2016-2017 Graduate Fellowship Program are limited. Application materials are due by Feb. 29. Visit the website for an application form and application requirements. If you have any questions about the program, contact Elizabeth L. Lawson at elawson@sura.org.
JSA Offers Sabbatical and Research Leave Support at Jefferson Lab
JSA is now accepting applications for the JSA/JLab Sabbatical and Research Leave Support Program for the 2016-2017 academic year, with support beginning as early as summer 2016. The JSA/JLab Sabbatical and Research Leave Support Program enhances research opportunities for faculty through access to Jefferson Lab facilities and interaction with Lab researchers and users, strengthens the teaching and research capabilities of universities through faculty involvement, and strengthens the research programs of the Lab by attracting “new blood” and integrating university faculty members in the Lab's programs. The program is funded by the JSA Initiatives Fund. Application materials for the program are due by March 31. Visit the website for an application form and proposal requirements. If you have any questions about the program, contact Elizabeth L. Lawson at elawson@sura.org.
Free Books!
The library is purging its older titles and offering them to lab staff on a first-come, first-served basis. These books are located on a cart with a "FREE BOOKS" sign just inside the library. The library will dispose of any unclaimed books on Feb. 1. Visit the library website to view a list of available titles.
JSA Thesis Prize Call for Nominations
Theses completed during calendar year 2015 are eligible for the 2015 JSA Thesis Prize, as well as theses completed during the last quarter of 2014 (if they haven't been submitted before). This project is supported by the JSA Initiatives Fund Program, a commitment from the JSA owners, SURA and PAE Applied Technologies. Initiatives Funds support programs, initiatives, and activities that further the scientific outreach, promote the science, education and technology of the Jefferson Lab and benefit the Lab's extended user community in ways that complement the Lab's basic and applied research missions. The nomination deadline is Feb. 15. For nomination package details and submission instructions, see the webpage linked above.
2016 L’Oréal USA For Women in Science Fellowship Program Now Accepting Applications
The 2016 L’Oréal USA For Women in Science fellowship program is now accepting applications. The application and more information about the L’Oréal USA For Women in Science program can be found at www.lorealusa.com/forwomeninscience. Applications are due Friday, Feb. 5.
The Electrical Engineering Group is working towards the restoration of CEBAF and the start of the spring run. Of particular note is the work of the RF group, looking at maximizing the accelerating gradients available to the machine, whilst solving some of the problems of reliability in the system and reducing trip rates. The I&C (Instrument and Controls) group has been commissioning the new fast feedback system in the Hall D line, which will be tested with beam in the upcoming run. The DC power group continues its project work and has started to turn on magnet 'box' supplies as part of Hot Checkout. The Safety Systems group has also been working through HCO for CEBAF, as well as project work in the halls. The electricians and 'fab shop' continue to support many projects, including the I&C system in Hall B.
It would be remiss to not include the departure of two lab employees during the past few weeks, the loss of over 50 years of combined experience at the lab. Bill Merz has retired after 22 years. He came to the lab in 1994 after working at Fermilab. Bill had an immense wealth of knowledge and experience in power supply systems, operations and management, culminating in his position as department head of EES. Ron Lauze has also retired after 29 years. He came to the lab in 1987, one of the first wave of employees via Lawrence Livermore. Ron had a number of roles throughout the years in operations and engineering, ending up as EES deputy department head. They will be missed both professionally and personally by many, and we wish them a long and happy retirement.
Environment, Health, Safety and Quality
January 2016 Snowstorm
Just like a lot of events at the DOE sites across the country, things become a "Lesson Learned" in the effort to prevent adverse outcomes from occurring again or occurring at other locations. So, what lessons did you learned that you could have done better before, during and after this snow storm?
- Did you raise your wiper blades when you parked to keep them from freezing to the windshield, so you could clean it better?
- Did you have a snow brush and ice scraper in your car?
- Did you clear all the vehicle's windows so you could see around you?
- Did you have good tread on the tires or did you slip and slide both starting and stopping?
- What about if you became stuck on the road - do you have a blanket or other means to help keep warm?
Do you have a small snow shovel in the car, in case you get stuck?
At home, did you have an ergonomic snow shovel?
At home, did you apply sand or ice melt to icy patches or to the steps into the house?
Just think, if the storm track had been 150 miles further south, we would have been in the same conditions as the Washington, DC area, with many more inches of snow/ice and stronger winds. Could you have coped with those problems? Use this latest storm as a personal "lesson learned" for how you can prepare better for the next snow.
On Jan. 28 Only: Onelife Fitness Memberships at Reduced Rates with Jefferson Lab ID
A representative from Onelife Fitness will have a table in the CEBAF Center lobby on Jan. 28, 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. The representative will be offering a one-day special new membership rate for individuals who are employees of JSA/Jefferson Lab. The special one-day offer will be: $0 enrollment and $29.99 per month for membership at the Onelife Fitness located at 815 City Center Blvd (formerly Middle Ground Blvd.). This is based on a 12-month agreement with the membership converting to month to month after that. This rate will apply to anyone with a Jefferson Lab ID badge. Questions about the offering may be directed to the representative on Jan. 28.
Main Sidewalk from CEBAF Center to TED Closes Morning of Jan. 28
Effective the morning of Thursday, Jan. 28, the contractor installing the chilled water piping for the Computer Center cooling upgrade will open the main sidewalk from the CEBAF Center parking lot to CEBAF Center and the sidewalk and the pedestrian crossing on Kelvin Drive, between the CEBAF Center A Wing and the EEL, Bldg. 90. At the same time, the contractor will close the walkway from the CEBAF Center main entrance to the TED main entrance, Bldg. 55. For more information about this work, see the all-staff memo.
Volunteers Needed For Science Bowls
The 2016 DOE National Science Bowl season is right around the corner, and Jefferson Lab's Science Education team is seeking volunteers to help with the two tournaments that will be held at the lab in February and March. The Virginia Regional High School Science Bowl is set for Saturday, Feb. 6, and the Virginia Regional Middle School Science Bowl will follow on Saturday, March 5. More than 50 volunteers will be needed to run each event. Most of the volunteers perform as competition moderators, rules and scientific judges, timekeepers and scorekeepers, as well as to help with administrative tasks and with the Stay All Day Contest. Anyone interested in more information or in volunteering may see the entire all-staff memo for a signup link or contact Jan Tyler by email at: tyler@jlab.org.
Science Series: What Every Dog Should Know About Quantum Physics
Chad Orzel, physics professor & author of popular science books and blogs, will present “What Every Dog Should Know About Quantum Physics” in a Science Series lecture set for Tuesday, Feb. 9 at 7 p.m. in the CEBAF Center auditorium. The lecture is free and open to the public. In his talk, Orzel will discuss quantum physics, the science of extremely small things like atoms and subatomic particles. He’ll explain the reality behind some of the stranger aspects of quantum physics, and why it is so important that even dogs should know about it. See the webpage for more information.
JAG Dog Training Club to Kick off New Session at the Feb. 9 Science Series Talk; Training Classes to Begin on Feb. 23
The JAG Dog Training Club will kick off its 2016 Therapy Dog/Canine Good Citizen class on Tuesday, Feb. 9, at the special Science Series Lecture, "What Every Dog Should Know About Quantum Physics." No dogs at the lecture, please! Training classes with dogs will begin on Tuesday, Feb. 23, at 7 p.m. in the Support Service Center lobby, Building 28. For more information about the JAG Dog Training Club, contact Joyce Miller at x7163 or miller@jlab.org.
Jefferson Lab Calendar of Events
Feb. 1-3: Physics with Neutral Kaon Beam at JLab Workshop
Feb. 6: Va. Regional High School Science Bowl
Feb. 9: Science Series: What Every Dog Should Know About Quantum Physics
Feb. 18: Colloquium and Public Lecture: Tunnel Visions by Micheal Riordan
Feb. 18: GlueX Collaboration meeting