COOL Workshop 2015
September 28 to October 2, 2015
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
Newport News, VA
Guidelines for Speakers
Oral presentations will be made electronically using AV equipment in the CEBAF Center Auditorium. All speakers should upload their presentation well before the time of their talk:
Presentation Upload Details
Speakers should upload their presentation following the Upload Guidelines for Contributions. NOTE: Presentations must be uploaded at least half a day before their scheduled time in order to allow verification and transfer to the presentation computer network.
Please note that we also require a PDF file of the presentation for inclusion in the workshop proceedings. Please notify the COOL'15 Editors, Todd Satogata and Evelyn Akers, if you do not want your slides published as part of the proceedings. Authors are responsible for upload of modified files if they only want a subset of their slides published.
The following precautions should be adhered to, to ensure smooth running of electronic presentations:
Please be sure to embed fonts in both the PDF and the original PowerPoint file. Only TrueType and OpenType fonts can be embedded.
- To embed fonts in PowerPoint 2010:
- Select File tab.
- Choose Options.
- Under PowerPoint Options, choose Save.
- Check the box for Embed fonts in the file
- To embed fonts in PowerPoint XP / 2007:
- Select the Office Button and select Power Point Options.
- Under Save options, select the Embed fonts in the file checkbox and Embed only the characters used in the presentation.
- To embed fonts in PowerPoint XP / 2003:
- On the Tools menu, click Options, and then click the Save tab.
- Under Save options, select the Embed True Type fonts check box.
- To embed fonts in PowerPoint 2000:
- On the File menu, click Save As.
- Click the Tools menu in the toolbar at the top of the Save As dialog box.
- On the menu that appears, select Embed TrueType Fonts.
- Save the file as a PowerPoint Presentation.
Upload of Presentations
The files of presentations should be uploaded to our fileserver as early as possible, but at the latest, half a day before the presentation. Files should be named with the program code and "_talk" (for example FRWAUD01_talk.ppt, FRWAUD01_talk.pdf, etc.) and then uploaded in the same way as for papers through JACoW SPMS COOL'15 Author Accounts. The program codes assigned to presentations are visible when logging into accounts, or via the "search" functionality.
Please do not hesitate to contact the Todd Satogata or Evelyn Akers for support.