JLEIC Collaboration Meeting Spring 2017
April 3-5, 2017
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
Newport News, VA
A high energy high luminosity polarized electron-ion collider was identified and recommended by the US DOE/NSF Nuclear Science Advisory Committee (NSAC) as the next major US nuclear science research facility in its 2015 Long Range Plan (LRP) .
JLEIC, an electron-ion collider based on the CEBAF recirculating Superconducting RF linac, has been proposed at Jefferson Lab for responding to this NSAC-LRP recommendation and as the lab's future nuclear science program beyond 12 GeV CEBAF fixed target program. The design studies and accelerator R&D of JLEIC have been actively pursued over the last ten years by Jefferson Lab staff and external collaborators.
The 5th JLEIC collaboration meeting (Spring, 2017) will be held at Jefferson Lab on the dates of April 3-5.
Meeting will take place in CEBAF Center conference room F113.
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