Jefferson Lab > ES&H
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ES&H Manual
Chapter 2310 ES&H Concern Resolution
Jefferson Lab cares about the welfare and productivity of its workforce and has several mechanisms for employees, or anyone who comes in contact with the laboratory, to report concerns without fear of retaliation. In the case of issues potentially affecting the safety of workers, visitors, laboratory neighbors, or the environment, the process is designed to move rapidly towards eliminating the potentially hazardous situation. In all cases, information gathering and analysis is critical to prevent recurrence of the issue.

This chapter describes the options and processes for correcting hazards or dangerous situations at Jefferson Lab.

Technical Appendices:

Suspend Work for Safety
Stop Work for Safety
Resolution is Inadequate
  • If you believe a concern has not been properly addressed:
    • Contact a member of the Worker Safety Committee or the Associate Director - ES&H directly. The Worker Safety Committee is empowered to promote and continuously improve work place safety; the Associate Director - ES&H will help you at any point in the concern resolution process.
    • If you prefer to remain anonymous, utilize Jefferson Lab's ECP (
    • You may also use the formal Department of Energy (DOE) Employee Concerns Management System hotline numbers (800-676-3267, 865-241-3267); e-mail; or use DOE's Differing Professional Opinion process using the form in Attachment 2, Appendix A, Page A-1 in DOE M442.1-1.
Note: Management authority may be delegated at the discretion of the responsible manager.

Everyone at Jefferson Lab
  • If possible, resolve the ES&H concern yourself.
  • Seek to resolve ES&H concerns through your supervisor and management chain using the mechanisms outlined in this chapter.
  • Utilize your Division Safety Officer, your representative to the Worker Safety Committee, or contact ES&H directly if those resources would be helpful.
  • Communicate any lessons learned to your staff, co-workers, supervisors and your Division Lessons Learned Coordinator.
  • Utilize Jefferson Lab's Employee Concerns Program (ECP) ( if you feel it would be more appropriate of if you would like to remain anonymous.
Supervisors/Technical Representative(TR)/Sponsor
  • Inform any staff expressing an ES&H concern of its initial disposition and periodically throughout any investigation.
  • Advise any staff to utilize Jefferson Lab's ECP ( if you feel it would be more appropriate.
ES&H Staff
  • When notified of an ES&H concern, decide whether it can be resolved informally or it should be reported to the Jefferson Lab ECP.
Associate Director - ES&H
  • Provide resources and support to investigate and resolve all ES&H concerns
  • Participate as required in Jefferson Lab's ECP.
  • Assure that appropriate materials are provided to the ES&H Reporting Officer.
ES&H Reporting Officer
  • Screen Jefferson Lab ECP reports for potential Occurrence Reporting or Noncompliance Tracking System reporting.
Document Control:
    APPROVAL DATE:   11/02/16
    REVIEW DATE:  11/02/21
    Revision 2.0 - 11/02/16 - Periodic Review: No substantive changes.
    Revision 1.1 - 10/24/11: Verbiage edited to clarify content.
    Revision 1.0 - 02/23/09: Updated to reflect current laboratory operations.

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