XIX International Workshop on Deep-Inelastic Scattering and Related Subjects (DIS 2011)
April 11-15, 2011
Newport News Marriott at City Center
Newport News, VA USA
Working Groups
The physics topics of the workshop include Structure Functions and Parton Densities; Small-x, Diffraction and Vector Mesons; Electroweak Physics and Beyond the Standard Model; QCD and Hadronic Final States; Heavy Flavours; Spin Physics; Future of DIS. The status and prospects of these subjects will be discussed in the working groups and summarized in the plenary talks
Working Groups and Convenors:
The parallel sessions will be organized as working groups. All the participants wishing to give a presentation at the parallel sessions are requested to contact the convenors of the appropriate working group directly via e-mail.
Structure Functions and Parton Densities | ||
Voica Radescu (DESY) | voica.radescu@desy.de | |
Jolanta Sztuk-Dambietz (Hamburg) | jolanta.sztuk@desy.de | |
Maria Ubiali (RWTH Aachen) | ubiali@physik.rwth-aachen.de | |
Small-x, Diffraction and Vector Mesons | ||
David d'Enterria (CERN) | dde@cern.ch | |
Cyrille Marquet (CERN) | cyrille.marquet@cern.ch | |
Christina Mesropian (Rockefeller) | christina.mesropian@mail.rockefeller.edu | |
Electroweak Physics and Beyond the Standard Model | ||
Sonny Mantry (Wisconsin) | mantry@wisc.edu | |
Jadranka Sekaric (Kansas) | sekaric@fnal.gov | |
Georg Weiglein (DESY) | georg.weiglein@desy.de | |
Xiaochao Zheng (Virginia) | xiaochao@jlab.org | |
QCD and Hadronic Final States | ||
Sabine Lammers (Indiana) | slammers@indiana.edu | |
Dan Traynor (Queen Mary, U London) | traynor@mail.desy.de | |
Alberto Accardi (Hampton) | accardi@jlab.org | |
Heavy Flavours | ||
Olaf Behnke (DESY) | obehnke@mail.desy.de | |
Alan Dion (BNL) | alan.dion@gmail.com | |
Fred Olness (Southern Methodist) | olness@physics.smu.edu | |
Spin Physics | ||
Oleg Eyser (Riverside) | keyser@rcf.rhic.bnl.gov | |
Alexei Prokudin (JLab) | prokudin@jlab.org | |
Ami Rostomyan (DESY) | ami@mail.desy.de | |
Future of DIS | ||
Vadim Guzey (JLab) | vguzey@jlab.org | |
Matt Lamont (BNL) | macl@bnl.gov | |
Alessandro Polini (INFN Bologna) | alessandro.polini@cern.ch |