QCD 2015

QCD Evolution 2015
May 26-30, 2015
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
Newport News, VA


The QCD Evolution 2015 workshop will be held in May 26-30, 2015 at Jefferson Lab.

The workshop is a continuation of a series of workshops held during four consecutive years 2011, 2012, 2013 at Jefferson Lab, and in 2014 in Santa Fe, NM. With the rapid developments in our understanding of the evolution of parton distributions including low-x, TMDs, GPDs, higher-twist correlation functions, and the associated progress in perturbative QCD, lattice QCD and effective field theory techniques we look forward with great enthusiasm to the 2015 meeting. We will also pay special attention discussion of topics of immediate importance for the Jefferson Lab 12 experimental program and a future Electron Ion Collider.

Organizing Committee:
Alexei Prokudin (JLab), co-chair
Zhongbo Kang (LANL), co-chair
Anatoly Radyushkin (ODU/JLab), co-chair
Ian Balitsky (ODU/JLab)
Leonard Gamberg (Penn State University)
Ivan Vitev (LANL)
Harut Avakian (JLab)
Andrey Tarasov (JLab)

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