COOL Workshop 2015
September 28 to October 2, 2015
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
Newport News, VA
International Program Committee
Ilan Ben-Zvi |
(BNL) |
Yaroslav Derbenev |
(JLAB) |
(co-chair) |
Juergen Dietrich |
(TU Dortmund) |
Anders Källberg |
(Stockholm University) |
Dan Kaplan |
(Illinois Inst. of Technology) |
Takeshi Katayama |
(Nihon Univ.) |
Igor Meshkov |
(JINR) |
Sergei Nagaitsev |
(FNAL) |
Hiromi Okamoto |
(Hiroshima Univ.) |
Vasily Parkhomchuk |
(BINP) |
Dieter Prasuhn |
(FZJ) |
Markus Steck |
(GSI) |
Grigory Trubnikov |
(JINR) |
Gerard Tranquille |
(CERN) |
M. Wakasugi |
Andreas Wolf |
(MPIK) |
Xiaodong Yang |
(IMP) |
Katsuya Yonehara |
(FNAL) |
Yuhong Zhang |
(JLAB) |
(co-chair) |
Local Organizing Committee
Audrey Barron |
JLab |
Cynthia Lockwood |
JLab |
Stephanie Vermeire |
JLab |
He Zhang |
JLab |
Yuhong Zhang |
JLab |
JaCOW Editorial Team
Evelyn Akers |
JLab |
Conference Editor |
Todd Satogata |
JLab |