Overview of cdev Services
What is a cdev
The cdev library defines a command set that can be used to provide a homogenous
interface to differing control systems. In order to incorporate a control system into the
cdev environment, the developer must create linking code that allows the cdev system
to communicate with the system. This linking code is called a cdev service. At a
minimum, the cdev service developer must develop two interface classes and a simple
constructor function in order to create a new service. These classes and functions will
be described at length in the sections that follow.
Service Classes
Each service must define a service class that provides the mechanisms for
communicating with the underlying control system. This class is inherited from the
cdevService class, from which it gains most of its functionality. The main effort for the
developer in creating this class is in the flush, poll and pend methods. These methods
are functionally identical to those defined in the cdevSystem object, however, the
developer must provide concrete mechanisms for communicating with the intended
control system, as well as managing and reporting errors that might occur during
normal operation.
Request Object
The service developer must also create a request object class that provides the
mechanisms for a cdevDevice object to communicate with the developer's service
class. This class is inherited from the cdevRequestObject class, from which it gains
most of its functionality. The primary effort for the developer in creating this class is in
the send, sendNoBlock and sendCallback functions. The service creator must also
develop his strategy for efficiently communicating with the underlying system. The
source code in the following chapters will illustrate a queueing scheme that provides a
very simple and efficient linkage between the service and the request object. The
request object is also responsible for detecting and reporting errors that occur within
its domain.
Loader Functions
The loader function is an extern "C" function that is called by the cdevSystem object to
dynamically construct a copy of the service class.
What the
Developer Must
In order to create cdev services, the developer must have an extensive understanding
of the complete cdev system. A potential service developer should first develop
applications using existing cdev services in order to understand the expected behavior
of a service. The developer should then familiarize himself completely with all of the
classes within the cdev library, paying special attention to the cdevService class and
the cdevRequestObject class.
The following chapters describe the structure and syntax of the most important of
these classes and an overview of how certain messages are expected to behave. This
manual finishes with the complete annotated source code for a demonstration service
that operates on a virtual control system.
Developing cdev Services
Steps in
Developing a cdev
Install and build the cdev distribution. Obtain a copy of the most recent cdev
distribution and install it on your system.
Define the devices in your control system. Define the names, attributes and
messages associated with each device in your control system. This information
will be critical in the construction of the Device Definition Language file that cdev
will use to determine which service will process messages for a device.
Design and document specific device/message behavior. Determine the
specific inputs and outputs required for each device to process a message.
Design and document how the service will route messages to the underlying
control system. Ensure that the disposition of standard messages within your
service is consistent with the behavior of standard cdev services.
Develop your cdevService object. This object is a sub-class of the cdevService
class and will be responsible for responding to flush, poll, and pend requests from
the cdevSystem object. The service object should be able to perform all interface
tasks necessary to link the service specific cdevRequestObjects to the underlying
control system.
Develop your cdevRequestObject object. This object is a sub-class of the
cdevRequestObject class and will be responsible for responding to send,
sendNoBlock and sendCallback requests from the cdev application.
Develop your cdevCollectionRequest object (optional). If your service will
provide specialized support for collections of devices, it wil be necessary to
develop a cdevCollectionRequest object that processes these requests.
Create a service loader function. This function is described earlier in this
document and is used by the cdevSystem object to an instantiate a new service
object for this service.
Compile and link the shared object. Compile a position-independent shared
object file that cdev can load on request. The service's shared object file should
contain all of the object code necessary to directly load and utilize the service.
This file should be copied to the directory where the other cdev services are
The cdevService Class
Overview of the
cdevService Class
The cdevService C++ class is an abstract base class for all cdev services. This class
defines the mechanisms that cdev will utilize to communicate with your underlying
control system. It is the responsibility of the service developer to 'flesh out' the virtual
functions that are defined within this class and to develop the code necessary to
communicate with the underlying control system.
The primary methods that developers must concern themselves with are flush, poll
pend, and getRequestObject. These methods represent the majority of the work that
must be performed in developing a cdev service.
The flush Method
The flush method is responsible for submitting any unsent messages to the device.
This may entail submission of a message using a network protocol or simply calling a
statically linked C function. The cdevSystem object will call this method prior to each
pend or poll operation, or whenever the flush method of the system object is called
directly by the user.
The poll Method
The poll method is responsible for directly polling each of the physical devices that are
managed by the service to detect if they require attention (typically by checking a
single socket). This method is typically utilized to allow the physical device an
opportunity to return a response to a previously sent message. The cdevSystem
object will call this method whenever the application calls the poll method of the
system object. Most services can route this call directly to their associated pend
The pend Method
The pend method allows the service to wait for a period of time for one of its
underlying devices to require attention. After waiting for a specified period of time, this
method will return CDEV_SUCCESS if it successfully serviced any of its underlying
devices, or CDEV_TIMEOUT if no device became active during that period. This
method is typically called by the cdevSystem object in response to a change in state
of one or more of the service's file descriptors.
The getRequestObject method is used by the cdevSystem object to obtain a new
instance of one of the service's request objects in response to a request made by the
application. The service may internally define many request object types for use by
applications, therefore, it is the responsibility of this function to return the correct
request object for the specified device / message combination. Typically a service will
only define one type of request object and will use it for all requests.
Public Member
Functions of the
cdevService Class
Public Functions
of the
cdevService Class
int flush (void);
Flushes any pending outbound requests to the appropriate
servers. This is a pure virtual function that must be provided by
the service developer.
int poll (void);
Directly polls each of the cdevService's underlying file
descriptors for activity, and delivers any asynchronous
callbacks that are ready. This is a pure virtual function that must
be provided by the service developer.
int pend (int fd);
Waits for a default period of time for the specified file descriptor
to have an I/O event. If the fd parameter is not provided, the
cdevService object will wait for an I/O event on any of its
contained file descriptors. When an event occurs on one of the
file descriptors, the cdevService object will call the appropriate
function to process the event and dispatch any asynchronous
callbacks that are ready. This is a pure virtual function that must
be provided by the service developer.
int pend (double seconds, int fd);
Processes all I/O events that occur on the file descriptor during
the specified period of time. If the fd parameter is not provided,
the cdevService object will wait for I/O events on all of its
contained file descriptors. When an event occurs on one of the
file descriptors, the cdevService object will call the appropriate
functions to process the event and dispatch any asynchronous
callbacks that are ready. This is a pure virtual function that must
be provided by the service developer.
int getRequestObject ( char *dev, char *msg,
cdevRequestObject* &req);
Obtains a pointer to a cdevRequestObject that is specific to this
service and the specified device/message combination. This
method should only be called by the cdevSystem object. This is
a pure virtual function that must be provided by the service
int getNameServer (cdevDevice* &server);
Obtains a cdevDevice object identifying the name server for
this service. A service is not required to provide its own name
server and may simply set the server parameter to NULL. This
is a pure virtual function an must be provided by the service
int getCollectionRequest ( char ** devices,
int nDevices, char * msg,
cdevCollectionRequest * &req);
This method allows the caller to obtain a
cdevCollectionRequest object that will contain only devices that
are associated with the service. A default mechanism is
provided to support this functionality, however, the developer
may create a special request object to optimize these
int getFd (int* &fd, int &numFd);
Retrieves a list of file descriptors that are contained within the
cdevService object. The fd pointer will be given the pointer to
the internal array of file descriptors, and the numFD parameter
will be set to the number of file descriptors in the list. A service
that does not use file descriptors should set the fd and numFD
parameters to NULL and 0, respectively. This is a pure virtual
function that must be provided by the service developer.
int registerFd (int fd, int opened);
The service developer may implement this method to allow
external file descriptors to be added to the list of file descriptors
in the service. The fd parameter should contain the file
descriptor, and the opened parameter should contain 1 to add it
to the list or 0 to remove it from the list.
int autoErrorOn (void);
Informs the cdevService object that it should use its internal
default error handler to process any error messages that are
generated by objects within its control. This is the default
operating condition for the cdevService object.
int autoErrorOff (void);
Informs the cdevService object that it should use its internal
default error handler to process any error messages that are
generated by objects within its control. This is the default
operating condition for the cdevService object.
int reportError ( int severity, char *name,
cdevRequestObject *obj,
char *formatString,...);
Emits an error message. The severity field indicates the
severity of the error, the name string identifies the object that
generated the error, the obj parameter is the
cdevRequestObject that was in use when the error occurred,
and the formatString and additional parameters (...) should be
formatted in the same manner as the parameters used by
The integer used by severity should have one of the following
values indicating the severity of the error that has occurred.
No error.
An error occurred that should
not impact continued
An error occurred and should
be corrected before
A severe or fatal error has
occurred and cdev cannot
continue normal execution.
void setErrorHandler (cdevErrorHandler handler);
Used to install a user specified error handler. This error handler
will be called when an error occurs if the autoErrorOff method
has been used to disable the default error handler. The user
provided error handler should have the following prototype:
void handler (int severity, char *text, cdevRequestObject *obj);
The severity parameter will contain one of the integers
specified in the reportError documentation, the text parameter
will contain the text of the error, and the obj parameter will
contain the cdevRequestObject that was in use when the error
void setThreshold (int errorThreshold);
Used to specify the level of severity at which errors should be
submitted to the error handler. The value of errorThreshold
should be one of the severity levels specified in the reportError
char *name (void) const;
Retrieves the name of the service. This method is used
extensively to determine the service that underlies a specific
cdevRequestObject object. If not over-ridden by the service
developer, this method will return the string "cdevService".
The cdevRequestObject Class
Overview of the
Object Class
The cdevRequestObject C++ class is the application's interface to the underlying
service. Each service must provide a service specific request object that applications
may use to send messages to the service.
The message associated with a cdevRequestObject may be sent to a device using
one of the three send member functions, these are: send, sendNoBlock, and
sendCallback. The syntax and functionality of these methods is described in the
section below. The majority of work in the development of a service specific request
object is in the development of these three methods.
Public Member
Functions of the
Object Class
static cdevRequestObject& attachRef (char *device, char *
Obtains a reference to a cdevRequestObject object by
specifying the name of the device and the message string. By
default, the new object will be managed by the default
static cdevRequestObject& attachRef (cdevDevice &dev, char *
Obtains a reference to a cdevRequestObject object by
providing a reference to the associated cdevDevice object and
the message string. By default, the new object will be managed
by the default cdevSystem.
static cdevRequestObject* attachPtr (char *device, char * msg);
Obtains a pointer to a cdevRequestObject by specifying the
name of the device and the message string. By default, the new
object will be managed by the default cdevSystem.
static cdevRequestObject* attachPtr (cdevDevice &dev, char *
Obtains a pointer to a cdevRequestObject by providing a
reference to the associated cdevDevice object and the
message string. By default, the new object will be managed by
the default cdevSystem.
static void detach (cdevRequestObject& dev);
Removes a referenced cdevRequestObject object from its
associated cdevSystem object. Ordinary applications should
never use this command.
static void detach (cdevRequestObject* dev);
Detaches the cdevRequestObject object specified by dev from
its associated cdevSystem object. Ordinary applications should
never use this command.
char *message (void) const;
Retrieves the message string that is associated with this
cdevDevice &device (void) const;
Retrieves a reference to the cdevDevice object that is
associated with this cdevRequestObject.
cdevSystem& system (void) const;
Retrieves a reference to the underlying cdevSystem object that
manages this cdevRequestObject.
cdevService& service (void) const;
Retrieves a reference to the underlying cdevService object that
this cdevRequestObject is attached to.
int getState (void);
Obtains the state of the underlying device. This function returns
one of the following values as defined in cdevErrCode.h.
Object is connected.
Object is not connected.
Object is invalid.
The service developer is responsible for implementing this
function correctly in the service related cdevRequestObject.
int getAccess (void);
Obtains access control information about the underlying
device. This function returns one of the following values as
defined in cdevErrCode.h.
No access to attribute.
Read-only access.
Read-write access.
The service developer is responsible for implementing this
function correctly in the service related cdevRequestObject.
int setContext (cdevData& cxt);
Used to insert a cdevData object containing tagged values that
control optional behavior of the underlying device. The context
is often used to specify which properties (value, status,
severity) a device returns in response to a "get" message. The
service developer may override the default behavior of this
method to better accommodate the requirements of the
cdevData & getContext (void);
Retrieves a reference to the cdevData object that contains the
context for a specific cdevRequestObject. The service
developer may override the default behavior of this method to
better accommodate the requirements of the service.
void * getPrivate (void);
Retrieves a pointer to a data object that was placed in this
object using the setPrivate function.
void setPrivate (void * data);
Associates a user specified data object with this
cdevRequestObject. The pointer can be retrieved later using
the getPrivate method.
int send (cdevData &out, cdevData& result);
int send (cdevData *out, cdevData& result);
int send (cdevData &out, cdevData* result);
int send (cdevData *out, cdevData* result);
The send function is the standard method for synchronously
communicating with a device. The out cdevData object
contains any property values that the device will need to
perform the task. The result cdevData object will contain the
output properties that resulted from the call. The service
developer is responsible for implementing this method in the
service specified cdevRequestObject. This function will return
one of the error code defined in cdevErrCode.h.
Figure 1:
Return codes generated by the send method.
CDEV_WARNING: The failure was non-critical.
CDEV_SUCCESS: The message was processed successfully.
CDEV_ERROR: Failed to process message.
CDEV_INVALIDOBJ: Invalid cdev request object used.
CDEV_INVALIDARG: Invalid argument passed to cdev call.
CDEV_INVALIDSVC: Wrong service during dynamic loading.
CDEV_INVALIDOP: The operation is not supported.
CDEV_NOTCONNECTED: Not connected to low level network
CDEV_IOFAILED: Low level network service IO failed.
CDEV_CONFLICT: Conflicts of data types or tags.
CDEV_NOTFOUND: Cannot find specified data in cdevData.
CDEV_CONVERT: cdevData conversion error.
CDEV_OUTOFRANGE: Value out of range for device attribute.
CDEV_NOACCESS: Insufficient access to perform request.
CDEV_ACCESSCHANGED: Change in access permission of device.
CDEV_DISCONNECTED: The service has lost contact with the
CDEV_RECONNECTED: The service has regained contact with
the device.
int sendNoBlock (cdevData &out, cdevData &result);
int sendNoBlock (cdevData *out, cdevData &result);
int sendNoBlock (cdevData &out, cdevData *result);
int sendNoBlock (cdevData *out, cdevData *result);
The sendNoBlock method uses the same parameters and
syntax as the send method. However, rather than waiting for
the underlying service to respond to the request, this function
will return immediately.The caller must use a cdevGroup object
in order to detect when the transaction has been completed.
The service developer is responsible for implementing this
method in the service specified cdevRequestObject.
int sendCallback (cdevData &out, cdevCallback &callback);
int sendCallback (cdevData *out, cdevCallback &callback);
The sendCallback function is the standard method for
asynchronously communicating with a device. Rather than
providing a result cdevData object, this method requires the
user to provide the address of a cdevCallback object. This
object contains a user supplied pointer and the address of a
function to call when the message has been successfully
processed. The service developer is responsible for
implementing this method in the service specified
The cdevCollectionRequest Class
Overview of the
Request Class
The cdevCollectionRequest class is an abstract base class from which other
cdevCollectionRequest objects are derived. It provides a protected constructor and
destructor that are used to initialize its internals, however, the primary mechanism that
is used to obtain a cdevCollectionRequest object is the attachPtr method.
Because the cdevCollectionRequest is inherited from the cdevRequestObject, all of
the methods of that class must be fulfilled in addition to those specific to the
cdevCollectionRequest class.
Public Member
Functions of the
Request Class
cdevCollectionRequest( char **devices, int nDevices,
char * msg, cdevSystem & system);
This is the constructor for the cdevCollectionRequest class. It
has the following properties.
This method is protected to prevent the direct instantiation
of new cdevCollectionRequests. New instances of the
cdevCollectionRequest objects are created by using the
attachPtr or attachRef method of the cdevRequestObject
class which will call the local attachPtr method to create a
new object if necessary.
The constructor is called by the cdevCollection object and
is provided with a list and count of devices that will be
included in the collection and the message that will be sent
to them.
The cdevSystem reference that is provided is the
cdevSystem instance that will be used to poll, pend and
flush the cdevCollectionRequest object.
virtual ~cdevCollectionRequest (void);
This is the destructor for a cdevCollectionRequest object. It has
the following properties.
This method is protected to prevent the
cdevCollectionRequest object from being destroyed by the
application. This method should only be called by the
cdevSystem object when the application is terminating.
Because the cdevCollectionRequest object will normally be
referred to as a cdevRequestObject object, this destructor
is virtual to ensure that the 'most senior' destructor is
called first.
cdevCollectionRequest * attachPtr
( cdevCollection &col, char *msg, cdevSystem &sys);
This method is used by the cdevCollection object to obtain a
new cdevCollectionRequest object.
This method will obtain a copy of the device names from
the cdevCollection object and will poll the cdevDirectory
object to determine which service each of them is
associated with.
If the devices are all from a single service, this method will
return a service specific collection request object.
If the devices are from a variety of services, this method will
return a cdevGrpCollectionRequest that contains the
service specific collection request objects.
Device/message combinations that are not associated with
a service will be ignored.
If none of the device/message combinations can be
associated with a service, then an error message will be
generated and NULL will be returned.
char * className (void);
This method returns the name of the class;
"cdevCollectionRequest". If the developer inherits a service
specific cdevCollectionRequest, then this method should not be
altered or overridden.
int resultCodetag (void);
This method returns the integer tag that should be used to
insert the result code that was geneterated when the message
was sent to the actual device.
The Service Loader Function
The service loader function is used to create an initial instance of the service after the
its associated shared object file has been dynamically loaded.
The naming convention for this class is very specific. The following syntax is required:
Figure 2:
Naming convention and syntax for the cdevService loader function
cdevService *newXxxxxService (char * name, cdevSystem * system);
In the function name above the Xxxxx should be replaced by the name of the service
with the first character capitalized. A service named demo would have a loader
function named newDemoService. The loader function is only required to allocate a
new service class for the service and return a pointer to it. The following example
illustrates how the loader function for the demo service would be written.
Figure 3:
Example cdevService loader function
#include <cdevService.h>
// ****************************************************************
// * Include file with definition of the service class
// ****************************************************************
#include "demoService.h"
// ****************************************************************
// * Loader function for the demoService class
// ****************************************************************
cdevService *newDemoService (char * name, cdevSystem * system)
return new demoService(name, *system);
The cdevTranObj Class
Overview of the
cdevTranObj Class
The cdevTranObj (cdev transaction object) C++ class is a container class that is used
to maintain information that is required for individual operations within a service. This
class stores a copy of the cdevRequestObject that was used to submit a request, the
cdevSystem object in which the request object was created, the cdevCallback object
provided by the user, and the cdevData object that the returned data should be placed
in. Because this object is intended for usage only by cdev internals, all of its data
elements are public.
The cdevTranObj is used to submit a request from the cdevRequestObject to the
cdevService. It is also used to place a transaction into a group of requests using the
cdevGroup object. The service notifies the cdevSystem object and the cdevGroup
objects that this transaction has been processed by calling its removeFromGrps
method. This will effectively remove the cdevTranObj from all groups that it is
associated with.
Public Data
Properties of the
cdevTranObj Class
cdevSystem *system_;
This is a pointer to the cdevSystem that contains this
transaction object. The transaction will be processed whenever
the poll or pend methods of this cdevSystem object are
cdevRequestObject *reqObj_;
This is a pointer to the cdevRequestObject that was called to
submit this transaction. This cdevRequestObject will be
submitted to the user specified callback function when the
transaction has been completed.
cdevData *resultData_;
This is the cdevData object that will be populated with the
results of the transaction. This object will also be submitted to
the user specified callback function when the transaction has
been completed.
cdevCallback *userCallback_;
This class contains a pointer to the caller specified callback
function as well as any user argument. The callback function
will be executed when the transaction has been completed.
Note that it is the responsibility of the service to execute this
callback function when it has finished processing the
Public Member
Functions of the
cdevTranObj Class
int status (void);
Returns the status of the cdevTranObj object. The value
returned will be 1 if this object is a member of any cdevGroup
object, or -1 if this object is not a member of any cdevGroup
int removeFromGrps (void);
Removes this transaction object from any cdevGroup object
that it may be in.
void enableDeleteCbk (void);
Sets the internal flag telling the transaction object to delete its
internal callback object while executing its destructor. This is
the default behavior for the cdevTranObj.
void disableDeleteCbk (void);
Sets the internal flag telling the transaction object not to delete
its internal callback object while executing its destructor. This
mode should be used when the user specified callback object
is shared by numerous transaction objects.
Default Service Behavior for Standard Messages
The cdev library is designed to provide a standard calling interface to dissimilar
devices within a control system. This interface is accommodated through the use of
the cdevDevice methods send, sendNoBlock and sendCallback. However, because
each service can define the names and behaviors of the messages that it supports,
the user must be increasingly aware of which service may process its messages.
In order to reduce the required knowledge of the user, and to improve the consistency
of all services, all cdev services should provide well-defined support for a minimum list
of verbs.
The following verbs should be implemented to provide a standard behavior in all cdev
services: get, set, monitorOn, and monitorOff.
"get" Message
The "get" verb can be joined with any attribute of a device to form a "get" message.
This message is then sent to the device in order to obtain the value of specified
properties of the attribute. The following steps should be executed in order to utilize a
"get" message.
Obtain a pointer to the cdevDevice object for the device that you wish to address.
Create a message string by concatenating the attribute that you wish to address
to the "get" verb. For instance, to get the VAL attribute of a device, the message
strings should be: "get VAL".
Optionally, use the cdevDevice object created in step 1 and the message string
created in step 2 to obtain a pointer to a cdevRequestObject object.
Set the context of the cdevDevice or cdevRequestObject to indicate which
properties you wish to obtain. A non-zero value in any property indicates that its
value should be returned. If no context has been specified, the service should
return the value property by default. A complete description of the context data
object is provided in the cdevDevice documentation.
Use the send, sendNoBlock, or sendCallback message to submit the message
to the device.
Evaluate the return value from the send command to determine if the operation
completed successful. Any value other than CDEV_SUCCESS indicates that an
error occurred in handling the message.
If the call was completed successfully, extract the desired properties from the
resultant cdevData object.
"set" Message
The "set" verb can be joined with any attribute of a device to form a "set" message.
This message is then sent to the device in order to set the value property of the
attribute. The following steps should be executed in order to utilize a "set" message.
Obtain a pointer to the cdevDevice object for the device that you wish to address.
Create a message string by concatenating the attribute that you wish to address
to the "set" verb. For instance, to set the bdl attribute of a device, the message
string should be: "set bdl".
Optionally, use the cdevDevice object created in step 1 and the message string
created in step 2 to obtain a pointer to a cdevRequestObject object.
Set the value property of the outbound cdevData object to the new value.
Use the send, sendNoBlock, or sendCallback message to submit the message
to the device.
Evaluate the return value from the specific send command to determine if the
message was transmitted successful. Any value other than CDEV_SUCCESS
indicates that the message was not transmitted successfully.
In the following example, the "get" message will be used to obtain the properties
value, status and severity from the bdl attribute of device MQB1S01, the "set"
message will then be used to copy the value property to the bdl attribute of device
Figure 4:
Default behavior of the "get" and "set" messages
#include <cdevSystem.h>
#include <cdevDevice.h>
#include <cdevRequestObject.h>
#include <cdevData.h>
// ****************************************************************
// * The printError function will be used to output any error that
// * that occurs during the processing of the "get" or "set"
// * messages.
// ****************************************************************
int printError (int errCode)
// ******* Unknown device or device/message mismatch ******
printf("Unknown device or device/message mismatch\\n");
// * Communications error between application and service *
printf("Communications error while sending\\n");
Figure 4:
Default behavior of the "get" and "set" messages (continued)
// ******* No data or bad data passed with message ********
printf("Bad or missing value passed in message\\n");
// ******************** Generic Error *********************
case default:
printf("Unable to send message\\n");
void main()
cdevRequestObject * req1, *req2;
cdevData ctx;
cdevData output, input;
double val;
int errorCode = CDEV_SUCCESS;
// ***********************************************************
// * Obtain a pointer to the cdevRequestObject for the
// * "get bdl" message on device "MQB1S01".
// ***********************************************************
req1 = cdevRequestObject::attachPtr("MQB1S01", "get bdl");
// ***********************************************************
// * Place a non-zero value in the properties value, status,
// * severity.
// ***********************************************************
ctx.set("value", 1);
ctx.set("status", 1);
ctx.set("severity", 1);
// ***********************************************************
// * Set the context of the cdevRequestObject.
// ***********************************************************
// ***********************************************************
// * Submit the message to the device and test the return
// * value to ensure that the message was processed correctly
// ***********************************************************
if((errorCode=req1->send(NULL, &output))==CDEV_SUCCESS)
// ********************************************************
// * Message was transmitted and processed successfuly.
// ********************************************************
char stat[50], sev[255];
output.get("value", &val);
output.get("status", stat, 50);
Figure 4:
Default behavior of the "get" and "set" messages
output.get("severity", sev, 50);
printf("Val:%f, status:%s, severity:%s", val, stat, sev);
else printError(errorCode);
// ***********************************************************
// * Obtain a pointer to the cdevRequestObject for the
// * "set bdl" message on device "MQB1S02".
// ***********************************************************
req2 = cdevRequestObject::attachPtr("MQB1S02", "set bdl");
// ***********************************************************
// * Insert the new value into the input cdevData object.
// ***********************************************************
input.insert("value", value);
// ***********************************************************
// * Submit the message "set bdl" to the device and test
// * the return value to ensure that the message was
// * processed successfully. Note that, by default, the set
// * message does not generate any output.
// ***********************************************************
if((errorCode==req2->send(&input, NULL))==CDEV_SUCCESS)
// ********************************************************
// * Message was transmitted and processed successfuly.
// ********************************************************
printf("Message was transmitted successfully\\n");
else printError(errorCode);
The "monitorOn" verb can be joined with any attribute of a device to form a
"monitorOn" message. This message is tells the cdevDevice that each time one of the
monitored properties changes, it should call the user specified callback function with
the updated value. This message should always be submitted using the
sendCallback method of the cdevDevice or cdevRequestObject in order to provide
the address of the callback function.
The following steps should be executed in order to submit a "monitorOn" message.
Obtain a pointer to the cdevDevice object for the device that you wish to address.
Create a message string by concatenating the attribute that you wish to address
to the "monitorOn" verb. For instance, to monitor a property of the bdl attribute of a
device, the message string should be: "monitorOn bdl".
Optionally, use the cdevDevice object created in step 1 and the message string
created in step 2 to obtain a pointer to a cdevRequestObject object.
Set the context of the cdevDevice or cdevRequestObject to indicate the properties
that you wish to monitor, and the properties you wish to receive when a change
occurs. The context used by the "monitorOn" message differs from that of the
"get" message in that different non-zero values have special meanings. The
following is a list of integer values that should be supported by the context of a
"monitorOn" message.
0 The value of this property should never be
1 This property should not be monitored, but it
should be returned as context when a monitored
value changes; e.g. a time stamp.
2 Monitor this property and call the callback function
when it changes, however, return only this property
in the resultant cdevData object.
3 Monitor this property and call the callback function
when it changes and include the value of all
properties whose context is 1 in the resultant
cdevData object.
Create a cdevCallback object that contains the address of the cdevCallback
function and a void pointer to any user argument that should be provided to the
callback function.
Use the sendCallback message to submit the message to the device.
Evaluate the return value from the specific sendCallback command to determine
if the message was transmitted successful. Any value other than
CDEV_SUCCESS indicates that the message was not transmitted successfully.
Monitor the status returned to the cdevCallbackFunction to determine if the
callback is operating correctly. Any of the following values may be returned in the
status parameter.
Because the monitorOn command is a single message that may generate many
responses, the developer may have difficulty in determining when the last reply
has been received. In order to accomodate this, the developer may call the
cdevCallback::isTransactionDone() method to determine if the callback that is
being processed is the last one that is associated with that request. The service
developer is expected to use the cdevCallback::fireCallback method to ensure that
this parameter is set to the proper value.
The "monitorOff" verb can be joined with any attribute of a device to form a
"monitorOff" message. This message is tells the cdevDevice to deactivate a
monitorOn command that was previously set on one or more of its attributes.
This message should always be called using the sendCallback method in order to
specify the address of the callback function that was used in creating the monitor.
The service checks the following things to determine which monitor is to be removed.
The service will locate all active monitors that
have been placed on the specified device.
From the list of obtained above, the service will
locate all active monitors on the specified
From the list obtained above, the service will
locate all active monitors that have the specified
callback function. If this value is NULL, then all
elements from the previous list will be removed.
From the list obtained above, the service will
locate and remove all monitors that have the
same user argument. If this value is NULL, then
all elements from the previous list will be
The following steps should be executed in order to submit a "monitorOff" message.
Obtain a pointer to the cdevDevice object for the device that you wish to address.
Create a message string by concatenating the attribute that you wish to address
to the "monitorOff" verb. For instance, to monitor a property of the bdl attribute of a
device, the message string should be: "monitorOn bdl".
Optionally, use the cdevDevice object created in step 1 and the message string
created in step 2 to obtain a pointer to a cdevRequestObject object.
Create a cdevCallback object that contains the address of the cdevCallback
function and a void pointer to the user argument that was originally provided to the
monitorOn message.
Use the sendCallback message to submit the message to the device.
The following example illustrates how to use the "monitorOn" and "monitorOff" to
install and remove monitors. This example also demonstrates the to correct way to
utilize the cdevCallback function.
Figure 5:
Default behavior of the "monitorOn" and "monitorOff" messages
#include <cdevSystem.h>
#include <cdevDevice.h>
#include <cdevRequestObject.h>
#include <cdevData.h>
#include <cdevCallback.h>
// ****************************************************************
// * This is the callback function that will be executed each time
// * one of my monitored values changes.
// ****************************************************************
void callback (int status, void * userarg,
cdevRequestObject & req, cdevData & data)
// *********************************************************
// * If I receive one of these message then I know that
// * updated data is available in the cdevData object.
// *********************************************************
// ******************************************************
// * I will call the getType method to determine if the
// * value attribuite is present in the cdevData object.
// * If it is, then I will known that it is responsible
// * for triggering this callback.
// ******************************************************
// **************************************************
// * I have specified that I wanted status and
// * severity to be returned as context whenever the
// * value property has changed. Therefore, I will
// * output all of these properties.
// **************************************************
double * valPtr;
char * statPtr;
char * sevPtr;
data.find("value", (void *&)valPtr);
data.find("status", (void *&)statPtr);
data.find("severity", (void *&)sevPtr);
printf("Val:%f, status:%s, severity:%s",
*valPtr, statPtr, sevPtr);
// ******************************************************
// * I will call the getType method of the cdevData
// * object to determine if the controlHigh property is
// * present. If it is, I will know that it triggered
// * this callback.
// ******************************************************
Figure 5:
Default behavior of the "monitorOn" and "monitorOff" messages (continued)
else if(getType("controlHigh")!=CDEV_INVALID)
double * controlPtr;
data.find("controlHigh", (void *&) controlPtr);
printf("Control High is now %f\\n", *controlPtr);
// *********************************************************
// * This status indicates that the connection has been lost
// * between the application and the server.
// *********************************************************
fprintf(stderr, "Connection lost to server\\n");
// *********************************************************
// * This status indicates that an error occurred while
// * installing or operating the monitor.
// *********************************************************
fprintf(stderr, "Error while monitoring");
void main()
cdevSystem * system;
cdevDevice * dev;
cdevRequestObject * req;
cdevData ctx;
// ***********************************************************
// * Construct a cdevCallback object that has a pointer to the
// * cdevCallback function and a NULL user argument.
// ***********************************************************
cdevCallback cb(callback, NULL);
// ***********************************************************
// * Obtain a pointer to the default cdevSystem in order to
// * accomodate polling.
// ***********************************************************
system = &cdevSystem::defaultSystem();
// ***********************************************************
// * Obtain a pointer to the cdevDevice MQB1S01
// ***********************************************************
dev = cdevDevice::attachPtr("MQB1S01");
// ***********************************************************
// * Obtain a pointer to the cdevRequestObject for the
// * "monitorOff bdl" message on device "MQB1S01".
// ***********************************************************
req = dev->getRequestObject("MQB1S01", "monitorOn bdl");
Figure 5:
Default behavior of the "monitorOn" and "monitorOff" messages (continued)
// ###########################################################
// # Setup the context to indicate the data that should be
// # returned whenever one of the values is changed.
// ###########################################################
// ***********************************************************
// * Any time the "value" property changes, I want to receive
// * the "status" and "severity" properties.
// ***********************************************************
ctx.insert("value", 3);
ctx.insert("status", 1);
ctx.insert("severity", 1);
// ***********************************************************
// * Any time the "controlhigh" property changes, I only want
// * to receive its new value.
// ***********************************************************
ctx.insert("controlHigh", 2);
// ***********************************************************
// * Set the context of the cdevRequestObject to the new
// * context.
// ***********************************************************
// ************************************************************
// * Submit the "monitorOn" message using the sendCallback
// * method of the cdevRequestObject.
// ************************************************************
if(req->sendCallback(NULL, cb)==CDEV_SUCCESS)
// ********************************************************
// * Pend for 60 second.
// ********************************************************
// ********************************************************
// * Send a "monitorOff bdl" message to disable the monitor
// * that was just installed.
// ********************************************************
dev->sendCallback("monitorOff bdl", NULL, cb);
else fprintf(stderr, "Failed to install monitor\\n");
demoService: A Sample cdev Service
Overview of the
The demoService service is a sample cdev service that operates on a virtual control
system. For the purposes of this illustration, this control system is represented by a
group of demoDevice classes.
The demoDevice
Each demoDevice object represents a single device that has two value attributes:
BDL and VAL. Each of these two attributes has the following properties:
value: This is the double precision value of the attribute.
status: This is the current status of the attribute, it may have one of the
following values.
0 No error.
1 The value property is below the range specified by the
controlLow property.
2 The value property is below the range specified by the
alarmLow property.
3 The value property is above the range specified by the
alarmHigh property.
4 The value property is above the range specified by the
controlHigh property.
severity: This is a string that describes the current status of the attribute.
units: These are the units that are used to express the value properties
of the attribute.
controlLow: This is a double precision number reflecting the minimum physical
value for the attribute.
controlHigh: This is a double precision number reflecting the maximum
physical value for the attribute.
alarmLow: This is a double precision number reflecting the lower alarm
threshold for this attribute.
alarmHigh: This is a double precision number reflecting the upper alarm
threshold for this attribute.
The complete source code for the demoDevice class and its instances are provided in
the following source code examples.
Figure 6:
demoDevice.h: Header file for devices used by the demoService
#ifndef _DEMO_DEVICE_H_
#define _DEMO_DEVICE_H_
#include <stdlib.h>
enum demoStatus {
// ****************************************************************
// * struct demoAttrib:
// * The demoAttrib structure contains all of the properties
// * that are supported by a single attribute of a demoDevice
// * structure.
// ****************************************************************
typedef struct
char name [32]; // Name of this attribute
char units [32]; // Units that value is measured in
double value; // Value of the attribute
double controlLow; // Minimum value of the attribute
double controlHigh; // Maximum value of the attribute
double alarmLow; // Minimum value resulting in alarm
double alarmHigh; // Maximum value resulting in alarm
} demoAttrib;
// ****************************************************************
// * class demoDevice:
// * The demoDevice structure is a crude representation of a
// * control system device. Although these devices are not
// * attached to physical hardware, they support the concept of
// * value, units, control limits, display limits, alarm limits,
// * alarm status and alarm severity.
// *
// * The demoService is designed to provide a cdev interface to
// * these devices. Note that this device knows nothing about
// * cdev or any component of cdev. It is entirely the
// * responsibility of cdev to accomodate the device with little
// * or no alterations.
// ****************************************************************
class demoDevice
char * name; // Name of this device
demoAttrib * attr; // List of embedded attributes
size_t count; // Number of embedded attributes
demoDevice ( char * Name, demoAttrib * Attr, size_t Count );
~demoDevice( void );
char * getName ( void ); // Get name of the device
size_t getCount ( void ); // Get number of attributes
int getIndex ( char *Attr ); // Get index of Attr
char * getUnits ( int idx ); // Get units of measure
Figure 6:
demoDevice.h: (continued)
double getValue ( int idx ); // Get attribute value
double getControlLow ( int idx ); // Get min control value
double getControlHigh ( int idx ); // Get max control value
double getAlarmLow ( int idx ); // Get min alarm value
double getAlarmHigh ( int idx ); // Get max alarm value
demoStatus getStatus ( int idx ); // Get alarm status
char * getSeverity ( int idx ); // Get alarm severity
int setValue ( int idx, double val ); // Set the attribute value
// ****************************************************************
// * These are the names of the demoDevices that will exists in
// * this demonstration control system.
// ****************************************************************
extern demoDevice DEVICE0;
extern demoDevice DEVICE1;
extern demoDevice DEVICE2;
extern demoDevice DEVICE3;
extern demoDevice DEVICE4;
#endif /* _DEMO_DEVICE_H_ */
Figure 7:
demoDevice.cc: C++ source for the demoDevice class
#include <string.h>
#include "demoDevice.h"
// ****************************************************************
// * demoDevice::demoDevice :
// * This is the constructor for the demoDevice. It assigns the
// * value passed in the Name parameter as the name of the device,
// * and it uses the array provided in the Attr parameter as its
// * list of attributes. The number of attributes in the array
// * should be provided in the Count parameter.
// ****************************************************************
demoDevice::demoDevice (char *Name, demoAttrib *Attr, size_t Count)
: attr(Attr), count(Count)
name = Name?strdup(Name):NULL;
// ****************************************************************
// * demoDevice::~demoDevice :
// * This is the destructor for the demoDevice, it deletes the name
// * string that was allocated in the constructor.
// ****************************************************************
Figure 7:
demoDevice.cc: (continued)
demoDevice::~demoDevice ( void )
if(name!=NULL) delete name;
// ****************************************************************
// * demoDevice::getName :
// * This function allows the caller to obtain the name of the
// * demoDevice
// ****************************************************************
char * demoDevice::getName ( void )
return name;
// ****************************************************************
// * demoDevice::getCount :
// * This function returns the number of attributes in this
// * demoDevice.
// ****************************************************************
size_t demoDevice::getCount ( void )
return count;
// ****************************************************************
// * demoDevice::getIndex :
// * This method allows the caller to obtain the index of a specific
// * attribute by name. If the value returned is less than 0, then
// * the attribute does not exist on this device.
// ****************************************************************
int demoDevice::getIndex ( char * Attr )
for(int i=count-1; i>=0 && strcmp(Attr, attr[i].name)!=0; i--);
return i;
// ****************************************************************
// * demoDevice::getUnits :
// * This method returns the units of measure used by the attribute
// * at the specified index. Returns NULL if the index is out of
// * range.
// ****************************************************************
char * demoDevice::getUnits ( int idx )
return (idx>=0 && idx<count)?attr[idx].units:NULL;
// ****************************************************************
// * demoDevice::getValue :
// * Allows the user to obtain the value of the specified attribute.
// * Returns 0 if the attribute is invalid.
// ****************************************************************
double demoDevice::getValue ( int idx )
Figure 7:
demoDevice.cc: (continued)
return (idx>=0 && idx<count)?attr[idx].value:0.0;
// ****************************************************************
// * demoDevice::getControlLow :
// * Returns the minimum legal value for the device. Returns -1E300
// * if the attribute is invalid.
// ****************************************************************
double demoDevice::getControlLow ( int idx )
return (idx>=0 && idx<count)?attr[idx].controlLow:-1E300;
// ****************************************************************
// * demoDevice::getControlHigh :
// * Returns the maximum legal value for the device. Returns 1E300
// * if the attribute is invalid.
// ****************************************************************
double demoDevice::getControlHigh ( int idx )
return (idx>=0 && idx<count)?attr[idx].controlHigh:1E300;
// ****************************************************************
// * demoDevice::getAlarmLow :
// * Returns the minimum legal value for the device. Returns -1E300
// * if the attribute is invalid.
// ****************************************************************
double demoDevice::getAlarmLow ( int idx )
return (idx>=0 && idx<count)?attr[idx].alarmLow:-1E300;
// ****************************************************************
// * demoDevice::getAlarmHigh :
// * Returns the maximum legal value for the device. Returns 1E300
// * if the attribute is invalid.
// ****************************************************************
double demoDevice::getAlarmHigh ( int idx )
return (idx>=0 && idx<count)?attr[idx].alarmHigh:1E300;
// ****************************************************************
// * demoDevice::getStatus :
// * Calculates and returns the alarm status of the attribute at the
// * specified index. Returns NULL if the index is out of range.
// ****************************************************************
demoStatus demoDevice::getStatus ( int idx )
demoStatus status = NORMAL;
if(idx>=0 && idx<count)
Figure 7:
demoDevice.cc: (continued)
status = ERROR_LOW;
status = ALARM_LOW;
status = NORMAL;
status = ALARM_HIGH;
else status = ERROR_HIGH;
return status;
// ****************************************************************
// * demoDevice::getSeverity :
// * Calculates and returns the alarm severity of the attribute at
// * the specified index. Returns NULL if the index is out of
// * range.
// ****************************************************************
char * demoDevice::getSeverity ( int idx )
static char * status[] =
"No alarm",
"Attribute value is below its minimum legal boundary",
"Attribute value is at or below its minimum alarm boundary",
"Attribute value is at or above its maximum alarm boundary",
"Attribute value is above its maximum legal boundary"
return status[getStatus(idx)];
// ****************************************************************
// * demoDevice::setValue :
// * Allows the user to set the value of the specified attribute.
// * Returns 0 if the attribute was successfully set, otherwise -1.
// ****************************************************************
int demoDevice::setValue ( int idx, double val )
int result = -1;
if(idx>=0 && idx<count)
if(val > attr[idx].controlLow &&
attr[idx].value = val;
result = 0;
return result;
Figure 7:
demoDevice.cc: (continued)
// ****************************************************************
// * These are the attribute definitions that will be used to
// * construct the fictitious devices in the demo control system.
// * The values and names used here are inconsequential.
// ****************************************************************
demoAttrib DEVICE0Attrib [2] =
{ "VAL", "amps", 0.0, -30.0, 30.0, -20.0, 20.0 },
{ "BDL", "gauss-meters", 0.0, -14.0, 7.0, -10.0, 5.0 }
demoAttrib DEVICE1Attrib [2] =
{ "VAL", "amps", 0.0, -20.0, 20.0, -15.0, 15.0 },
{ "BDL", "gauss-meters", 0.0, -10.0, 10.0, -7.5, 7.5 }
demoAttrib DEVICE2Attrib [2] =
{ "VAL", "amps", 0.25, -12.0, 10.0, -9.0, 7.0 },
{ "BDL", "gauss-meters", 1.0, -10.0, 10.0, -7.5, 7.5 }
demoAttrib DEVICE3Attrib [2] =
{ "VAL", "amps", 1.25, -12.0, 10.0, -9.0, 7.0 },
{ "BDL", "gauss-meters", 8.0, -10.0, 10.0, -7.5, 7.5 }
demoAttrib DEVICE4Attrib [2] =
{ "VAL", "amps", 11.25, -12.0, 13.0, -9.0, 10.0 },
{ "BDL", "gauss-meters", 8.0, -10.0, 10.0, -7.5, 8.25 }
// ****************************************************************
// * Instances of the ficticious devices in out control system.
// ****************************************************************
demoDevice DEVICE0("DEVICE0", DEVICE0Attrib, 2);
demoDevice DEVICE1("DEVICE1", DEVICE1Attrib, 2);
demoDevice DEVICE2("DEVICE2", DEVICE2Attrib, 2);
demoDevice DEVICE3("DEVICE3", DEVICE3Attrib, 2);
demoDevice DEVICE4("DEVICE4", DEVICE4Attrib, 2);
The demoService
The demoService C++ class is derived from the cdevService class. It maintains a list
of references to the devices that are defined in the demoDevice source code. This
class also provides the mechanisms that its request objects will use to communicate
with these devices.
The demoService class uses a queueing scheme to manage outbound transaction
objects. Whenever a request object wishes to submit a message to the service, it will
call the service's enqueueTransaction method. This method receives a pointer to the
cdevTranObj object that contains information about the transaction. It also receives a
pointer to a cdevData object that contains any information that the service will need to
complete the request.
Messages passed to the enqueueTransaction method will be stored in an internal
linked-list until the pend or poll methods are called. The pend and poll methods are
responsible for transferring the messages to the processTransaction method.
The processTransaction method is where all messages sent to the service are
dispatched to the underlying demoDevice control system. Unlike the pend and poll
methods which restrict their activity to a caller specified period of time, the
processTransaction method operates without regard to time. It will process one
complete message before returning. Because this is a private member function, it may
only be called by methods that exist within the class.
This is the service specific loader function for the demoService object. It is called once
by the cdevSystem object in order to instantiate a single instance of the demoService.
If more than one cdevSystem object is used by an application, the newDemoService
function may be called more than once.
The cdevSelector
Each demoService object contains one instance of the cdevSelector class. This object
gives the service a file descriptor that it may provide to the cdevSystem object for use
in the select function. The service may then manipulate the state of the file descriptor
by using the cdevSelector interface to indicate that one of its underlying devices
requires attention.
This enumerated type defines a unique integer value for each of the verbs that may be
applied to attributes comprising devices in this service.
This enumerated type defines a unique integer identifier for each of the attributes that
are comprise a device within this service.
Figure 8:
demoService.h: Header file for the demoService class
#ifndef _DEMO_SERVICE_H_
#define _DEMO_SERVICE_H_ 1
#include <cdevService.h>
#include <cdevTranObj.h>
#include <cdevSelector.h>
// ****************************************************************
// * The demoDevice.h file defines the behavior of the demoDevice
// * objects. These objects are crude representations of control
// * system hardware interfaces. The structure and operation of
// * these objects are for illustration purposes only, and are
// * significantly less important than the cdev objects.
// ****************************************************************
#include <demoDevice.h>
Figure 8:
demoService.h: (continued)
#define DEMO_SERVICE_NAME "demoService"
// ****************************************************************
// * Service Loader:
// * The first step in building a new service is to construct a
// * service loader function. This function will allow cdev to
// * dynamically initialize a service by name.
// *
// * The function should adhere to this naming convention...
// * cdevService * newXXX (char * name, cdevSystem * system);
// * Where 'XXX' should be replaced with the name of the
// * service class with the first character capitalized.
// *
// * The function should also be declared as 'extern "C"' to allow
// * it to be called and loaded from within an external shared
// * library module.
// *
// * This function serves only to construct a new instance of
// * the specified service, and return it to the instanciating
// * cdevSystem object.
// ****************************************************************
extern "C" cdevService *
newDemoService ( char * name, cdevSystem * system );
// ****************************************************************
// * demoService:
// * This class provides the mechanisms that the cdev system will
// * use to communicate with the demo service.
// *
// * Note that this service is inherited from the cdevService class
// * and receives much of its functionality from that class.
// ****************************************************************
class demoService : public cdevService
friend class demoRequestObject;
// *************************************************************
// * Tags used by the service and its associate classes.
// *************************************************************
static int VALUE_TAG;
static int STATUS_TAG;
static int SEVERITY_TAG;
static int UNITS_TAG;
static int CTRLHIGH_TAG;
static int CTRLLOW_TAG;
static int ALRMHIGH_TAG;
static int ALRMLOW_TAG;
// *************************************************************
// * demoService::VERB
// * This is the enumerated list of verbs that are supported by
// * devices in this service.
// *************************************************************
enum VERB {
Figure 8:
demoService.h: (continued)
GET =0x01, // "get" - obtains a device value
SET =0x02, // "set" - sets a device value
// *************************************************************
// * demoService::ATTR
// * This is a list of the data items that may be operated on
// * using some or all of the demoService::VERB elements.
// *************************************************************
enum ATTR {
VAL =0x0100, // "VAL" - value of the device
BDL =0x0200, // "BDL" - bdl value of the device
ATTR_MASK =0xff00
// *************************************************************
// * demoService::demoService :
// * This constructor is responsible for performing all service
// * initialization. Returns nothing.
// *************************************************************
demoService (char * name,
cdevSystem & system = cdevSystem::defaultSystem());
// *************************************************************
// * demoService::getFd
// * This function will return the list of file descriptors that
// * the demoService is using. This will allow the file
// * descriptors to be used in global select and poll calls
// * performed at the cdevSystem class level.
// *
// * Returns CDEV_SUCCESS on success or an enumerated error.
// *************************************************************
int getFd ( int * &fd, int & numFd );
// *************************************************************
// * demoService::flush :
// * This function flushes all communications buffers that the
// * service may have open.
// *
// * Returns CDEV_SUCCESS on success or an enumerated error.
// *************************************************************
int flush ( void );
// *************************************************************
// * demoService::poll :
// * This function polls the file descriptors used by the service
// * until one of them becomes active or a discrete amount of
// * time has expired.
// *
// * Returns CDEV_SUCCESS on success or an enumerated error.
// *************************************************************
int poll ( void );
Figure 8:
demoService.h: (continued)
// *************************************************************
// * demoService::pend :
// * Pends until the named file descriptor (or any descriptor
// * if fd = -1) is ready. Will pend forever if the descriptor
// * does not become active.
// *
// * Returns CDEV_SUCCESS on success or an enumerated error.
// *************************************************************
int pend ( int fd = -1 );
// *************************************************************
// * demoService::pend :
// * Pends until the named file descriptor (or any descriptor
// * if fd = -1) is ready. Will pend for no longer than the
// * user specified number of seconds.
// *
// * Returns CDEV_SUCCESS on success or an enumerated error.
// *************************************************************
int pend ( double seconds, int fd = -1 );
// *************************************************************
// * demoService::getNameServer :
// * This function should obtain the default name server for this
// * object. It does nothing for now.
// *************************************************************
int getNameServer(cdevDevice * &ns);
// *************************************************************
// * demoService::getRequestObject :
// * This is the interface that cdev objects will use to obtain a
// * demoRequestObject object. The demoRequestObject represents
// * a combined device/message pair that is associated with the
// * demoService.
// *
// * Returns CDEV_SUCCESS on success or CDEV_ERROR on error.
// *************************************************************
int getRequestObject (char * device, char * message,
cdevRequestObject * &req);
// *************************************************************
// * demoService::~demoService :
// * The destructor is protected to prevent it from being called
// * directly. The destructor performs any clean-up or shutdown
// * operations. Returns nothing.
// *************************************************************
~demoService ( void );
// *************************************************************
// * demoService::enqueueTransaction :
// * Allows the caller to place a cdevTranObj object and cdevData
// * object into the outgoing queue.
// *************************************************************
int enqueueTransaction ( cdevTranObj * obj, cdevData * inbound);
Figure 8:
demoService.h: (continued)
// *************************************************************
// * demoService::defCallback :
// * This function is a default callback for the service.
// *************************************************************
static void defCallback (int, void *, cdevRequestObject &,
cdevData &);
// *************************************************************
// * Queue of transaction information. This queue is used to
// * manage incoming requests and their associated data. It is a
// * simple single-linked list. Data hiding is not violated by
// * the public data in this class, because the entire class is a
// * private element of the demoService class.
// * This mini-class maintains a duplicate copy of the inbound
// * data so that the user is free to delete it. It also makes a
// * copy of any pertinent context variables as they existed when
// * the object was created.
// *************************************************************
class cdevTranNode
cdevTranNode * next;
cdevTranObj * obj;
cdevData inbound;
inline cdevTranNode ( cdevTranObj * Obj, cdevData *Inbound);
inline ~cdevTranNode ( void ) {}
} * transactions;
// *************************************************************
// * demoService::processTransaction :
// * This function will take a cdevTranObj and will locate the
// * demoDevice. It will then interpret the verb and attribute
// * and will execute the correct command on the demoDevice.
// *
// * Note: This object is responsible for deleting the
// * cdevTranObj after it has been processed.
// *************************************************************
int processTransaction ( demoService::cdevTranNode * node);
// *************************************************************
// * This is an array of pointer to the demoDevice objects that
// * this service will manipulate. These object are crude
// * representations of a hardware device interface.
// *************************************************************
demoDevice *devices[5];
Figure 8:
demoService.h: (continued)
// *************************************************************
// * Default cdevCallback object for the service and the request
// * object
// *************************************************************
cdevCallback callback;
// *************************************************************
// * The cdevSelector object is used to provide a file
// * descriptor that the cdevService can use to pend for I/O
// * events in the absence of any real I/O descriptors.
// *************************************************************
cdevSelector selector;
int readfd[1];
// ****************************************************************
// * demoService::cdevTranNode::cdevTranNode :
// * This is the constructor for the cdevTranNode class.
// ****************************************************************
( cdevTranObj * Obj, cdevData * Inbound )
: next(NULL), obj(Obj), VALUE_CTX(1), STATUS_CTX(0),
// *************************************************************
// * Make a duplicate copy of the inbound data
// *************************************************************
if(Inbound!=NULL) inbound = *Inbound;
// *************************************************************
// * Extract the pertinent context values. Note that I am using
// * the tag values defined in the service for speed, however, I
// * could simply use the character string equivalents for
// * simplicity.
// *************************************************************
cdevData & context = obj->reqObj_->getContext();
context.get(demoService::VALUE_TAG, &VALUE_CTX);
context.get(demoService::STATUS_TAG, &STATUS_CTX);
context.get(demoService::SEVERITY_TAG, &SEVERITY_CTX);
context.get(demoService::UNITS_TAG, &UNITS_CTX);
context.get(demoService::CTRLHIGH_TAG, &CTRLHIGH_CTX);
context.get(demoService::CTRLLOW_TAG, &CTRLLOW_CTX);
context.get(demoService::ALRMHIGH_TAG, &ALRMHIGH_CTX);
context.get(demoService::ALRMLOW_TAG, &ALRMLOW_CTX);
#endif /* _DEMO_SERVICE_H_ */
Figure 9:
demoService.cc: Source code for the demoService class
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <cdevSystem.h>
#include <cdevTranObj.h>
#include <cdevClock.h>
#include <demoService.h>
#include <demoRequestObject.h>
// ****************************************************************
// * newDemoService:
// * This function is called by cdev to perform the initial
// * instanciation of a demo device service. This function is used
// * to perform dynamic name resolution for the services that are
// * specified within the DDL file or the name server.
// ****************************************************************
cdevService * newDemoService ( char * name, cdevSystem * system )
return new demoService(name, *system);
// ****************************************************************
// * demoService::demoService :
// * This constructor is responsible for performing all service
// * initialization. Returns nothing.
// ****************************************************************
demoService::demoService ( char * name, cdevSystem & system)
: cdevService (name, system), transactions(NULL),
callback (defCallback, NULL)
// ************************************************************
// * Obtain the values of the static tags used by this service
// ************************************************************
cdevData::tagC2I("value", &VALUE_TAG);
cdevData::tagC2I("status", &STATUS_TAG);
cdevData::tagC2I("severity", &SEVERITY_TAG);
cdevData::tagC2I("units", &UNITS_TAG);
cdevData::tagC2I("controlHigh", &CTRLHIGH_TAG);
cdevData::tagC2I("controlLow", &CTRLLOW_TAG);
cdevData::tagC2I("alarmHigh", &ALRMHIGH_TAG);
cdevData::tagC2I("alarmLow", &ALRMLOW_TAG);
// ************************************************************
// * At this point, I will transfer pointers to the external
// * demoDevice objects into my array of demoDevice pointers.
// *************************************************************
devices[0] = &DEVICE0;
devices[1] = &DEVICE1;
devices[2] = &DEVICE2;
devices[3] = &DEVICE3;
devices[4] = &DEVICE4;
// ****************************************************************
// * demoService::~demoService :
// * The destructor is protected to prevent it from being called
// * directly. The destructor performs any clean-up or shutdown
Figure 9:
demoService.cc: (continued)
// * operations. Returns nothing.
// ****************************************************************
demoService::~demoService ( void )
// *************************************************************
// * Delete all outstanding transaction object nodes. Note that
// * typically a transaction object should not be deleted until
// * after it has been processed, because a group object may be
// * waiting on it. However, the removeFromGrps method will
// * remove the transaction object from any groups that may be
// * waiting for it.
// *************************************************************
while(transactions != NULL)
cdevTranNode * node = transactions;
transactions = node->next;
if(node->obj->status()!=-1) node->obj->removeFromGrps();
delete node->obj;
delete node;
// ****************************************************************
// * demoService::getFd
// * This function will return the list of file descriptors that the
// * demoService is using. This will allow the file descriptors to
// * be used in global select and poll calls performed at the
// * cdevSystem class level.
// *
// * Returns CDEV_SUCCESS on success or CDEV_ERROR on error.
// ****************************************************************
int demoService::getFd ( int * &fd, int & numFd )
readfd[0] = selector.readfd();
fd = readfd;
numFd = 1;
// ****************************************************************
// * demoService::flush :
// * This function flushes all communications buffers that the
// * service may have open.
// * Returns CDEV_SUCCESS on success or an enumerated error.
// * Note: This service does not use communications buffers.
// ****************************************************************
int demoService::flush ( void )
Figure 9:
demoService.cc: (continued)
// ****************************************************************
// * demoService::poll :
// * This function submits a pend request that is short enough to
// * allow only one cdevTranObj to be dequeued and submitted to the
// * demoDevice for processing.
// * Returns CDEV_SUCCESS on success or an enumerated error.
// ****************************************************************
int demoService::poll ( void )
return pend(0.0001);
// ****************************************************************
// * demoService::pend :
// * This function will process all of the cdevTranObj messages that
// * are residing in the queue.
// * Returns CDEV_SUCCESS on success or an enumerated error.
// ****************************************************************
int demoService::pend ( int )
while(transactions != NULL)
cdevTranNode * node = transactions;
transactions = node->next;
processTransaction (node);
// ****************************************************************
// * demoService::pend :
// * Pends until the named file descriptor (or any file descriptor
// * if fd = -1) is ready. Will pend for no longer than the user
// * specified number of seconds.
// * Returns CDEV_SUCCESS on success or CDEV_ERROR on error.
// ****************************************************************
int demoService::pend ( double seconds, int )
cdevTimeValue t(seconds);
cdevClock timer;
timer.schedule(NULL, t);
while(transactions!=NULL && !timer.expired())
cdevTranNode * node = transactions;
transactions = node->next;
if(transactions==NULL) selector.purge();
Figure 9:
demoService.cc: (continued)
// ****************************************************************
// * demoService::getRequestObject :
// * This is the interface that cdev objects will use to obtain a
// * demoRequestObject object. The demoRequestObject represents a
// * combined device and message pair that is associated with the
// * demoService.
// *
// * Returns CDEV_SUCCESS on success or CDEV_ERROR on error.
// ****************************************************************
int demoService::getRequestObject ( char * device, char * message,
cdevRequestObject * &req)
req = new demoRequestObject (device, message, system_);
return (req ? CDEV_SUCCESS : CDEV_ERROR);
// ****************************************************************
// * demoService::enqueueTransaction :
// * Allows the caller to place a cdevTranObj object and cdevData
// * object into the outgoing queue. This function also calls the
// * selector.insertEvent() method to activate the file descriptor.
// ****************************************************************
int demoService::enqueueTransaction ( cdevTranObj * obj,
cdevData * inbound )
int result = CDEV_SUCCESS;
cdevTranNode * node = transactions, * prev = NULL;
prev = node;
node = prev->next;
node = new cdevTranNode(obj, inbound);
if(prev==NULL) transactions = node;
else prev->next = node;
else result = CDEV_INVALIDARG;
return result;
// ****************************************************************
// * demoService::processTransaction :
// * This function will take a cdevTranNode and will locate the
// * device associated with it. It will then interpret the verb and
// * attribute and will execute the correct command on the device.
// *
// * Note: This object is responsible for deleting the cdevTranNode
// * after it has been processed.
// ****************************************************************
int demoService::processTransaction ( cdevTranNode * node )
Figure 9:
demoService.cc: (continued)
cdevTranObj * obj = node->obj;
demoRequestObject * reqObj =
obj?(demoRequestObject *)obj->reqObj_:NULL;
cdevData * out =
char * name =
obj?(char *)obj->reqObj_->device().name():NULL;
int result = CDEV_SUCCESS;
int idx = 0;
cdevData data;
// *************************************************************
// * Ensure that if the obj is valid it has a valid cdevData
// * object for its result.
// *************************************************************
if(obj!=NULL && obj->resultData_==NULL) obj->resultData_=&data;
out = obj?obj->resultData_:NULL;
// *************************************************************
// * Ensure that a valid transaction object was submitted.
// * Remembering to produce an error that the user can catch.
// *************************************************************
if(obj==NULL) result=
reqObj->emitError(CDEV_INVALIDARG, "service");
// *************************************************************
// * Test to ensure that the device name specified is valid and
// * obtain the index to the demoDevice in the array. A better
// * implementation might cache a pointer to the specific device
// * within the demoRequestObject.
// *************************************************************
else if(strncmp(reqObj->device().name(), "DEVICE", 6)!=0 ||
(idx = atoi(reqObj->device().name()+6))<0 || idx > 9)
result = reqObj->emitError(CDEV_INVALIDSVC, "service");
// *************************************************************
// * Process the specific message.
// *************************************************************
else if(result==CDEV_SUCCESS)
int attr = -1;
// *********************************************************
// * Obtain the index of the attribute within the demoDevice
// *********************************************************
if((reqObj->command() & ATTR_MASK)==VAL)
else if((reqObj->command() & ATTR_MASK)==BDL)
Figure 9:
demoService.cc: (continued)
// *****************************************************
// * "get VAL" || "get BDL" messages
// * This will populate the outbound cdevData object
// * with all of the context items that were in
// * place when the transaction object was created.
// *****************************************************
case GET | VAL:
case GET | BDL:
// *****************************************************
// * "set VAL" || "set BDL" message. These messages
// * will allow the caller to set the current value of
// * the device. This section ensures that an error
// * is emitted if the operation fails.
// *****************************************************
case SET | VAL:
double val;
size_t elems = 0;
node->inbound.getElems(VALUE_TAG, &elems);
if(elems==1 &&
node->inbound.get(VALUE_TAG, &val)==CDEV_SUCCESS)
if(devices[idx]->setValue(attr, val)==0)
result = CDEV_SUCCESS;
Figure 9:
demoService.cc: (continued)
(2, demoService::name(), *reqObj,
"Value out of range for this device\\n",);
else result =
reqObj->emitError(CDEV_CONFLICT, "service");
else result =
reqObj->emitError(CDEV_INVALIDARG, "service");
// *****************************************************
// * Invalid combination of verb and attribute
// *****************************************************
result = reqObj->emitError(CDEV_ERROR, "service");
// ********************************************************
// * Fire the user specified callback function to give the
// * user the result.
// ********************************************************
// ************************************************************
// * Delete the cdevTranNode object.
// ************************************************************
delete node->obj;
delete node;
// ************************************************************
// * Return the result.
// ************************************************************
return result;
Figure 9:
demoService.cc: (continued)
// ****************************************************************
// * demoService::defCallback :
// * This function is a default callback function for the service.
// ****************************************************************
void demoService::defCallback ( int, void *, cdevRequestObject &,
cdevData &)
The demoRequestObject C++ class is derived from the cdevRequestObject class.
When the caller uses the cdevDevice object to submit a supported message to one of
the demoDevices, a demoRequestObject is created. This object defines the send,
sendNoBlock and sendCallback methods that are used to submit messages to the
demoService object. This request object restricts itself to using the
enqueueTransaction method of the demoService object to submit messages. A real
implementation might precalculate and cache many of the data variables and pointers
within the request object. These variable can be retrieved by the service during
successive executions of the message.
Figure 10:
demoRequestObject.h: Header file for the demoRequestObject class
#include <cdevTranObj.h>
#include <cdevGroup.h>
#include <cdevErrCode.h>
#include <demoService.h>
// ****************************************************************
// * class demoRequestObject:
// * The demoRequestObject class provides the interface for sending
// * messages to a demoDevice. All device/message commands are
// * routed
// * through a demoRequestObject either directly or indirectly.
// *
// * Note that this object is inherited from the standard
// * cdevRequestObject and derives most of its functionality from
// * that class.
// ****************************************************************
class demoRequestObject : public cdevRequestObject
// ************************************************************
// * demoRequestObject::demoRequestObject :
// * This constructor initializes a device/message combination
// * associated with a demoDevice. Returns nothing.
// ************************************************************
demoRequestObject ( char * device, char * message,
cdevSystem & system=cdevSystem::defaultSystem());
Figure 10:
demoRequestObject.h: (continued)
// *************************************************************
// * demoRequestObject::~demoRequestObject :
// * This destructor performs any deallocation operations
// * necessary, prior to the destruction of the object.
// * Returns nothing.
// *************************************************************
~demoRequestObject ( void ) {}
// *************************************************************
// * demoRequestObject::send :
// * The send interface is used to provide synchronous I/O with
// * the service.
// *
// * Returns CDEV_SUCCESS on success or an enumerated error.
// *************************************************************
int send ( cdevData & in, cdevData & out )
{ return send(&in, &out); }
int send ( cdevData * in, cdevData & out )
{ return send(in, &out); }
int send ( cdevData & in, cdevData * out )
{ return send(&in, out); }
int send ( cdevData * in, cdevData * out );
// *************************************************************
// * demoRequestObject::sendNoBlock :
// * The sendNoBlock interface is used in concert with cdevGroup
// * or cdevSystem to execute a series of operations.
// *
// * Returns CDEV_SUCCESS on success or an enumerated error.
// *************************************************************
int sendNoBlock (cdevData & in, cdevData & out)
{ return sendNoBlock(&in, &out); }
int sendNoBlock (cdevData * in, cdevData & out)
{ return sendNoBlock(in, &out); }
int sendNoBlock (cdevData & in, cdevData * out)
{ return sendNoBlock(&in, out); }
int sendNoBlock (cdevData * in, cdevData * out);
// *************************************************************
// * demoRequestObject::sendCallback :
// * The sendCallback interface provides asynch communications
// * with the service.
// *
// * Returns CDEV_SUCCESS on success or an enumerated error.
// *************************************************************
int sendCallback (cdevData & in, cdevCallback & callback)
{ return sendCallback(&in, callback); }
int sendCallback (cdevData * in, cdevCallback & callback);
// *************************************************************
// * demoRequestObject::emitError :
// * This method is used to emit a descriptive error if a
// * failure occurs while transmitting or receiving a message.
// *************************************************************
int emitError ( int result, char * function );
Figure 10:
demoRequestObject.h: (continued)
// *************************************************************
// * demoRequestObject::className :
// * This function returns the name of the class as a constant
// * string
// *************************************************************
const char * className ( void ) const
return "demoRequestObject";
// *************************************************************
// * demoRequestObject::command :
// * Returns the combined verb and attr that describe this
// * demoRequestObject. This command is used by the demoService
// * to determine the operation that is specified by this object.
// *************************************************************
int command ( void ) { return (verb | attr); }
demoService::VERB verb;
demoService::ATTR attr;
#endif /* _DEMO_REQUEST_OBJECT_H_ */
Figure 11:
demoRequestObject.cc: Source for the demoRequestObject class
#include <ctype.h>
#include <demoRequestObject.h>
// ****************************************************************
// * demoRequestObject::demoRequestObject :
// * This constructor initializes the internals of a device/message
// * pair associated with the compound device.
// *
// * Returns nothing.
// ****************************************************************
( char *device, char *message, cdevSystem & system)
: cdevRequestObject(device, message, system),
char Verb[32];
char Attr[32];
char * mptr = message;
char * vptr = Verb;
char * aptr = Attr;
Figure 11:
demoRequestObject.cc: (continued)
// *************************************************************
// * Extract the verb and the attribute from the message string
// * that was provided by the caller.
// *************************************************************
while(*mptr && isspace(*mptr)) mptr++;
while(*mptr && !isspace(*mptr)) *(vptr++) = *(mptr++);
*vptr = 0;
while(*mptr && isspace(*mptr)) mptr++;
while(*mptr && !isspace(*mptr)) *(aptr++) = *(mptr++);
*aptr = 0;
// *************************************************************
// * Evaluate the Verb element and assign the appropriate value
// * to the enumerated verb variable.
// *************************************************************
if (!strcmp(Verb, "get")) verb = demoService::GET;
else if(!strcmp(Verb, "set")) verb = demoService::SET;
// *************************************************************
// * Evaluate the Attr element and assign the appropriate value
// * to the enumerated attr variable.
// *************************************************************
if (!strcmp(Attr, "VAL")) attr = demoService::VAL;
else if(!strcmp(Attr, "BDL")) attr = demoService::BDL;
// ****************************************************************
// * demoRequestObject::sendNoBlock :
// * This function allows the caller to submit an asynchronous
// * message to the server for processing.
// ****************************************************************
int demoRequestObject::sendNoBlock (cdevData * in, cdevData * out)
// *************************************************************
// * Get a pointer to the demoService to handle this request
// *************************************************************
demoService * svc = (demoService *)service_;
// *************************************************************
// * Construct a cdev transaction object to track this
// * transaction. Use the disableDeleteCbk method to prevent the
// * cdevCallback object from being deleted by the cdevTranObj.
// *************************************************************
cdevTranObj * xobj =
new cdevTranObj(&system_, this, out, &svc->callback);
// *************************************************************
// * Enqueue the transaction object so that it may be processed
// * later. The result returned by the enqueueTransaction
// * function is returned by this function.
// *************************************************************
return emitError
(svc->enqueueTransaction(xobj, in), "sendNoBlock");
Figure 11:
demoRequestObject.cc: (continued)
// ****************************************************************
// * demoRequestObject::sendCallback :
// * This function allows the caller to submit an asynchronous
// * message to the server for processing.
// ****************************************************************
int demoRequestObject::sendCallback
(cdevData * in, cdevCallback & callback)
// ************************************************************
// * Get a pointer to the demoService to handle this request
// ************************************************************
demoService * svc = (demoService *)service_;
// ************************************************************
// * Make a cdev transaction object to track this transaction.
// * Note that the user specified callback object is provided
// * to the object and that no cdevData object is provided for
// * the result.
// ************************************************************
cdevTranObj * xobj =
new cdevTranObj(&system_, this, NULL, &callback);
// ************************************************************
// * Enqueue the transaction object so that it may be processed
// * later. The result returned by the enqueueTransaction
// * function is returned by this function.
// ************************************************************
return emitError
(svc->enqueueTransaction(xobj, in), "sendCallback");
// ****************************************************************
// * demoRequestObject::send :
// * The send interface is used for synchronous I/O with the service.
// * Returns CDEV_SUCCESS on success or CDEV_ERROR on error.
// * Note: Do not delete the transaction object, it will be deleted by
// * the processTransaction method in the service.
// ****************************************************************
int demoRequestObject::send ( cdevData * in, cdevData * out )
int result = CDEV_SUCCESS;
cdevTranObj * xobj;
// *************************************************************
// * Get a pointer to the demoService to handle this request
// *************************************************************
demoService * svc = (demoService *)service_;
// *************************************************************
// * Construct a group object that can be used to pend for the
// * completion of the send event.
// *************************************************************
cdevGroup group(DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE, system());
Figure 11:
demoRequestObject.cc: (continued)
// *************************************************************
// * Start the group prior to creating the transaction object.
// *************************************************************
// *************************************************************
// * Construct a cdev transaction object to track this
// * transaction. Note that the callback object that exists
// * within the service is specified as the callback object for
// * this transaction.
// *************************************************************
xobj = new cdevTranObj(&system_, this, out, &svc->callback);
// *************************************************************
// * End the group and prepare to pend for the completion of the
// * task.
// *************************************************************
// *************************************************************
// * Enqueue the transaction object so that it may be processed
// * later.
// *************************************************************
if((result=svc->enqueueTransaction(xobj, in))==CDEV_SUCCESS)
// *********************************************************
// * Pend for a period of not more than 5 seconds, or until
// * the message has been completed.
// *********************************************************
result = group.pend(5.0);
// *************************************************************
// * Use the reportError function to report an error if one
// * occurred.
// *************************************************************
return emitError(result, "send");
// ****************************************************************
// * demoRequestObject::emitError :
// * This method is used to emit a descriptive error if a failure
// * occurs while transmitting or receiving a message.
// ****************************************************************
int demoRequestObject::emitError ( int result, char * function )
system().reportError(CDEV_SEVERITY_INFO, service().name(),
*this, "%s operation successful\\n", function);
Figure 11:
demoRequestObject.cc: (continued)
system().reportError(CDEV_SEVERITY_ERROR, service().name(),
*this, "Invalid object detecting in %s operation\\n",
system().reportError(CDEV_SEVERITY_ERROR, service().name(),
"Invalid argument for \\"%s\\" message in %s operation\\n",
message(), function);
system().reportError(CDEV_SEVERITY_SEVERE, service().name(),
*this, "Wrong service loaded during dynamic loading\\n");
system().reportError(CDEV_SEVERITY_ERROR, service().name(),
*this, "Network connection error in %s operation\\n",
system().reportError(CDEV_SEVERITY_ERROR, service().name(),
*this, "I/O failure during %s operation\\n", function);
system().reportError(CDEV_SEVERITY_WARN, service().name(),
"Data type provided is inconsistent with \\"%s\\" message\\n",
system().reportError(CDEV_SEVERITY_WARN, service().name(),
"Tagged data item missing from cdevData in %s operation\\n",
system().reportError(CDEV_SEVERITY_WARN, service().name(),
"Timed-out while waiting for response in %s operation\\n",
system().reportError(CDEV_SEVERITY_WARN, service().name(),
*this, "Data conversion error in %s operation\\n",
Figure 11:
demoRequestObject.cc: (continued)
system().reportError(CDEV_SEVERITY_WARN, service().name(),
*this, "Disconnected from service during %s operation\\n",
system().reportError(CDEV_SEVERITY_INFO, service().name(),
*this, "Reconnected to service during %s operation\\n",
return result;
Makefile for the
The following Makefile can be used to build the shared object for the demoService.
This makefile uses the Makefile.common of the cdev system for its base. It has the
additional requirement that the CDEVSHOBJ environment variable must be defined.
This variable defines where the shared objects used by cdev should be stored.
Figure 12:
Makefile for the demoService
# Makefile for demoService shared object
include $(CDEVROOT)/src/Makefile.common
LIBS = -L$(LIBDIR) -lcdev -ly -ll -lm
OBJS = demoService.o demoRequestObject.o demoDevice.o
CXXEXTRA = -Aa +a1 -z +z -pta -g $(CLASS_INCLUDES)
all: demoService.so
demoService.so : $(OBJS)
@echo Creating demoService shared object
@rm -f demoService.so
CC -b -o demoService.so $(OBJS)
@cp demoService.so $(CDEVSHOBJ)/demoService.so
@echo done
@echo Cleaning up source directory
@rm -rf *.so *.a *~ *.o core ptrepository TC.Cache
@echo done
Device Definition
File for the
The following Device Definition Language (DDL) file defines the verbs and attributes
supported by the demoDevice. It them defines the instances of demo devices that are
available for use. This DDL file may be used in conjunction with the cdevUtil
application to communicate with the demoDevice control system.
Figure 13:
Device Definition Language file for the demoService
* Service definitions
service demo {
tags {XYZ}
* Class definitions
class demoDevice {
verbs { get, set}
VAL demo {};
BDL demo {};
* Device instanciations
demoDevice :