Dr. William F. Brinkman, Director of the Department of Energy's Office of Science, addressed Jefferson Lab staff on the Office of Science perspective during his visit Monday.
Dr. William F. Brinkman, Director of the Department of Energy's Office of Science, addressed Jefferson Lab staff on the Office of Science perspective during his visit Monday.
"There is still a lot of interesting nuclear physics that we want to do and are enthusiastic about doing," he told a crowd of about 250.
Brinkman highlighted several current projects in nuclear physics being supported by the Office of Science before turning the audience's attention to the national labs' role in studying the changes that have occurred in the climate over the last several decades.
"We have to figure out how to save energy at our national labs over the next 10 years to make a difference," he said.
He discussed several projects supported by the Office of Science that together may have a major positive impact on the global and U.S. energy outlook, including current and future research by the Energy Frontier Research Centers and the Bioenergy Research Centers.
"There's lots of things here we need to do, but I also want to make sure we remember we see ourselves as a basic science organization," Brinkman concluded.
The Office of Science Perspective
- Dr. William F. Brinkman, Director of the Department of Energy's Office of Science, addressed Jefferson Lab staff. See it here