Suggestions for JAG
The JAG was formed for the purpose of getting Lab employees together for activities designed to boost morale. To accomplish this the JAG needs to understand what the Lab employees like and dislike. To that end we are very interested in your opinions. It is our hope that you will help us decide on the major activities we sponsor by taking the time to fill out a suggestion form. It must be noted that the JAG suggestion program is designed to address activities centered around group activities.
The Jefferson Activities Group Suggestion Program is designed
to provide you with the opportunity to submit your good ideas
for improving the activities sponsored by the JAG. To be sure
that your suggestions can be properly evaluated and
implemented, you should:
- Research your idea as thoroughly as you can
- Describe your suggestion in as much detail as possible
- Include support material if possible
Tips on Developing Suggestions
Good suggestions help the JAG plan activities that are
appreciated by Lab employees. The following tips should help
stimulate your thoughts:
- What activities do you think that a number of coworkers would participate in.
- Ask your coworkers if they think your idea is a good one.
- Be certain to keep Lab policies in mind.
Thank you for your ideas and support, it does make a difference.