Jefferson Lab Published Journal Articles Nov. 3-7
Y. X. Zhao et al. "Single spin asymmetries in charged kaon production from semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering on a transversely polarized 3-He target." Phys. Rev. C 90 055201 (2014).
B. Wojtsekhowski. "On measurement of the isotropy of the speed of light." Europhys. Lett. 108 31001(2014).
Remember to submit your papers for approval to the Jefferson Lab Publications database.
Center for Theoretical and Computational Physics
A new extraction of the "pretzelosity" transverse momentum dependent distribution h⊥1T has been performed using data from COMPASS, HERMES and Jefferson Lab on the sin(3φh - φS) asymmetry of the proton, deuteron and neutron. A model relation of the pretzelosity distribution and the orbital angular momentum of quarks is used to estimate the individual contributions from up and down quarks. Future Jefferson Lab 12 GeV data will be essential for better understanding the phenomenology of the pretzelosity distribution.
The Cryogenics Group reports the following work being undertaken.
Central Helium Liquefier-1 and -2
CHL1 was restarted and initially cooled to 4.5 Kelvin following the maintenance down this summer. Several major u-tube operations were completed to re-align the CHL1 system to the South Linac and the CHL2 to the North Linac. Both systems were successfully pumped down from 4.5 K to 2.1 K and are now supporting accelerator beam operations at 10.5 GeV.
End Station Refrigerator
The Hall A magnets were maintained at around 150 K using nitrogen from the ESR during the summer shutdown. The ESR cryogenic plant was restarted and cooled to 4.5 K and then the Hall A magnets were re-cooled to 4.5 K and filled in preparation for beam delivery.
Cryogenic Test Facility
The CTF plant is currently supporting testing activities for the Linear Coherent Light Source 2 in the Vertical Testing Area.
Hall D Refrigerator
The hall D solenoid has been cold and full of liquid helium since late July. The cryogenic plant has been operating well for about 4.5 months. Several rounds of testing were completed with the magnet being powered for one week of continuous operations at 1200 Amps. The accelerator has successfully delivered 10.5 GeV beam to Hall D, and detector commissioning is underway.
Linear Coherent Light Source 2
The project completed several reviews, including the preliminary design review, the integrated safety review, and the Directors review.
Facility for Rare Isotope Beams
The Cryogenics Group completed fabrication and shipped the second transferline prototype unit in October. The 90 percent design review was completed with no major findings. The helium gas storage specification was issued, and work continues to finish the specifications for the main compressors, the Liquid Helium Dewar, oil removal systems, the 2K / 4K heat exchangers, and the 2K cold box. Engineering and design of the cold distribution piping continues.
Jefferson Lab Calendar of Events
Nov. 12: Colloquium: Neutron Stars
Nov. 12-15: CLAS Collaboration meeting
Nov. 14: g2p Collaboration meeting
Nov. 17: Safety Shoe vendor onsite
Nov. 18-20: Future Directions in Spectroscopy Analysis
Nov. 21-22: Q-weak Collaboration meeting
Nov. 27-28: Thanksgiving, Jefferson Lab closed
Dec. 8-9: Hall A Collaboration meeting
Dec. 10: Colloquium
Dec. 15-16: PREX/CREX Collaboration meeting
Dec. 24-Jan. 2: Holidays and Shutdown Days, Jefferson Lab closed
Environment, Safety, Health and Quality
Look Up Recalls by Vehicle Identification Number
Owners may not always know their recalled vehicle still needs to be repaired. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration offers a new search tool that allows vehicle owners to enter a VIN and quickly learn if a specific vehicle has not been repaired as part of a safety recall in the last 15 years.
This VIN search tool covers safety recalls that are incomplete on a vehicle, safety recalls conducted over the past 15 calendar years and safety recalls conducted by major light auto automakers, including motorcycle manufacturers. However, the search tool does not cover completed safety recall information, manufacturer customer service or other non-safety recall campaigns, international vehicles, very recently announced safety recalls for which not all VINs have been identified and safety recalls conducted by small vehicle manufacturers, including some ultra-luxury brands and specialty applications.
Article Source: Safety2 listserve at Arizona State University
Computing and Networking Infrastructure
CNI Systems Maintenance Scheduled for Tuesday, Nov. 18, 5 p.m.
The IT Division's CNI group is planning a maintenance period on Tuesday, Nov. 18, for 5-10 p.m. During this time, there will be a series of short outages in the Technology and Engineering Development Building and Test Lab as the network switches are rebooted to install a patch update. In addition, there will be short outages of several central servers, including jlabl1, jlabl2, jlabl3 and jlabl4, while they are rebooted to finalize patch installation. Updates to Flash and Shockwave will also be released to the site. Lastly, Linux and Windows patches will be released to all desktops and servers. Plan on rebooting your Linux or Windows desktop by Friday, Nov. 21, to finalize patch installation. If you have any questions or concerns about this maintenance period, contact the IT Division Helpdesk at or x7155.
12 GeV Commemorative Glasses Offered
At the Oct. 29 Jefferson Lab Oktoberfest, a limited supply of 12 GeV Commemorative Glasses were distributed to staff members on a first come, first served basis. There have been additional requests for more glasses, so the Jefferson Lab Activities Group is looking into making an additional order. The cost of each glass is $6, and the JAG team will need to achieve a minimum order of 72 glasses for the order to be placed. If you would like to purchase one or more of the 12 GeV Commemorative glasses, contact Mary Jo Bailey with your request and quantity before Nov. 19. This offer is available to all staff, users, and students at Jefferson Lab.
Mobile Mammography Comes to JLab
The Sentara Mobile Mammography Unit will be here at Jefferson Lab on Dec. 11, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Mammography detects breast cancer and The American Cancer Society recommends scheduling your first or baseline mammogram at age 40. It only takes 15 minutes! This service is open to all employees as well as their family members or friends as personal health insurances will be billed. To make an appointment, visit and find Mobile Mammography Screenings under Screenings and Events or call 1-800-SENTARA (736-8272).
Toys for Tots Toy Drive Underway
Jefferson Lab will again participate in the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve's annual Toys for Tots toy drive. Collection boxes are available near the main entrances of CEBAF Center, MCC, SSC, ARC and TED Buildings. The toy donations will be delivered to the Marines on Dec. 6 at the JAG Children’s Holiday Party.
Ready, Set, Hang Those Decorations
The JAG is sponsoring a Holiday Office Door/Cubicle Decorating Contest. Prizes will be awarded to Best Decorated, Most Original, and Silliest. All employees, users and contractors with an office or cubicle may enter the contest (individuals or groups). Include your name(s), building number and office/cube location. Judging will take place Thursday, Dec. 18. Winning entries will be announced Friday, Dec. 19. Decorations may go up as early as Dec. 1 and should be taken down by Jan. 6. Decorating materials must be fire resistant and only UL-approved lighting/electronics may be used. No unwrapped food items are allowed. To enter, email JAG Chair Mary Jo Bailey by 5 p.m. on Dec. 16. See the poster for more details.
Flu Vaccines Offered by Appointment
Occupational Medicine is now taking appointments from Jefferson Lab staff for Influenza vaccinations. If you would like to be vaccinated, contact Occupational Medicine at x7539 to schedule an appointment. Shots are given by appointment only in the Support Service Center, Bldg. 28, room 3. Keep in mind that for 15 minutes after vaccination you should remain at Jefferson Lab, in the presence of other people and avoid safety-sensitive activities, including driving. For more information, contact Johnie Banks.
Order Thanksgiving Desserts from Quark Café
The café is now accepting holiday dessert orders during breakfast, lunch and Wednesday snack hours. The café is offering a selection of whole pies, including pumpkin, southern pecan, french silk and fruits of the forest. Pumpkin cheesecake is also available. Orders will be accepted through Friday, Nov. 21. Pre-ordered desserts will be available for pickup on Tuesday, Nov. 25, 11:30 a.m.-2 p.m. and Wednesday, Nov. 26, 8 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Pick up your order form and get more information in the Quark Café.
Food Drive Continues
Donations in support of the local Foodbank of the Virginia Peninsula are being accepted in drop boxes in the ARC, SSC, CEBAF Center and TED Building lobbies through Nov. 21. To participate, bring unopened, canned or boxed, nonperishable food items and place in the nearest donation box.