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Division of Nuclear Physics
October 23-26, 2013
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
Newport News, VA

Division of Nuclear Physics

The Division of Nuclear Physics (DNP) is comprised of scientists and educators who study fundamental problems related to the nature of matter. Nuclear scientists probe the properties of nuclei and nuclear matter and the interactions of their ultimate constituents - quarks and gluons. They also address interdisciplinary questions: the basis of fundamental symmetries in nature, the first moments of the universe, the origin of the elements, education, and the application of nuclei and nuclear techniques to meet societal needs including medical diagnoses and treatment, energy, advanced materials, and Homeland Security. DNP interests have significant overlap with other APS Divisions, Topical Groups and Forums.

The 2013 Fall Meeting of the Division of Nuclear Physics of the American Physical Society will be held 23-26 October 2013 at the Marriott Hotel and Conference Center, City Center in Newport News, Virginia. Topical workshops will be held on Wednesday morning before the plenary session. The meeting will open with a plenary session on Wednesday afternoon, and conclude Saturday afternoon. Registration info is here (

*****Advance Registration Deadline has been extended until Tuesday, September 24.*****

Local Organizing Committee:

Latifa Elouadrhiri1(Chair)
David Armstrong2
Eric Christy3
Douglas Higinbotham1
J. Wallace Van Orden1, 4
Christian Weiss1
Mark Jones1

1Jefferson Lab, 2College of William & Mary, 3Hampton University, 4 Old Dominion University.