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ES&H Manual
Chapter 2600 Student Safety Program
Students at Jefferson Lab are not considered to have sufficient practical work experience or hazard-recognition skills for the equipment or processes to which they may be exposed. They require on-the-job observation and coaching to a greater degree than would a new employee with prior experience. This EH&S Manual Chapter provides the responsibilities and requirements necessary to ensure Student safety.

Students are assigned a Mentor while at Jefferson Lab. Mentors are expected to inform Students of the hazard issues associated with their tasks. Students also receive training to understand and mitigate these hazards. Mentors provide coaching and on-the job observation or assign a local supervisor to ensure that individuals who are considered "Students" receive the proper training, coaching, and oversight.

The type of student, the student programs, and the terms and conditions under which students interact with Jefferson Lab staff and facilities are described in the Administrative Manual Section 203.07 Students, Co-Op Programs and Mentoring. Mentors are assigned in accordance with Jefferson Lab's Administrative Policies and Procedures. This procedure does not negate the requirements of Jefferson Lab's overall mentor program; rather it clarifies the requirements to ensure Student safety.

Students, under the age of 18, are afforded special consideration when particular hazards are deemed to be Risk Code >2. Per "Jefferson Lab's Administration Manual Section 203.7 Student's, Co-op Programs, and Mentors:"

By law, a minor may not be assigned to work with certain types of hazardous machinery and equipment unless the student is part of an approved apprenticeship program or an equivalent training plan approved by his or her school and parent or legal guardian.

Students under the age of 18 shall not enter a radiologically-controlled area unescorted. Exceptions are possible but rare; contact the Radiation Control Group for additional information."

NOTE: Hazard issues deemed to be Risk Code >2 are identified within their associated ES&H Manual Chapter. A list of Hazard Issues and designated Subject Matter Expert is available through the ES&H Manual Chapter 2410.

Table 1: Required Safety Training by Job Classification
Training Course Mentor/Supervisor High School Student Undergraduate Student Graduate Student
Student Mentor Training
Required as deemed appropriate to the Hazard (JTA) X X X X
Annual Security Awareness
Student Safety Training
  X X  
EH&S Orientation
Oxygen Deficiency Hazard
X* X X X***
Radiation Worker 1
X* X** X X***
*If the mentor is providing routine oversight, the mentor must meet training requirements identical, or higher, to training required for student. If the mentor is not providing routine oversight, then the mentor-designated supervisor must meet training requirements identical, or higher, to training required for student.
**If High School Student is 18 years of age or older.
***Not required if doing computer work only.

All training is reviewed and updated per Jefferson Lab's Annual Review Program and updated regularly via the Job Task Analysis (JTA) program requirements. Graduate students are registered (or re-registered) on an annual basis.

Process Steps:
General Safety Restrictions

Activity High School Student Undergraduate Student Graduate Student
After-Hours Work No unsupervised work before 7 AM and after 6 PM Unsupervised computer work allowed.
Other work allowed as approved by the DSO (no new activities or hazard exposures)
No general restrictions
Tour Escort* Not allowed Allowed Allowed
Working Alone Not allowed Requires DSO approval Allowed; limitations may be applied at the discretion of the local supervisor
* Anyone serving as a Tour Escort must have all requisite training for the area in which they are serving as a Tour Escort (see EH&S Manual Chapter 1400 - Communicating Safety to Visitors).

Minimum Safety Requirements
    Student reviews the following documents:
  • ES&H Manual Chapter 3210 Work Planning, Control, and Authorization Process and its associated appendices. These documents describe Jefferson Lab's safe work process and the work control documentation requirements. (NOTE: this review may be completed as a function of structured student training.)
  • ES&H Manual Chapters and associated appendices related to assigned task hazard issues. These describe the responsibilities of relevant individuals and the process steps required to perform a task within Jefferson Lab's safely guidelines. (NOTE: this review may be completed as a function of structured student training.)
  • Specific (T)OSPs and any related:
    • Access controls.
    • Interlocked systems.
    • Required personal protective equipment (PPE).
    • Fire safety and expected actions (e.g., pull fire alarm vs. attempt to extinguish fire).
    • Emergency procedures.
    • How to obtain medical services if injured.
  • Hazard Identification Worksheet information on applicable TaskList entries.
Safety Briefing
To ensure a basic understanding of the hazards that may be encountered in an area and the appropriate response expected, Mentor or assigned supervisor review topics from ES&H Manual Chapter 1400 Visitor Safety Briefing Topics, Section 4.0 Basic Safety Information with the Student prior to entering an area. Review associated TaskList entries and any (T)OSPs. Additional topics from Section 5.0 Additional Safety Information are also discussed if relevant to the hazards in the area, or task assigned.
Regular Discussions
    Discuss the following issues:
  • Hazard reviews, and mitigation requirements relevant to current work
  • Lessons Learned
NOTE: Mentors must be Jefferson Lab employees. Mentor authority may be delegated to a task qualified Jefferson Lab employee at the discretion of the responsible manager. Joint appointees may not be assigned as a Mentor.

NOTE: Joint Appointees may not be assigned as a Mentor.
  • Complete Minimum Safety Requirements and any training identified in the Job Task Analysis (JTA).
  • Complete the Program Requirements, and other hazard training as assigned prior to commencement of work.
  • Make entry on TaskList indicating awareness of hazards for the task.
  • Abide by applicable General Safety Restrictions.
Jefferson Lab's Student Mentor Program is defined within the Administrative Manual Section 203.07 Students, Co-Op Programs and Mentoring.
  • Complete "Student Mentor Training" (MGT202) prior to student's arrival.
  • Notify Division Safety Officer of impending student arrival.
  • Identify the skills/training needed by the Student and assign appropriate training through the Job Task Assessment (JTA).
  • Provide, or delegate, routine oversight to supervisor having identical, or higher, training as the Student.
  • Ensure student abides by applicable safety restrictions (see Section 4.1 General Safety Restrictions).
  • Assign safety requirements (Section 4.2 Minimum Safety Requirements) and other hazard training to the Student as appropriate for tasks assigned.
  • Provide a Safety Briefing to the Student whenever a new area or task is assigned including any applicable Task List entry and Operational or Temporary Operational Safety Procedures ((T)OSP) for review (and signature, if required) prior to engaging in associated work.
  • Schedule Regular Discussions with the Student.
  • Ensure that the Student reports to Occupational Medical Service if injured, no matter how minor.
  • Complete any responsibilities assigned by the Mentor for an assigned student or students.
  • Ensure Mentor and Supervisor appropriately complete the requirements outlined within Administrative Manual Section 203.07 Students, Co-Op Programs and Mentoring.
  • Review/approve requests for after-hours work or unescorted work as described in Section 4.1 General Safety Restrictions below.
Document Control:
    APPROVAL DATE:   06/07/17
    REVIEW DATE:  09/07/26
    Revision 1.1 - 09/07/21 - Periodic Review; Updated header and footer, Minors edits only, no approval needed.
    Revision 1.0 - 06/07/17 - Periodic Review; updated student responsibilities per CATS# MOA-2016-37-05-01
    Revision 0.0 - 11/05/14 - New content to reflect current laboratory operations

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