Jefferson Lab > Events > EIC14
Privacy and Security Notice

March 17-21, 2014

Jefferson Lab
Newport News, VA

Abstract Submission

The deadline for submission of abstracts to EIC'14 is:

Saturday, 1 March, 2014

All contributions to EIC'14 will be managed using the JACoW Scientific Program Management System (SPMS). All primary authors must own a profile and associated account within the JACoW Repository, prior to submitting an abstract. Use this link and follow the instructions to check whether you already own a JACoW profile and associated account. Create them if necessary.

Once logged into the EIC'14 SPMS, please check to confirm that the data in your JACoW profile is up to date, especially your e-mail address and affiliation. Do this by clicking on the Modify Your Profile link.

Submit your abstract(s) by clicking on the Submit A New Abstract link and following the instructions below.

Remember in particular that if your work is accepted for presentation, the title, the authors, and the abstract, as you enter them, will be used in the program booklet, and later in the table of contents and author index of the proceedings to be published on JACoW. Please ensure that this data is correct at all stages.

Abstract Title
Enter the title of the abstract using initial capital letters. For example: “This is a Paper Title in Initial Capital Letters”

Presentation Type
The default for all contributions at this time is Poster. Invited talks have already been selected for the EIC'14 workshop

Main and Sub-Classification of Abstracts
All contributions are grouped by Main and Sub-Classification. Authors are reminded that it is their responsibility to properly classify their abstracts to ensure that, if accepted for presentation, the paper is properly placed within the workshop program. A description of the Scope of Classifications and Sub-Classifications is provided to help authors with this task.

Abstract Text
Text should not exceed 1200 characters. Use one or more asterisks (*, **, etc.) to indicate footnotes to be entered in the footnotes field (see below).

Special Characters
Authors are requested to avoid using Greek symbols, superscripts or subscripts, since electronic submission over the web does not allow a simple, straightforward system to enter them.

Footnotes/Funding Agency
Footnotes may not exceed 200 characters, so be judicious and concise in your use of references.

Enter footnotes, or publications referenced by the asterisks in the Abstract Text field with a carriage return after each.

Enter funding agency information in this field. This field should not be used to request sponsorship at the workshop.

Once the abstract submission is complete, hit "Submit".

Abstract Editing/Entry of Co-authors
Once the abstract is submitted, a new window allows authors to print, edit, or withdraw the abstract, and also to enter co-authors and designate their roles: primary/submitting authors (the persons normally contacted on matters concerning the program and the workshop organization), presenter/speaker (the person who would present the invited oral/contributed oral/poster), co-author.

It is important to remember to enter all co-authors. Failure to do so means they will be excluded from the author index in the workshop program booklet and in the proceedings.