Script Service Fundamentals
Overview of the
Script Service
The CDEV Script Service is designed to allow a a CDEV application to execute an
external script to process a message. The output that is produced by the executable
will be returned to the caller in the form of a cdevData. The CDEV Script Service
meets the following requirements.
Features of the
Script Service
The filename of the script is associated with a CDEV device/message
combination by using the "filename" field of the service data in the CDEV DDL file.
Syntax is described later in this document.
A new process will be spawned for the script each time it is executed. Its standard
output (stdout) file descriptor will be redirected to return data to the main CDEV
application, allowing the script to return results to the parent process.
The external executable file can be any form of user shell, batch file or binary
application that is supported on the host platform.
The Script Service supports all of CDEV's send mechanisms; "send",
"sendNoBlock" and "sendCallback". Because of limits imposed on the number of
active processes, the user is advised to use the synchronous "send" method
whenever practical.
When called by CDEV, the script will receive three arguments; the name of the
CDEV device associated with the request, the message string that was submitted
to the device, and a string that describes the contents of the outbound cdevData
The reply that is written to the standard output by the script must have a specific
format as described later in this document. A script may return more than one
reply packet to the caller.
The script notifies CDEV that it has written its last reply packet by writing "done"
alone on a line to the standard output.
If the script is to return multiple results, it should write "end" alone on a line to the
standard output between each packet, and write "done" alone on a line following
the last packet.
If the script returns a value in the "status" tag of its reply packet, this will be
provided to the caller as the completion code of the message. Traditionally a
status of 0 indicates success, and all other values indicated an error occurred.
Because the callback mechanism of the Script Service is triggered by output from
the script, the script developer should at least write "done" to the standard output
even if the application returns no output.
Building the Script Service
Location of Files
The source code for the Script Service is provided with the CDEV distribution starting
with version 1.5. The source code is located in the directory $CDEV/extensions/
ScriptService. The following steps should be taken to build the ScriptService.
Steps to Building
Obtain and install the CDEV distribution - Version 1.5 or higher.
Follow the installation steps to build CDEV on your system. This includes setting
all of the environment variables required by CDEV.
Change directories to $CDEV/extensions/ScriptService/src.
There is a collection of platform specific makefiles in the directory $CDEV/
extensions/cdevGenericServer/include/makeinclude. Link the makefile that is
appropriate to your architecture to the file Makefile.OS.
For example, to link to the makefile for HP-UX, you would type the following
ln -s Makefile.hpux Makefile.OS
Type make to compile and link the Script Service shared object. Note that you
must be using GNU make in order to build this distribution.
Upon completion the Makefile will generate the shared object for the Script Service
and will install it into your CDEVSHOBJ directory. At this point you are ready to use
the Script Service.
Structure of Data Provided to the Script
General Form of
Data String
When a developer makes a CDEV send call, he may provide outbound data in the
form of a cdevData object. Before calling the script, this data is converted into a string
and provided as the third argument to the application (the first argument is the device
name and the second is the message). The structure of the outbound data string is of
the following form.
Figure 1:
General form of string representation of cdevData
tag1="string value"
Representation of
Scalar Data
The above example shows two data entries of the form tag=value. Each entry is
separated by a carriage return. The first entry has a tag name of 'tag1' and a value of
'string value'. You will note that 'string value' is enclosed in double quotes in the
example. This is used to notify the script that the value is a non-numeric character
string. In the second data entry the value '1.0' is not enclosed in quotes, indicating that
the value is a number.
The following example illustrates how scalar values stored in a cdevData object would
look when they are passed to the script.
Figure 2:
String representation of scalar data in a cdevData object
Data stored in cdevData object:
Tag: value
Data Type: character string
Value: Test
Tag: status
Data Type: integer
Value: 0
Tag: controlHigh
Data Type: double
Value: 1.001
String representation provided to script:
Representation of
Array Data
If array data is stored in the outbound cdevData object, it too can be provided to the
script. The data is structured in the standard C format where opening and closing
braces mark the beginning and end (respectively) of each array bound. The following
example illustrates how various arrays would be represented as strings.
Figure 3:
String representation of array data
Data stored in cdevData object:
Tag: value
Data Type: character string [3]
Value: "value1" "value2" "value3"
String representation provided to script:
Data stored in cdevData object:
Tag: value
Data Type: double [3]
Value: 1.0, 2.0, 3.01
String representation provided to script:
Data stored in cdevData object:
Tag: value
Data Type: double [3][2]
Value: 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0
String representation provided to script:
Structure of Data Returned from the Script
Returning Data to
the Calling CDEV
Before CDEV starts the script, it creates a pipe that is used to pass data between the
script and the CDEV application. One end of this pipe is maintained by the application
and the other end of the pipe is provided to the script as its standard output. This
means that anytime the script uses the "echo" command or the "printf" command, the
data that it output's will be transmitted through the pipe to the parent application.
The script is responsible for formatting the data into a collection of character strings
that can be recognized by the CDEV application.
General Form of
String Data
In general, the data that is returned from a script is of the same form as described in
the preceding section, "Structure of Data Provided to the Script". The most notable
difference is that the script must terminate the list by providing a character string that
indicates that the group of data items is complete; the string "end" or "done" alone on
a line.
Returning a
Single Result
If the script is going to return exactly one result packet (a group of tags and values that
will be used to populate the result cdevData), then it should write the string "done" on
a line by itself immediately following the output data. This will notify the Script Service
that no more data will be returned from the script.
The following example shows how a single result will be returned from a script. Note
that the "status" tag contains the completion code that will be returned to the CDEV
Figure 4:
Returning a single result packet to the CDEV application
#\! /bin/csh -f
echo value=\"Test\"
echo status=0
echo controlLow=1.5
echo controlHigh=25.1
echo done
Multiple Result
Returning multiple results from a single script execution is not generally advised.
However, If the script is going to return more than one result packet, then each interim
packet should be terminated by the "end" keyword on a line by itself. The "done"
keyword should follow the last entry.
The following example shows how two results will be returned from a script.
Figure 5:
Returning a multiple result packets to the CDEV application
#\! /bin/csh -f
echo value=\"Start Result 1\"
echo status=0
echo end
echo value=\"Start Result 2\"
echo status=-1
echo done
If the script that is being executed will not return a result, then the developer should
still write "done" to the standard output in order to notify the CDEV application that it
should no longer wait for output. If the script is not returning a result, it may write the
terminating "done" at the beginning of the script or at the end. Because synchronous
calls will block until a reply is received, the developer should return a result to the
CDEV application as quickly as possible.
If the developer never writes anything to the standard output, then the user specified
CDEV callback will never be executed... therefore, it is crucial to notify the CDEV
application when the script has completed.
DDL Entries for the Script Service
Setting Up the
The following example illustrates how to add a service entry to identify the Script
Service and how to use the service data to specify the filename that the Script Service
will execute to service a message.
Figure 6:
Simple DDL file for the Script Service
* This is the service definition, it tells CDEV that there is
* a service named Script and that it will use the cdevData
* tag 'filename' to read configuration information from the
* DDL file entries.
service Script
tags {filename}
* This class definition identifies the class scriptClass which
* supports the "get and "set" commands on attributes "attrib0"
* and "attrib1". Note that attrib0 will call script /bin/ouch
* and attrib1 will call script /bin/wammo.
class scriptClass
verbs {get, set}
attrib0 Script {filename = /bin/ouch};
attrib1 Script {filename = /bin/wammo};
* Finally, the CDEV DDL identifies two devices that are of type
* scriptClass. Any time one of the supported messages is passed
* to one of these devices it will activate the corresponding
* script.
scriptClass : device0, device1;