12 GeV Upgrade
Best-and-Final Offers for the fabrication of the "Q1" superconducting quadrupole magnet for the new Super High Momentum Spectrometer in Hall C have been received, and evaluation has been completed. The award package is being reviewed by DOE. Vendor responses to complete proposals for the Hall B torus magnet have come in and are under evaluation. Similar responses for the Hall B solenoid magnet are ongoing. Proposals for Hall C's Q2, Q3, and dipole magnets are due in a month.
Halls B and D have started many detector-related construction activities, and Hall C is in the process of evaluating its shield house design to slightly decrease weight and allow easier use of commercial bearings. Noticeably, Hall B has prepared Advanced Procurement Plans for its FY10 silicon sensor assemblies and forward time-of-flight photomultiplier tubes and high-voltage dividers.
In Hall A, production running for experiment E05-102, Measuring the Transverse Asymmetries in the 3He(e,e'd) Reaction, continues to proceed very smoothly.
The accelerator has been running well this past week, with only minor interruptions to beam delivery. Several test plans for the injector were completed during the scheduled beam studies, and the injector photocathode was reactivated, resulting in a good quantum efficiency. A quick access was made into the south linac to repair a minor water leak, and the arc 2 and arc 9 magnet power supplies tripped off several times, requiring the support of system experts to recover.
Free-Electron Laser
The FEL team is working to reestablish stable operations for the Joint Technology Office experiments and user tests now that systems are running again. Initial beam transport has been established, and the FEL is preparing to lase.
JLab's Safety Numbers
156 Days since Last Recordable Accident (JLab record: 331)
273 Days since Last Lost Workday Accident (JLab record: 676)
JLab Calendar of Events
June 1-19: HUGS 2009
June 8-10: Users Group Workshop and Annual Meeting
June 17: JLab Colloquium and Public Lecture, CC auditorium, 4 p.m.
July 1: Due date for several physics award applications
July 3: JLab closed for Independence Day
Summer Education Calendar
June 1-19: HUGS 2009 - Hampton University Graduate Students
May 26-July 31: SULI - Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internship
May 26 - July 31: REU - Research Experience for Undergraduates
June 18 - July 31: HSSHP - High School Summer Honors Program
July 7 - 31: DOE ACTS - Academies Creating Teacher Scientists
Environment, Safety, Health & Quality
The hot weather has arrived, so now is a good time to emphasize some basic information about "beating the heat" both at JLab and at home. During hot weather, remember that heat sensitivity is affected by age, weight, fitness condition and other medical conditions. Don't overdo it! Follow these tips to stay cool:
Drink plenty of fluid, about one cup every 15 minutes, even if you do not feel thirsty;
Take rest breaks as needed;
Schedule heaviest work for the coolest part of the day;
Wear lightweight, loose-fitting and light-colored clothing plus a hat if in the sun (don't forget the sunscreen).
For additional information, see JLab EH&S Manual Chapter 6670, Thermal Stress.
Computing and Networking Infrastructure
Adobe Acrobat Reader 9 Fix
There has been a continual problem with opening pdf files with Acrobat Reader 9 on certain systems. The CNI group has been able to provide users with a work-around for fixing this issue and have now been able to provide a fix. As of today, clicking on a pdf file from within Internet Explorer or Firefox will open the pdf file in a separate window. If you continue to have problems with opening pdf files, call the IT Division HelpDesk at x7155.
Helpdesk Extended Summer Hours
The IT Division HelpDesk is now open from 8 a.m.-12 noon and 12:30 p.m.-4:30 p.m., Monday - Friday.
JLab Conducts Interruptible Electric Load Test
JLab is participating in an interruptible electrical load program under the state electric contract with Dominion Virginia Power. Demand-side energy management helps to ensure that periods of tight electricity supply on the grid won't turn into power outages. JLab is participating in a one-hour test on Thursday, June 11, from 2-3 p.m. Upon notification that the test is beginning, staff and users should turn off all lights, equipment and electric loads that aren't necessary for you to continue your work. For more information, contacts and a timeline of the test, view the full all-staff memo.
Those individuals/groups using systems that are electrically power intensive, such as DC power supplies, operations in the Test Lab VTA or cavity test areas, should schedule their operations such that energy intensive operations do not occur during the 2-3 p.m. test time on June 11. Those operations should not start after 11:30 a.m. on that day.
Batch Farm Operations Stop Early for June 11 Power Reduction Test
In preparation for the power reduction exercise that JLab is participating in for Dominion Virginia Power, the batch farm reservation is set to finish all production physics jobs by 8 a.m. on Thursday, June 11. Note that only jobs specifying short enough time will run from now through tomorrow morning. Systems are expected to be fully operational again on Friday.
Don't Forget: Timely Timesheets Aid Salary Adjustment Process
In order for Payroll to begin processing salary adjustments, it is imperative that employee timesheets for the June 1-15 timesheet period be completed and received in Finance by the set deadlines. Employee timesheets are always due at the end of the employee's last work day of the timesheet period. If employees are absent, supervisors are responsible for completing the employees' timesheets by this same deadline. Supervisor and project manager approvals on the timesheets are always due no later than 2 p.m. on the first work day following the last day of the timesheet period.
Worker Safety and Health Program Pamphlet
The DOE Office of Health, Safety and Security has developed a pamphlet that provides an overview of the department's worker and safety health rules, including the roles and responsibilities for both management and workers. The pamphlet can be downloaded directly from the DOE Website.
Texting While Driving in Virginia Illegal After July 1
Last year, more than 28,000 vehicle crashes in the Commonwealth involved driver distraction. On July 1, a new law will go into effect that makes sending text messages or e-mails while driving in Virginia illegal. The new law has several exceptions, including emergency vehicle operators, drivers reporting an emergency or a driver who is parked. Also, texting while driving is a secondary offense, meaning a law enforcement officer must have a different reason to stop or arrest the driver. The fine is $20 for a first offense and $50 for a second offense. Meanwhile, North Carolina lawmakers recently passed similar legislation. If signed into law, texting will become illegal in North Carolina on Dec. 1. Similar legislation has been passed in Maryland but has not yet been signed into law. Texting while driving is already illegal in D.C. For more details, visit WVEC.com. |