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ES&H Manual
Chapter 3700 Safety Observation Program
Jefferson Lab's uses the Safety Observation (SO) Program as part of its Integrated Safety Management System (ISMS). It is designed to enable effective sampling and measurement of data to improve workplace safety. SOs are a powerful tool for reducing injuries by recognizing and eliminating unsafe behavior.

Program Elements

Safety Observation Program Function

The Safety Observation (SO) Program is an integral part of Jefferson Lab's Integrated Safety Management System (ISMS). ES&H Manual Chapter 3700 Appendix T1 Safety Observations - Function outlines the function of the Jefferson Lab (SO) Program.

Safety Observation Procedure

ES&H Manual Chapter 3700 Appendix T2 Safety Observation and Reporting Procedure defines the process step used to perform a qualifying Safety Observation (SO) and submit observation data into the program's database.


The SO Program provides a process where all managers regularly visit work areas; observe work behavior and conditions; and discuss job safety with individuals. The framework helps resolve safety issues and concerns; recognizes and acknowledges safe work practices; and gains employee commitment to correct unsafe work practices. This is all done in a non-threatening, collaborative manner.

NOTE: SOs may be used as input for the Jefferson Lab Safety Incentive Program.


Training Course Designated Levels of Management/Supervisor
Safety Observation Procedure

Technical Appendices

T1 Safety Observation Function
The Safety Observation (SO) Program is an integral part of Jefferson Lab's Integrated Safety Management System (ISMS). This appendix outlines the function of the Jefferson Lab (SO) Program.
T2 Safety Observation and Reporting Procedure
This procedure defines the process step used to perform a Safety Observation (SO) and submit observation data into the program's database.

Note: Management authority may be delegated at the discretion of the responsible manager.

All Designated Levels of Management
  • Receive and maintain SO Training.(SAF120KD Safety Observation Program and SAF120 Safety Observation Checkout).
  • Understand the function of the SO Program.
  • Plan and Perform SOs at appropriate intervals.
  • Record and Edit SOs as required
  • Review SO data and perform follow-up activities.
  • Use SO data as part of the continuous improvement process.
ES&H - QA/CI Manager
  • Provide summary SO data to the Director's Safety Council.
Deputy Director - ES&H
  • Provide SO Training and/or Checkout.
Director's Safety Council
  • Develop, implement, and continuously improve the SO program.
  • Review SO data for lessons learned.
Associate Director/Division Manager
  • Receive and maintain SO Training. This includes SAF120KD Safety Observation Program and SAF120 Safety Observation Checkout. Please note that SAF120 is an in-person practical which uses the Safety Observation Checklist located here.
  • Understand the function of the SO Program.
  • Plan and Perform SOs at appropriate intervals.
  • Along with DSO, determine SO frequency for SO at different levels of management (see Appendix T1 for recommended guidelines)
Document Control
    APPROVAL DATE:   9/30/15
    REVIEW DATE:  9/30/18
    Revision 2.0 - 09/30/2015 - Periodic Review; revised to reflect AD/Manager discretion on which managers/supervisors will conduct Safety Observations and receive training
    Revision 1.1 - 03/20/2015 - Training consolidated into one SRL Skill Code (SAF 102kd)
    Revision 1.0 - 06/18/2014 - Update to coordinate with current training requirements. Separated procedure steps (T2) from program function information (T1).
    Revision 0.1 - 05/20/14 - Added Required Safety Training Table.
    Reviewed - 09/29/11 - Reviewed by Technical Point-of-Contact, no substantive changes required.
    Revision 0 - 11/19/08 - This is new content.

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